Page 34 - Black Velvet Issue 95
P. 34
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which makes sense as to why they shared you so you can get better but also you’re in those related to how she looked. “I’ve been
the bus with the headliners. a safe space and encouraging space then through many wars, whether it’s self-battle…
“My band are really just like brothers to you can grow and you can flourish. So That one, I’m talking about a specific rela-
me and they treat me like a little sister or they’ve taught me so much about that. I re- tionship and it had to actually do with some-
even sometimes they treat me like a little ally appreciate that.” thing that was industry involved. Some
brother, which usually… there’s no real dif- people like to cause problems instead of
ference. When I toured with Doro, it was in- here’s a song on ‘Ready For Me’ help fix them and once those problems are
credible to just see how strong and how kind Tcalled ‘Original’. In the song, Mayhem caused; they started it and they’re the ones
of a woman she really is and how she han- sings, ‘stop changing just to fit in’. She tells who have to deal with it. “You did it and
dles the road, and that was one of our first Black Velvet that she has never felt like she here’s my reaction. You’re the one who did
real tours, so being ever really fitted this, so…” Yeah, it was kind of a really frus-
able to open up and “It is really hard to not care what in. “I have never trating situation, which is why I wrote that
share a bus with a other people think, but I try to be as felt like I fit in in song. It’s actually one of my favourites off
female legend like any place actu- the album, because it’s actually how we kick
Doro gave me a lot strong as an advocate for standing up ally, whether it off most of our sets, because it’s really high-
of confidence that I to people who put you down as much was growing up energy, high-impact.”
can set out on the as possible,” - Madame Mayhem – I grew up in a Throughout the ‘Ready For Me’ album,
road on my own as town where rock Mayhem says she spills her guts out, as with
a female even if I’m ‘n’ roll and hard all of her music. “There’s been some really
in a world of dudes. It’s fine, I can handle it.” rock wasn’t really a popular genre of music. messed up things that I’ve had to go through
Although with a name like Mayhem, you And the way I dress, as you can see, wasn’t and people I’ve had to deal with and had to
imagine that this Madame can probably han- really the mainstream or the norm. I love be stronger for it.”
dle anything that is thrown at her. “There rock and that’s kind of my style, so I didn’t One song she opens up about is ‘Inno-
was a period of time in my life where it was fit in there and then I felt in the rock world, cent’, in which she sings ‘Innocent, inno-
just following me everywhere I went, and as especially starting out, I’m also from a differ- cent. Look what you’ve done to me’. “I was a
a joke my parents were “Madame Mayhem!” ent background, so I always feel like I’m liv- hot mess for a bit,” she reveals. “If someone
and when it came time to come up with a ing in this limbo where I kind of, wherever I messes you up then it’s hard to get out of
band name that was perfect because I was am, I’m always sticking out like a sore that, and ‘Innocent’ is really about not letting
already being called that and mayhem was thumb. You know what I mean? So I defi- someone take advantage of you and kind of
already occurring!” nitely never fit in. But it’s been working great, the revenge of ‘Look what I’m doing without
She says she’s not purposely trying to so no-one should ever try to fit in. Be as you,’ and ‘Look how I’ve overcome who you
create any mayhem in the music industry unique as you can, but don’t try to either. are and what you tried to do to me and what
though. “I think the only mayhem we’re Just be you, and it always ends up working you did to me, and I’m not even gonna give
causing at the moment is making ourselves out in your favour.” you the benefit of shouting you out so you
known. That’s the best kind of mayhem you We’ve all heard some horror stories can get whatever you think you deserve.
can have.” about the entertainment industry – and see Just know that I’m here and this is the re-
She does think everything is very PC it when we open magazines, with overly air- venge. Me being me without you.’”
these days – and maybe there ought to be a brushed photos staring back at us. We hear The strong female also has a song called
little more mayhem in the industry. “It has to of models being told to lose weight, and fe- ‘Stand Up’ and Mayhem definitely knows
be as positive of mayhem as possible. Like male musicians who’ve had photos photo- how to stand up for herself now. “I’m a really
what I like to use it as is a hot mess situa- shopped behind their backs to make them big advocate, of course, for individuality and
tion… But yeah, I think people need to start look thinner. And obviously the cosmetic for strong girls and women all over the place,
making louder noise and really coming into surgery industry has boomed with females like self-esteem. I’ve been through it. I’ve
their own, for sure.” (and in some cases, males) feeling like they also been bullied. Just being stronger and
need to turn back the clock - either for pro- not caring. It is really hard to not care what
s a life-long performer who is used fessional purposes, or for personal feelings other people think, but I try to be as strong
Ato having an audience to entertain, of inadequacy. Over the years, Madame May- as an advocate for standing up to people
Madame Mayhem says she decided to start hem has found industry bods trying to who put you down as much as possible. I’m
her own project rather than join another change her and has had to stand her ground. just really, really passionate about that. And
band so she could express her own feelings “In the industry, when I started out, they other people in general, no matter what,
and say what she wanted to say. “I always were telling me to be a different way and to whether it’s against being weird, or being dif-
loved jamming with other people, and I play do something else. I was told to lose 10lbs ferent. Just stand up and be yourself, and
in a lot of those jams that they do overseas before I could sign with someone, and this is no-one else should really be caring what
in the States, but for me, I really wanted to way early on in the career. Luckily, I don’t you’re doing. I think that’s my biggest motto,
make my own project, because I really work with any of these people at the mo- if that makes sense.”
wanted to say the things I wanted to say and ment. I have the best team ever. But yeah, it
tell the stories I wanted to tell, and I am such was hitting me from both sides to be some- eady For Me’ kicks ass from start to
a rocker and metalhead and I wanted to thing that I wasn’t and that really pushed me ‘Rfinish. It showcases a talented,
share that as a female artist. So I just started to be, ‘No, I’m going to do what I want to do, strong female with killer tunes who is no
Madame Mayhem and it took off.” and if I fail because I’m being true to who I doubt heading for stardom. And with a range
Mayhem managed to impress Billy Shee- want to be and how I want to look and how I of heartfelt subject matter, it should appeal
han, Mick Hudson and Corey Lowery want to sing and what I want to talk about, to many. “What’s so great about this album,
amongst others, who each worked with her then that’s on me and I’m not doing it for ‘Ready For Me’, is that I’m getting different
on albums, teaching her a lot as they went anyone else’. And it really pushed me to do feedback about what songs people relate to
along. Mick Hudson produced Madame May- that, so… this is it, this is what happened. from different people,” states Mayhem. “I got
hem’s first album, ‘White Noise’. Billy Shee- This is what came out of it!” she laughs. a message from someone saying that ‘Hurt
han worked on her second album, ‘Now You Her family has supported her all along – Me’ really helped them get them through a
Know’, while Corey Lowery took care of pro- and aside from her parents, she has an en- hard time and that really meant a lot to me,
duction duties with latest release, ‘Ready For couraging brother too. “My family is super- because writing that helped me get through
Me’. “Billy Sheehan is one of my closest supportive and I love them so much. He’s a a rough time. Some people love ‘Stand Up’,
friends and confidants,” Mayhem says. “He’s younger brother but we’re very close in age. some people love ‘War You Started’, some
taught me so much, whether it’s advice he Whenever he can, he comes out to shows people love ‘Before You Burn’. The best part
verbally gives me or watching him and how and supports and helps us out with things. of this album, in terms of feedback we’ve
he works, and his work ethic and how great I’m really fortunate for that; I love him. He’s been getting, is not the sales, it’s not that, it’s
he treats people. It’s a learning experience to badass.” that people are relating to it, which means
be in this industry. You need to be in it to see I’m not the only one in the world who has felt
it and Billy has taught me so much, and eady For Me’ kicks off with the in- this way and no matter how people are inter-
Corey as well; he’s brought out an amazing ‘Ryour-face rocker, ‘War You Started’, preting it, whether I meant it in the way that
writer in me. He kind of pushed that out of and on the subject of wars, Mayhem says they are feeling it, as long as you can apply
me. When everyone around you is tough on she’s been through her fair share – besides it to your own life, that’s the goal and that