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DAY TIME BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 5
weden’s Browsing Collection are young and fresh, but they’ve had their fair share of memorable moments already.
SOne highlight was their first festival gig at Sweden’s biggest rock festival, Sweden Rock, which was a dream
come true for the band. With an album entitled ‘Greetings From Wonderland’ under their belts, more recently, the band,
comprised of Mimi, Moa, Nora and Carro, released a new single ‘Thank God It’s Friday’. So with Friday in mind, Black Velvet
got in touch to ask the girls about some of their other standout days.
Black Velvet: Tell us about the day you wrote which day would you change and why? figured it was all nerves! They’re all just wimps
your first ever song. MB: I’d like to change some live shows like really.
Moa Lenngren: We’ve all probably been writing when I put all of my spirit on headbanging too
songs since the day we could think and make much and used a lot of guitar pedals I didn’t BV: Since your latest single is ‘Thank God
incomprehensible sounds with our mouths. I re- know how to control. I know, that’s called punk! it’s Friday’, what would your ideal Friday be
member, as a kid, putting up my own live shows But I just wish I could have changed my mindset like? Like the video?!
in the living room, performing my own songs just at that moment and focused on playing the CK: Well, it could be! We like to hang out with
with made-up English in front of my family. But correct chords. I remember one specific gig friends and have a good time. But if we had to
the first official Browsing Collection song came when I played all the songs wrong and it was the choose, I think we’d go for a chill and cosy taco
when we were about 14. We had been in the biggest gig ever and we also got filmed and night, playing games and maybe watching a TV
band for a year or two, just playing covers. Then recorded. series.
at music class, we tried to put something to- MB: Totally agree! Along with some tequila,
gether. I remember it being very hard writing BV: In the early days when you first started, some guitar hero and some poor rap battles.
lyrics with so many people, and we had to vote you mentioned that many people, especially NL: Nah, I always choose party.
for the best suggestions. But the result was re- men, did not take you seriously. Do you think
ally cool and it contained all different kinds of this has changed now? BV: Can you tell us more about ‘Thank God
drum rhythms without us even knowing. With MB: Even though society, especially the music it’s Friday’? Mimi sings ‘Things go my way’.
that song done, we started writing more and got business, have improved their actions of equal- If everything COULD go your way, what
quite good really fast. We spent hours on writing ity, I think the biggest change is within ourselves. would day-to-day life be like?
angry and emotional lyrics, with fast and heavy We’ve gone through so many disgusting things, ML: The greatness with this song is that it has
riffs and developed our own sound. These days, fighting to become equal to men that play hard two sides. The major part is obviously about
I think we’ve become ‘damaged’ from all educa- rock, so I think we’ve just gained some confi- having a rough week and finally feeling the won-
tion and music theory classes of ‘right’ and dence. We know we can play well and we know derful, delightsome Friday feeling - when all
‘wrong’. All our current songs are catchy and we deserve to be treated equally. And we also those bad things don’t matter anymore and
melodic, which is nice in a way. But I sure miss know how to make the haters silent after uttering things really go your way. The other perspective
the time when we were just kids, unaware of something stupid. of the song is that people tend to live in the fu-
harmonies and frameworks, and mixed chords ture, missing out on the present. I think that if
that are not meant to be mixed. BV: What impressions did you have of each we all paused sometimes and tried to appreciate
other the first day that you met? the privileged life we have here, the whole world
BV: What is your mindset on a show day? ML: I met Carro when we went to the same would be a better place and we could help the
Mimi Brander: I’m so stoked the whole day be- music class in high school. I remember her ones not having the same fundamental condi-
cause I am going to do the thing I love the most being just as emo as myself, that’s why I in- tions we have.
with the people I love the most. Even though it stantly loved her and knew we were going to MB: If everything could go our way, the society
can be rough sometimes (it’s like having a freak- start a band together. would be about equality and respect. There’s so
ing relationship with three people!) we’ve devel- Nora Lenngren: Then Moa, who also happens much shit out there today caused by humans.
oped a relaxed atmosphere throughout the to be my sister, asked me to join the band. I We need to care about the value of a life, not
years. thought, “Oh well, you are a pain in the ass, but focus on skin colour or sexual orientation. It’s
Carro Karlsson: Since I’m very tired most of the let’s do it”. A few years later we were looking for just insane.
time (hard life of a drummer), I make sure I have a new singer and I met Mimi in school. She
a good night’s sleep and eat a firm breakfast. seemed to be the coolest kid ever, so at first I Thank God for Browsing Collection! Visit
Back in the days I used to be very nervous be- was really afraid to ask. for more info.
fore going up on stage, but now I just feel ex- MB: When I did my first audition for the band I
citement! also thought Moa was a pain in the ass! And I Words by Athena Kam
BV: If you could change any day of your life, recall perceiving Carro as bumptious. But we’ve Photo By Fotogruppen