Page 17 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 99
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hitchhiked with ten boxes of merch to the just sitting around playing or busking. You end?
show, and then Matty and Trenton got picked kind of sit there and question, how do I have Matty P says he’d like the book to have
up by one of the other bands, and they a platform to do this when they don’t? It’s the lots of pictures. “Pictures in books is awe-
brought them there. So, somehow, we didn’t same thing about hearing someone do some some.” Joel ponders, “I know how I’d like it
even miss soundcheck. We all made it here. spoken word or poetry at a bar. There are so to be right now, but… how I’d like this book
It’s kind of surprising the amount of times many things that I think everyone could ben- to end… I think I’d obviously want it to be a
that situations like that have come up in our efit from all these stories, but I guess it’s in happy ending. I’d want it to be something
touring career, whether it’s a breakdown or such a saturated market that it’s so difficult that we go out on top and we’re all cheers-
a run-in with the law. We all just somehow al- to even break down who it is that gets given ing and high-fiving.”
ways end up making a show, making things a platform, because a lot of time with music “You were saying headlining Wembley or
work. There’s definitely some tough times it’s ‘Cool, if you sign to a major label you’re something like that?” says Matty to Joel.
and some tension times, but yeah, we defi- going to get this opportunity,’ or ‘If you have “I’m not going to be against that, but…
nitely always manage to get through and I this much money you’re going to get this it’d be nice just to know that this goes out in
think it is somewhat of a testament to us much opportunity,’ but without having that a way that we’re all happy. It’s so hard to
being calm and collected for the most part it’s so hard to know whose story should we know for now if that’s this year, if that’s 20
and being able to communicate properly listen to in a big picture thing. We’re taking years, if that’s six months, but I’d definitely
about what’s going on and problem solve in the story of which, I guess, mass media or like it to go out with everyone being still
some situations.” big media is telling us and we’re getting the friends, still mates, still getting on and I
“Just a bunch of Aussie battlers trying to stories of that, which, I guess, is a tough guess, not like a bitter ending, which is such
get through another day!” smiles Matty. “I thing in itself to deal with, but there’s so a tough thing, I think, for a musician to hope
think we’ve done really, really well. We have much inspiration on the street, even just in for that. I mean, everyone wants that obvi-
the saying ‘It wouldn’t be another Hands Like conversations that you have by bumping ously, but it’s hard to expect that.”
Houses tour if something didn’t go wrong… into someone in the market or bumping into “Not every ending is happy,” agrees
so we have another saying called ‘CHBL’ – someone in the shop, hearing a bit of wis- Matty.
you can’t help bad luck.” dom from them, or hearing a bit of a story Are things happy at the moment? We
from them. It’s hard to look past that, but I ask, slightly worried by Matty’s comment.
hile the band are definitely very in- think it is important to hear everyone’s story “Yeah,” says Joel. “I think we’re defi-
Wspirational for getting to the show and at least give everyone the time of day to nitely in one of the best places we’ve been
and not letting any obstacles get in the way take in what it is they are saying.” as a band, the most comfortable and moving
of getting to the venue and performing for towards a lot of things that we’re very happy
the fans that had bought tickets, we ask if hile not everyone will have their about and very proud of. Yes, I‘d say one of
they think there are other inspiring people in Wstory out there for the whole world the happiest we’ve been, I think.”
the world that deserve to have their stories to hear, we’re currently loving how Hands We definitely hope their happiness con-
told, but don’t. Like Houses’ story is playing out – except, of tinues and look forward to the next chapter
“All of us feel, I guess, blessed to be in a course, for the obstacles like them getting in the Hands Like Houses story.
position of sharing our story or our music or fined on the way to Birmingham. Maybe in Pick up ‘-Anon.’ out now on
whatever it is we’re creating. You look at how years to come the members will sit down and Hopeless/UNFD Records. We’re pretty sure
things have gone for us and being able to write their own book about their history and that this album will make YOU happy.
tour all around the world, and have a lot of all of the wild and wonderful events that hap- Visit for more
success playing music. The amount of times pened to them. Wrapping things up we ask, info.
that we’ll pop down to a local bar in a ran- if there was a book written about Hands Like Words By Shari Black Velvet
dom city and see the most amazing musician Houses, how would they like the story to
Photos By Megan Thompson