Page 36 - Black Velvet Issue 95
P. 36
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was the goal I had going into it, so… ally going on, and then in the end
there is not just one song which is they pull off their masks, they’re
really cool, there are many songs.” themselves, or their individual
When we ask which of her own selves. They realize, ‘Wait, snap out
songs inspires her the most, May- of it, the world is way more than
hem replies, “While we’re perform- this.’”
ing these new songs off ‘Ready For Does she think everyone is like
Me’, every time we do this set, each that in the world?
song we perform it re-inspires me. It “No. I know there are so many
reminds me what I was singing people in the world that are trying to
about, and so I think it would really fix it or change it, but sometimes
be all the songs off of this album, people get in their own way. I do all
because I’m reliving what I went the time. I get in my own way a lot.
through and all the tough times and You’re stuck in your own head and
how, ‘Look I’m standing here and you’re thinking about your next
this is what’s happening,’ and that’s move or what’s going to happen
inspiring. The fact that I’m here, in next, you tend to not be aware of
England, talking to you on this tour, what’s going on around you. And
this girl from New York, is pretty sometimes you just want to be like,
cool.” ‘Snap out of it. Listen to me,’ or how-
ever you want to do it. So yeah, I’ve
adame Mayhem filmed a been guilty of that. Everyone has
Mvideo for ‘All Around The their moments. I think humanity
World’, unleashing it on the internet overall is pretty okay, it’s just with
at the beginning of October, a cou- what I deal with on a daily basis, it
ple of weeks before the album re- gets frustrating,” she laughs.
lease. “The song is very In ‘All Around The World’, she
self-explanatory,” she says. “It’s ba- sings ‘Time is catching up, but I’m
sically, everyone’s caught in their not giving up’. She says she worries
own head, in their own rat race, no- about time going so fast a lot – but
one’s listening to what anyone’s obviously, she’s never giving up.
saying. Everyone’s on their own, ‘go Is there a time limit on succeed-
go go’ kind of thing, and the world’s ing, we ask?
a kind of more messed up place for “I don’t think there’s a time limit,
it.” but the way people talk sometimes,
The video sees Mayhem sur- they’re like ‘How old are you? How
rounded by people with black long have you been in this? If you
masks on. “The director actually don’t do it at this point, if you don’t
had the idea of the masks to kind of get this far at this level, at this point,
be all the same, and they’re all in at this age, then I don’t know.’ But
their own world. You can’t see their obviously there are so many exam-
expression, you can’t see what’s re- ples of where that’s incorrect and I