Page 23 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 99
P. 23
BV99 pg22-25 massive wagons_BV99 pg23 17/11/2018 17:37 Page 2
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songs on ‘Full Nelson’, but still an always a feature in his family life. He
undisputed highlight of the record. replies, “My dad has played in bands
During the song Baz sings of his dad since he was a teenager, rock and
being his hero and his mother being blues and county bands, all sorts. He’s
God. been a singer, bass player, bit of
Baz tells Black Velvet, “My family drums, so it has always been some-
are really close and I’ve always appre- thing I have grown up with and my sis-
ciated how they brought me up and the ter played instruments when she was
things they have done for me. They in her teens, piano and the violin and
have been a really massive part of my stuff. I used to play the bass a bit, that
life. Your mother is God for most peo- was how I met Adam years ago when
ple, those fortunate to have and grow we played in Ace Face, that was a kinda
up with a mother, she is boss, even rock indie covers band. When I learned
your dad says… well, my dad says, to play bass it was just because I
‘Your mother is God, what she says wanted to play music with people so I
goes!’ To this band, certainly the first played anything just to meet people
five years, my old man, if there was and get live experiences. It was good
ever something that needed fixing or but it ran its course but me and Adam
helping or transport, he used to do our became friends and we discovered we
sound just because he loved it. He was both loved rock music, so we decided
never a band dad, never an interfering to write some songs and see how it
band dad like you can get with some went and have a go at that.”
bands, but he’s been in bands his
whole life and he has been a huge part n ‘Northern Boy’, Baz sings, ‘I
of this band. They are both big charac- Iwas raised on the cheap but my
ters in what we do. life is so sweet’. “I don’t really know
“Everyone in this band, their par- any different”, he says, “When I went
ents and other halves are massively to school there were a couple of kids
supportive of us. We’re like a big team whose familes had more money and
and it’s great. The support of our other they had all the things, but certainly
halves is incredibly important, we when I went to school where I came
couldn’t operate without it. When we from, a lot of the kids were in the same
started the band we were all single and boat and so I think a lot of people, up
so it was already a massive part of our north especially, can relate to being
lives and we’ve all got girlfriends as the raised on a budget. There are not a lot
years have gone by and they have all of jobs, so you treasure what you’ve
totally accepted the fact we have this got; my parents certainly did. We
band going and it’s a big thing we do weren’t poor or anything, but we had to
and they are all supportive and it is watch what we did with our money. We
massively important. Your family is the didn’t have money to burn or to splash
most important thing and for them to out on, but my parents always made
understand what you do and accept it our lives as good as they could with
is important I think. We’re very lucky the little that they had, so I appreciate
that way.” that.
Given how much of a part Massive “I’m not blasé with money. I’ve got
Wagons now plays in the lives of the a little girl now myself and they are ex-
four members, we ask Baz if music was pensive! But it’s nice to save money.