Page 42 - Black Velvet Issue 95
P. 42
BV95 pg42 column_BV95 pg42 16/12/2017 22:03 Page 1
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 42
A (Musical) Note From...
Share Ross (Twin Flames Radio)
YOUR NEW ANTI-ANXIETY PRESCRIPTION Because it’s fucking scary to stop settling. What if you’re not good enough?
Call it whatever you want… That’s why. Or worst of all… what if nobody even no-
Anxiety. You get a massive build-up of unfulfilled tices?!
Overwhelm. moments when you settle. Guess what?
Stress. That moment where you KNEW you could IT DOESN’T MATTER.
You wake up at 4 am in a cold sweat won- create, where you could dream, where you Those are just excuses.
dering if this is it. Is this the best your life is could take some sort of action, however small, Your prescription, should you be brave
gonna get? Then your heart starts to pound. to pursue this dream of yours… but instead enough to accept it...
You lay in your bed staring at the ceiling puz- you settle. Is this:
zling over how you got to this place and the Each moment is a nanosecond-long cur- Create.
more you think about it, the more stressed out rent of electric hope that surges through your Start creating.
you become. cells and instead of letting it flow and hap- Create something that scares you.
I have a prescription for you. pen…. you stampede on it with your own cus- Create something that you’ve wanted to
A new anti-anxiety drug. tom set of excuses. create for a long, long, long time.
A de-stressification habit! As this happens over and over and over Because when you step into that creative
It’s really simple and first I’m going to ex- again for a period of years and decades, it zone, you’ll be waking up your heart and your
plain why it works. turns into a way of living that is a habit and it’s anxiety will disappear in a puff of creative
I believe that all of us are here to do more steeped in mountains of evidence to prove the smoke.
than survive. We’re here to do more than just validity of settling. Tell the editor in your head to shut up.
get by and struggle. But we’ve forgotten what “Yeah. I tried going for that dream years Tell the critic in your mind that their opin-
that feels like. ago. Nobody cared. Nothing happened. Why ions don’t matter.
When you were younger you probably bother now?” I’m not asking you to quit your job or end
thought you were pretty awesome. You cer- That stomping of your internal flicker of your marriage or tell your boss to shove it.
tainly had moments where you believed in hope grows into a whimpering ball of anxiety Just create.
your awesomeness and thought you were des- in your gut and manifests in all sorts of ways. That is exactly what Bam and I did with our
tined for greatness of some sort. Which brings me to your brand spanking newest musical adventure Twin Flames Radio.
I’m not suggesting you plan on becoming new anti-anxiety drug. The best pill you’ll ever It’s not what people expect from us and that’s
the next overnight success. However, there’s not swallow. scary. We’re singing different styles of music.
a lot to be said for that child-like innocent belief YOUR NEW ANTI-ANXIETY PRESCRIPTION The songs have a big lush sonic and we’ve
and hopefulness. Because when you let go of Create. truly poured every cell of our beings into each
that at whatever age … you find yourself set- That’s it. of them. Is it scary? HELL YES, it’s scary. But
tling. Create. dammit… that’s what creating is all about.
And settling sucks. There is one thing in your life that you want Create something unexpected today.
We settle for mediocre. to be doing more than anything else. It could
We settle for good enough. be music. It could be art. It could be writing. It
We settle for our own litany of excuses, could be baking or building sculptures out of m-and-share
“I’m too old, I don’t have time and I don’t have sand. Maybe you’ve dreamed of becoming a
enough money to pursue ______”. tattooist or having your own podcast. Share Ross
You settle for the safest, least threatening, It’s something that you have the utmost re-
stay in the middle of the road lifestyle be- sistance around because:
cause… well, it’s the ‘right thing to do’. What if nobody likes it? In a band? Want to write a one-off column for
Why do we do that? What if you’re too old? us? Email for
more info.