Page 9 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 98
P. 9

BV98 pg06-09 ROAM_BV98 pg09  19/08/2018  01:06  Page 4

                                                                                             BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 9
              well. Anyways, that was an unexpected hurdle,  going.”                 plains  this  claim,
              when we had to just cut a day of recording to go  Alex C adds, “It was like, ‘Oh my days. Do  telling us, “It was
              and work out where we were going to live for the  we give up now?’” This sentiment is shared by  actually referring
              next two weeks.”                   Alex A, who says, “It felt like someone didn’t  to   summer,
                Having  gone  through  so  many  rough  want us to be happy or to be successful.”  when  the  light
              patches, we imag-                                                      is  longer  and
              ine the band must                                                      you  can  go  out
              by now and not so “I  think  it’s  very  impor-                        and have fun with
              be  well-weathered
                                                                                     your  friends.  Be-
              easily   spooked.                                                      cause  that  song’s
              However,   the  tant to just follow what-                              about our home, and
              members   reveal                                                       in the summer, we end
              that  they  all  have                                                  up  going  out  and  he  [Alex
              one  shared  weak-  ever,  in  your  heart,  you                       Costello] goes and tries to find crabs.”
              ness; spiders. Alex                                                       Alex C sighs, “He makes me sound like an
              Costello tells us he                                                   absolute weirdo.”
              was  attempting  to  want to do,” - Alex Adam                             Alex A is quick to deny this with a laugh, ex-
              have a nap earlier                                                     claiming, “Not everyday! You know what I mean;
              in  the  van,  before                                                  we end up going down to the beach and having
              eyeing  a  spider                                                      bonfires and hanging out and doing stuff, and I
              that disturbed him from his slumber. “I had to  This year, the band have had more luck on  think that longer nights tell better stories.”
              text the group saying, ‘Who’s not scared of spi-  their side, with both members agreeing that the  Some of the longest nights that the band
              ders? Who can get rid of this away from me?’”  only low is that they’ve been at home too much.  have experienced have not actually been in their
              but unfortunately for Alex C, nobody responded.  The reason for this being that the band are “Writ-  hometown, but instead in America. “When we
              Alex A justifies, “No-one replied because we’re  ing and gearing up for album  were with As It Is, we drove from Orangevale, all
              all scared of spiders, so no-one wanted the bur-  three. And as much as I  the way to Los Angeles. We just drove all the
              den of replying and then having to help!”  love  that,  I  don’t  like  way  through  the  night,”  remembers  Alex
                                                 being   at   home.                  Costello. This wasn’t the only long night for the
                   he band reflects more on their highs and  Being away is my        band in America though, with one of their drives
                Tlows, citing Slam Dunk Festival as al-  favourite   thing,          being 15 hours! “Basically, the U.S. is killer for
              ways being a high, and just generally being able  and   being   at     drives,” Alex Adam comments.
              to do stuff because of the band. Alex A begins  home  makes  me           Themes of regret also surface on the album,
              telling us of the highs and lows, starting high  feel  like,  ‘This  is  especially in the song ‘Flatline’. This is some-
              with “Being able to see the world. We personally  what it would be like  thing the band tries to avoid now, by taking every
              don’t have to pay to go to these places that I  if I had to get a real  opportunity that they can. “That song is about
              would save up my whole life to go on holiday to.  job’ kind of thing. And I  not wanting to regret stuff; it’s not necessarily
              So,  as  a  whole,  that’s  a  huge  high.  But  the  don’t like that. So that’s a  about regretting anything. It’s about not wanting
              lows… I don’t know. The lows we were referring  low for me. I think for you  to wake up when you get to 70/80, and be like,
              to [in ‘Alive’] was when we        [Alex Costello] as well. Some of    ‘Shit, I didn’t do those things I wanted to do be-
              got robbed three times in          the other guys don’t mind it, they have home  cause I was too scared to go out on a limb and
              a month, and person-               comfort”, reveals Alex A. Alex C mentions that  risk something’, you know? For us, that’s follow-
              ally,  there  were  a              drummer Miles Gill and guitarist Sam Veness  ing this dream and making something of it rather
              couple of relation-                love it. Alex A confirms, “They love it, but we’re  than being like, ‘Okay, cool, we’ve had our fun,
              ships  that  were                  like, ‘Nah, let’s get out and do weird stuff. Meet  let’s go and work normal jobs now’. I think it’s
              ending   quite                     weird people’.”                     very important to just follow whatever, in your
              messily.  It  was                                                      heart, you want to do. You’ve got to follow it and
              just  a  month  of                     n the final track of ‘Great Heights & Nose-  do it,” explains Alex A.
              absolute  shit.  I                    Idives’, ‘Home’, the band sing about longer  ROAM are definitely following their hearts –
              think that’s kind of               nights telling better stories. When questioned  and we think YOU should go and follow ROAM
              what  we  were  refer-             with whether they thought this is reflected in re-  (along with your heart). Catch them on tour in a
              ring to there. It felt like,       ality,  there’s  a  resounding  agreement.  Alex  city near you. Visit for more
              ‘Okay,  what  else  can  go        Costello  cements  his  response  by  lifting  the  info.
              wrong now? Oh, cool… That.         quote ‘Things we do now echo in eternity’ from
              Okay.  But  what  else?’  And  then  it  just  kept  the  movie  ‘Gladiator’. Alex Adam  further  ex-  Words By Athena Kam

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