Page 10 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 98
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BV98 tyler bryant and the shakedown_BV98 pg10 02/08/2018 20:14 Page 1
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t’s been nearly ten years
Isince the initial formation of
Tyler Bryant & The Shakedown
took place. Singer, songwriter and
guitarist Tyler Bryant moved from
Honey Grove, Texas to Nashville
on a quest to fulfill his musical as-
pirations. He soon met drummer
Caleb Crosby, with Graham Whit-
ford and Noah Denney joining the
project one by one. Now a sturdy
unit, the band are gracing stages
all around the world. They’ve
opened for some of the biggest
rock bands around, as well as
headlining venues in their own
right. And with their latest album
being the self-titled ‘Tyler Bryant
& The Shakedown’ we meet up
with the talented four-piece to
find out what makes them them.
Till The Wheels Fall Off
Till The Wheels Fall Off
ntitling their tour the ‘Ramblin’ blew off essentially after countless problems obsessed by him. At the age of 11, he walked
EBones’ tour after the song of the with the Winnebago. Even recently all kind into a guitar shop and met a man named
same name on their self-titled release, Tyler of vehicle issues and stuff that either make Roosevelt Twitty who introduced him to the
Bryant & The Shakedown headed to Birming- you late for the gig or that kind of thing. That blues. A couple of years later and Tyler re-
ham for a headline show shortly before a fes- sort of thing is always taxing. But you perse- ceived a record deal offer.
tival appearance at Ramblin’ Man Fair and vere and you show up and you make the “I think you just have to find joy in what
opening stadium slots with Guns N’ Roses. show happen. There are all kinds of things you do,” he says. “Kind of hold on to the
We can only imagine how exciting, albeit that you run into but I think that sentiment is child-like enthusiasm that you first felt when
nerve-racking, it must be to support Guns N’ ‘till they lay my bones to rest we’re gonna you heard music that moved you for the first
Roses, although in ‘Ramblin’ Bones’ Tyler keep on going’.” time. I think to survive in such a dog eat dog
sings of ‘Puttin’ this soul, soul to the test’. And keep on going they are as the band industry… well, not even to survive, just to
The frontman begins by telling Black Velvet, have become known for being one of the remain happy, you have to just stay passion-
“I think when you’re on the road your soul hardest working bands around. Aside from ate about the music and surround yourself
gets tested all the time. Every day is a new Guns N’ Roses, the four-piece have opened with people who are of a like mind and just
adventure.” for AC/DC, Aerosmith, Blackberry Smoke let the music be the focal point and let every-
He remembers some of the comical but and many more. It’s a huge labour of love for thing else fall into place.”
stressful times the band has had on the road the band, who have been devoted to rock ‘n’ One of the things that keeps the band
in the past. “I remember this one time we roll since they were youngsters. Tyler him- powering on are the people that come to
were touring Canada in a Winnebago and self had his first guitar when he was six or their shows.
when we came back into America the roof seven and, after discovering Elvis, became “We played in London last night and