Page 13 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 98
P. 13

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                                                                                            BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 13

              same big rock, man. We have to be good to  Kentucky and she told me that I live my life  they’re living out their dreams. Tyler once
              each other.”                       on a hot griddle, so I’m always going. That’s  penned a song called ‘Poor Boy’s Dream’,
                                                 what you do when you’re on the road, so  which  you  can  find  on  2013’s  ‘Wild  Child’
                     ith these guys having good souls  you’re used to that. You don’t stop, so when  album.
                Wand  caring  about  their  fellow  hu-  I get home, I say I decompress, a lot of peo-  “When that song was written, we had not
              mans, we can’t wait for them to write even  ple that are close to me would tell you I don’t,  done any of the things, we had not seen this
              more songs that come from the heart and  but I do my own way of decompressing.”  side of the world yet. And so we’ve been liv-
              stand up for what’s right. Luckily for us, Tyler  “We  play  so  many  of  the  same  songs  ing  out  a  lot  of  dreams,  playing  a  lot  of
              is always eager to write new songs. He re-  night after night trying to play songs from  places  that  we’ve  always  wanted  to  play,
              cently tweeted, “People often say things like  the records we’ve released that people know  playing with a lot of our heroes, doing our
              ‘I bet you can’t wait to get off the road so you  that when we get home, or when I get home,  own  headlining  shows…  so  we’re  kind  of
              can go home and chill out’. The truth is, I  you just want to get new songs,” explains  doing it. That’s what I always wanted to do –
              love  coming  home  and  making  MORE  Tyler. “A lot of my happiness is tied up in  exactly what we’re doing right now. And so I
              music.”                            whether I’m being creative and able to come  guess the dream now is just ride the wave as
                Caleb laughs, “He’s always on 12,” point-  up with something and I don’t know if that is  long as we can. Till the wheels fall off.”
              ing to Tyler. “He gets home and holes up in  really helpful or not. I start getting bummed  We definitely hope the wheels don’t fall
              his cave and doesn’t really leave until we  out if I’m not making new music. I love to go  off for a very long time to come. Go see Tyler
              come visit and yank him out the house. But  home and make music and then go fishing  Bryant & The Shakedown when they ride into
              yeah, we’re always going and always writing.  and come back and make music and if I need  a  town  near  you.  Visit  www.tylerbryan-
              When I get home from a tour I like to decom-  human contact I’ll go to the grocery store for more info.
              press for a couple of days, not really do too  and talk to the people as I buy supplies to go
              much, but I do think that the creative wheels  hole up for another week!”            Words By Shari Black Velvet
              for all of us are always turning, whether it’s
                                                                                                  Band Photo (Stairs) By Robby Klein
              on the road or when we get home. Funny   assionate about music and excited to  Band Photo (Standing) By Shari Black Velvet
              story, I just went to visit my grandmother in  Pkeep  on  creating,  the  band  say
                                                                          TYLER BRYANT & THE SHAKEDOWN
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