Page 15 - Black Velvet Issue 95
P. 15
BV95 pg12-15 The Bottom Line_BV95 pg15 21/12/2017 02:43 Page 4
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should hopefully see the release of their the kit, thinking “Oh, it looks amazing,” so “We have to step it up now,” says Cal-
follow-up full-length release. The band are to think we’re going to spend three weeks lum. “We had a huge response from ‘I Still
heading to Longwave Recording Studio to with him in that amazing environment…. I Hate You’ and we did that in a bedroom. We
work with Romesh Dodangoda, the can’t wait for him to get hold of the didn’t spend any money on production. So
renowned producer who has worked with tracks...” the next one has to be groundbreaking for
the likes of Funeral For A Friend, Motor- “And make them better,” adds Matt. us.”
head, Bring Me The Horizon, Kids In Glass “Yeah, make them drastically better!” “With the new album, I’m super-happy
Houses and many more. laughs Tom. with how everything’s sounding so far,”
“It’s pretty surreal to go to Longwave,” They say Album No. 2 will be different, adds Max. “It’s definitely the next step.
says Tom. “I’ve watched so many videos of but at the same time, will retain a lot of The We’ve done these big tours with different
bands I was in love with growing up in his Bottom Line sound that people know and bands. We’ve learned so much. Yeah, I’m
studio, using his amps and the desks and love. looking forward to seeing what people
think of the next stage of TBL.” stage, and we’ve been blessed to meet get that signature or have ten seconds of
some of the friendliest people ever and their time. That kid is the reason you’re
ince their debut album was called egos just don’t benefit anybody. They don’t doing something you want to do. It’s the
S‘Role Models?’ we end by asking even benefit you. That guy thinks you’re a reason you’re seeing the world, playing the
what makes a role model to them. dick, that isn’t a benefit. You’ve potentially shows, so really they’re super-important.
Callum replies first. “I guess just good lost a good contact or good friend, so just We’re lucky, I will name Simple Plan for
people. Humble people. People who appre- being genuine, just a solid person, and sure, those guys have got it nailed. They’ll
ciate what they’ve got without being… I being able to do what you want to do and give every fan the time of day and it was re-
dunno… We’ve been on tour with a lot of still be a human, I think that’s a good role ally refreshing to see such a big name, a
bands who’ve been the nicest people to model for me.” big influence on us when we first toured
other bands and their own fans, and it’s Tom has the final word. “I’d say the with them, see just how amazing they are
nice to see that it’s not just a gimmick. That main thing to being in a band is that you with their fans, was a real… not inspiration
makes us feel more humble and makes us want to play music to people, so the most because we’d always do that anyway, but to
learn to be more like them, which is nice. important people in that room are the see it actually exists at that level was really
That’s what makes a role model to me, I’d crowd. They’re the ones that have bought exciting and really refreshing for sure, es-
say.” the ticket, they’re the ones that have pecially when you see it not exist all the
Max says, “I think in terms of role mod- bought the T-shirt, they’re the ones that time. But yeah, I guess, good people, as Cal
els, just that genuine feature. We’ve been have learned your songs. Without them, said, really.”
lucky in the people that we come across, you don’t exist, so… I find it very difficult Visit
but lots of people have this ego as soon as when you come across some artists or lineuk or for
they come off stage. touring bands who couldn’t care less about more info.
They have this friendly personality on the kids that have stood in the rain for
stage, then they’re just arseholes back- hours, because they want to meet them or Words & Photos By Shari Black Velvet