Page 30 - Black Velvet Issue 95
P. 30
BV95 pg28-31 Santa Cruz _BV95 pg30 20/12/2017 00:03 Page 3
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with song writing as well; I think we’ve im- course there is always an internal struggle formance or one with an orchestra. Making
proved with that too.” Offering another as well, but with this album it was mostly the story all the more interesting, Archie re-
glowing example of their brand of humour, with the record label. All the best bands veals, “The original ‘River Phoenix’ is actu-
he says, “It’s like the last album was about have internal struggles; look at Richards ally Part 2. Johnny came up to me with
jerking off and this one is about fucking for and Jagger; that’s nothing new.” another version of the song which was
real!” Johnny continues, “When we started more in the style of traditional Santa Cruz.”
But it’s not just Santa Cruz who are on work on this album, we didn’t actually have Johnny takes over and says, “Archie
the rise. They are one of a number of young a record label because of what was going came up with the name, I remember we
rock bands who have burst onto the scene on. We were like, ‘OK, we’re gonna fucking were at a bar and he said, ‘Dude, I got a
in the last decade do this on our great song name: ‘River Phoenix’, which I
or so, all clamber- “I think the problem is when people own,’ and it thought was fucking great. I had a song
ing for their share turned out to which I’d already written and the chorus
of the spotlight say rock is dead, what they really be really was perfect for that. Archie also had this
and for the audi- mean is that people just cannot come good. There chorus which we thought would be great as
ence’s attention, up with anything new.” - Johnny Cruz wasn’t really an outro for the album, but when we were
Archie pointing any one rea- playing around in rehearsal, we started to
out during this son why it really like both versions and so they both
that Santa Cruz turned out so went on the album as separate songs.”
“are not like any other rock bands”. He con- good, but I think not having any added But fans of these songs aren’t likely to
tinues to tell Black Velvet, “We’re not like pressure from a label helped. hear this approach taken on any of their
any of the bands around at the moment, “I think the biggest problem was that past work. When we ask if they would con-
we’re continuing like bands like Zeppelin we wanted the album to be really fucking sider revisiting any of their back catalogue
and the Stones and the older generation of great and that was why we wrote so many and doing the same to a song from it,
bands. I don’t want to sound cocky, but I am songs. Some of them were written a year Archie says, “I don’t think you should ever
cocky!” ago now, but if we had done the album look back”. Johnny agrees and adds, “I
then, it wouldn’t have been as good as it is think it’s why every album we have done so
ith ‘Voice Of The New Generation’ now. With our second album, we didn’t take far is so different because it reflects the
Wone of the track titles on the new any time off, we played shows while we time that we have been through when we
album, we quiz Archie and Johnny about were recording and all that shit.” were doing it.”
their thoughts on the state of rock music in Bringing up the lyrics of ‘Voice Of The Speaking of the future, this is a topic
2017, a genre which is, at times, knocked New Generation’ now and ‘crazy, so they which is mentioned in ‘Fire Running
down by critics, more often than not look- say, but I keep living the life I was born to Through Our Veins’, a song where Santa
ing from the outside in and met with con- live’, we ask the musicians whether their Cruz tell us ‘we ain’t thinking about, about
fused responses from those on the inside choices in life have been met with positive tomorrow’, but Archie admits that not think-
who can see the rude health of our music support or questions and doubt from their ing about your next step might not be the
at the moment with a wealth of new bands friends and family. The question proves to best of ideas. He says, “I believe if you are
and music backed up by successful tours be a timely one, as Johnny explains. a musician and you are writing songs, you
and album sales. “Just two days ago I met some of my always have to keep your eye on the future.
The lead singer says, “I don’t think rock ‘normal’ friends’,” the guitarist tells us, That is where the money is at. You have to
music is in a bubble, but it is something “and they were like, ‘You’re so crazy that try and be one step ahead to succeed, but
which is still under the surface and trying you can actually pull that off, write music it is also important to be here now. It’s a bit
to break out. There are maybe a handful of and tour the world’.” But Archie points out of a double-edged sword. One day after the
bands I can think of that are really at the top it’s not all fun and games despite the new album was released, we were already
level. In some ways, rock music is like the chance to live out their dreams. He says, writing new songs, so we are definitely
Loch Ness Monster; we all know it’s out “It’s a constant stress and a constant bat- thinking about the future because you want
there, but it’s hidden under the surface! Or tle. You never know what’s behind the next to make sure the new album is exactly the
like Johnny’s penis, which is just waiting door!” way you want it to be.” Highlighting again
for the right girl!” When asked whether they received the the importance of enjoying the present as
Johnny adds, “I think the problem is support from their families over their life well, Johnny adds, “And also enjoy the
when people say rock is dead, what they re- paths, Archie is immediate as he tells Black touring and all the stuff which comes with
ally mean is that people just cannot come Velvet, “I wouldn’t be here without my a new album, because that is the stuff we
up with anything new.” mum! And my dad for that matter! But if you love the most.”
The new album contains more than one were to ask my dad what music he listened
reference to fighting and more specifically to when he was young, he would reply, ith mention of their busy tour
to fighting your own corner, the opening “Music, what’s music?” My dad is a busi- Wschedule in the coming weeks and
track ‘Young Blood Rising’ boasting the nessman though, and that has helped be- months, Archie says, “Of course, we are
lyric, ‘we will rather fight than take the fall’, cause this is a business now for us.” very much looking forward to getting out
while ‘River Phoenix’ contains the line, ‘we Johnny, meanwhile, had a little more of and touring, but when you do a new album
are ready to fight’, and given the impor- a musical family. “My mum used to play you have to bear in mind that you could be
tance they have already spoken about of piano”, he tells us. playing these songs for two years, or even
‘Bad Blood Rising’, it is perhaps little sur- Music has very much been etched in 20 years on the road, so you have to make
prise that the creation of the new work was both their lives from an early age, Archie re- sure those songs are good enough for that,
indeed a struggle for all those involved. membering he was 11 years old when he which is why we are already working on the
Addressing the topic, Archie confesses first heard W.A.S.P., Black Sabbath, Motley next album.”
to Black Velvet, “It was totally a struggle. Crue and Guns N’ Roses, while Johnny Looking even further ahead into their
Yeah, it was a struggle.” Johnny adds to adds, “My family was always playing and crystal ball of perfect scenarios for the
this, saying, “It is definitely a struggle when listening to music, my father was a big fan band, Archie says, “I would love us to have
you are playing 250 shows and then you of Bryan Adams and the ‘Reckless’ album, an international status where we could tour
have to do the album as soon as you get he played that album all the fucking time. and put out albums and succeed and be
home. It’s not easy.” ‘Kids Wanna Rock’ was my favourite song.” able to play all around the world without
Continuing the subject, Archie dis- An interesting and unique element of there being a struggle. To be internation-
cusses the difficulties which the band had ‘Bad Blood Rising’ is ‘River Phoenix’ and ally-recognised artists without having to
with their previous record label and how more specifically ‘River Phoenix (Part 2)’, fear if we are going to make it or that no-
this influenced the final product which is the second song being a complete revamp one will show up for a gig, something like
‘Bad Blood Rising’. He tells us, “We had is- of the first. It’s a nice addition to the album, the Foo Fighters, to have a status like that.”
sues with Spinefarm, the record label we showing how one song can be presented in With a song called ‘Get Me Out Of Cali-
were with. Those guys wanted us to try a totally different way, similar to what can fornia’, Black Velvet asks if there has ever
something which we didn’t want to try. Of happen when a band gives an acoustic per- been a show or a tour that they couldn’t