Page 19 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 99
P. 19
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BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 19
make do with what you’ve got,” Neil re- of perceived misery of, ‘Oh, I can’t afford ing on that journey of taking a big step out
sponds. “I don’t see a lot of people wallow- this today, or I can’t get exactly what I want of your constant chaotic reality and being
ing in misery in different parts of the world. this moment, right now’. But I think when it able to try and look at it from a distance to
You’d think that maybe you would see more comes down to it, when its survival mode, try to make more sense of it,” he says.
of that in someone who, you know, has ex- people just push forward and like I said, “Sometimes when you get caught up in
treme challenges just to survive and stay work with what they are given and, for the today’s world it’s hard to feel sane in a
alive; those people are just getting up and most part, make the best of it.” world that feels insane a lot of the time.”
getting work done, whatever it takes to stay The common thread running through
above ground. I used to consider ‘hope’ the band’s latest album ‘Outsider’ is about llowing yourself to disconnect a lit-
kind of a weird word because I would think, wanting to take a big step back from the Atle is healthy; time to ourselves is
why just sit around and hope for something chaos and absurdity being thrown at us needed to recharge our brains. However, it’s
if you could just get up and get it done? But, from today’s technologically advanced important to get the balance right because
I realise over there [in Kenya], that hope is world. ‘Right Left Wrong’ is one of the it’s true that too much of anything is not
the fight to survive - that is hope…it is just songs featured on the album, it includes the good for anyone. Without caution, too much
getting up and doing the work that you have lyrics, ‘I don’t know where I’m going, but I time alone, where you can be productive,
to do that day to just keep moving forward; just keep moving on.’ Neil explains more creative and introspective can end up slip-
I think that it is in all of us to find that. I think about what those lyrics and that song rep- ping into negative time alone, where you
actually, luxuries and over consumption resents, “We’re in a world of sensory and start being self-critical or start to feel lonely.
sometimes make us forget about it and wal- information overload and everything’s mov- “I have trouble with that,” admits Matt. “I
low a little more and suffer in our own sort ing so quickly, ‘Right Left Wrong’ is embark- find when I’m alone I go a little crazy. I over-