Page 11 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 98
P. 11
BV98 tyler bryant and the shakedown_BV98 pg11 02/08/2018 20:20 Page 2
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 11
Till The Wheels Fall Off
Till The Wheels Fall Off
there’s a room full of just people who want that love music and love rock ‘n’ roll, and hile being the bassist, it seems that
rock ‘n’ roll and they want to just feel the en- then you had your people that loved rock ‘n’ WNoah is probably the most level-
ergy of a live, loud rock band,” Tyler ex- roll in the 70s and 80s and that still love it headed and mature band member. He tells
plains. “When they’re wearing their TBS now and are still loving the new bands that us, “I’m the band dad. So I guess you could
T-shirts and singing all the words, that sort are coming out.” say that my positive trait that’s helped is I
of makes you think, ‘Ah yeah, it doesn’t mat- Bassist Noah had a memorable en- feel an overwhelming sense of responsibility
ter what anyone else thinks about us be- counter in London. “A gentleman at the Lon- to take care of stuff like being on time and
cause we have an army here’. You know don show last night actually came up to me making sure we have the money we’re sup-
what I mean? And that’s one of those things and thanked me about 15 times just for posed to have. Just organizational dad stuff,
that is really motivating, to me at least.” doing what we do. His reason was, ‘I love it drives these guys nuts.”
The band have won over a whole range you guys; it takes me back to when I was a “That’s why we call him Pop, see!” inter-
of fans. There are both old and young, black kid. And more importantly my kids love you jects Tyler.
and white, boy and girl. guys, so that’s something I can enjoy with The band members each have their own
“I think that’s what’s so good about my kids’. You know how it is when you’re a positive traits, with Caleb’s being that he’s
music and rock ‘n’ roll, is that you can maybe parent, 50-something, and you have teenage good at organizing dates on the band web-
pull in the older people, but also kind of af- kids. There’s usually not a lot that your kids site and making graphics to promote their
fect the younger generation as well,” says think is cool that your parents also do. The shows. Tyler himself likes to edit videos for
drummer Caleb. “And that’s something that music we’re making is something that he tour blogs. “It’s fun. I enjoy it. And I want to
we love to see, especially even last night. can find common ground with his kids to- get better at that too. Something I’m very in-
The whole front half was just young people gether. That’s pretty neat.” terested in is making videos and putting