Page 39 - Black Velvet Issue 95
P. 39

BV95 pg38-40 Hardcore Superstar_BV95 pg39  20/12/2017  01:46  Page 2

                                                                                            BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 39

          Hardcore Superstar
  Hardcore Superstar

               C  –  Creative.  Which  Hardcore  Superstar  happens when you do a high kick with very  VZ: There’s nothing I can say about the fans
               song allows you to be the most creative,  tight pants! So they ripped. It was just dur-  that  hasn’t  been  said  already.  All  that
               musically?                         ing the show, just before the encore, so the  clichéd stuff – but all those clichés are true.
               VZ: They’re all challenging in their own way.  tour manager gaffer taped my entire leg –  Without the fans, we wouldn’t be able to do
               If it’s an easy song you kind of have to de-  and then it fell off after half a song, so he  what we do. Of course, we write the music
               liver more attitude to make it more interest-  needed to remove it. I kind of got stuck to  for us, but if the fans don’t like it, you’re
               ing to people. A lot of Adde’s songs from  the floor with it as well. I love when that stuff  nothing. So that’s kind of the conclusion;
               ‘Dreamin’ In A Casket’, they all have long  happens. It kind of contributes to our show.  without your fans you’re nothing. This is
               solo sections. I try to stick to the original  I think that kind of helps how people see us  going to be the answer to that question, it
               solo that Thomas wrote, but sometimes I  as well; a lot of humour and a lot of attitude.   doesn’t matter who you ask.
               take it in my own direction. But there’s al-
               ways creativity, even if it’s not technical cre-  E – Energy. A lot of your music has energy  G  –  Gain.  You’ve  been  with  your  record
               ativity; there’s always something to do on  and  adrenaline.  Where  do  you  get  that  label,  Gain,  for  a  long  time.  What  makes
               stage that’s creative.             from? How important is it for your music to  your relationship with them work so well?
                                                  have energy?                       VZ: It’s kind of easy because we’ve been to-
               D – Disasters. You posted a photo on Insta-  VZ: Oh, it’s extremely important. That’s the  gether  for  so  long.  We  understand  each
               gram  with  gaffer  tape  round  your  jeans  foundation of Hardcore I think. That’s how  other. They know what we want; we know
               when  they  ripped.  Tell  us  about  that  and  we are as individuals as well. I guess that  what they want. There are no boundaries
               how you managed to save the day.   kind of shows in our music. You can’t hide  when we work with them. We do whatever
               Vic: That was just a funny one. You could  what you are.              we want and they support us. And that’s im-
               only laugh. I did kind of a high kick in very                         portant.
               tight pants. You can kind of figure out what  F – Fans. How important are your fans?
                                                                                      HARDCORE SUPERSTAR
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