Page 11 - Black Velvet Issue 95
P. 11

BV95 pg08-11 NFG_BV95 pg11  19/12/2017  20:18  Page 4

                                                                                             BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 11

               played that song and the crowd reaction  under  its  belt.  With  every  album,  New  people trying to influence you. I definitely
               was so insane and so loud! I was really sur-  Found  Glory  always  try  and  push  them-  think as you get older you learn to deal with
               prised because it was one of those songs  selves a little harder and ‘Makes Me Sick’ is  those temptations in different ways,” Jor-
               we never played. It’s definitely been inter-  no exception. “It’s always going to be New  dan says.  It also helps if you have a good
               esting to see what people like,” says Jor-  Found Glory,” Jordan states, “but we al-  network of people around you, to help stop
               dan. “People get really excited for records  ways try to just push enough to where we  you making bad decisions. Jordan agrees;
               like ‘Catalyst’ because…” Jordan trails off,  don’t alienate people but we can also bring  referring to his fellow band members, he
               laughing as he thinks aloud, “I don’t know  in new people as well. ”The lyrical content  says, “We know that we can rely on each
               why we put 14 songs on that record when  on ‘Makes Me Sick’ covers self-reflection as  other when those kind of things happen.
               we  were  younger,  it’s  so  stupid  because  well as dealing with today’s culture. In a  We’ve  all  got  each  other’s  backs,  we’ve
               now we’re playing them like [does an im-  song  called  ‘Party  On  Apocalypse’  the  been  together  for  so  long.  I  mean  I’ve
               pression of being and sounding exhausted]  lyrics include, ‘I heard there’s a hot new  known  everybody  since  high  school,  so
               ‘This record never ends.’ But, some of the  craze of driving off a steep cliff, Are you  even before we were in a band I knew these
               later  tracks  that  we’ve  never  played,  it’s  gonna  do  it?  What  will  they  say  if  you  guys.”
               cool to see people react to those.”  won’t?’ We ask Jordan whether he person-  We certainly admire New Found Glory
                  We wonder, has Jordan found inspira-  ally ever followed certain trends when he  for never being tempted to be anything but
               tion for the future by delving into and re-  was younger, in order to fit in. “Oh yeah. I  New Found Glory. After all these years they
               connecting with his past? “Hmm, maybe a  mean I definitely did,” he admits, “But, I  are still able to sell out shows and continue
               little bit,” he answers. He ponders for a mo-  also grew up and I found myself, and who I  to inspire their peers and their fans. Happy
               ment, “That’s a good question, but I don’t  am… Well, I’m still searching for who I am.  Anniversary Jordan, Chad, Ian and Cyrus.
               know, because I always try to think of all  You know, I am a big like advocate of al-  Let’s hope that many more years lie ahead
               the  things  that  happened  back  when  we  ways  soul  searching  and  doing  inner  on the band’s journey, creating infectious
               first started the band and always keep that  searching, so I’m still looking myself. But,  melodies that cause us to bounce, sing and
               with me. I think that’s also another reason  yes, you know, you’re trying to fit in and  smile.
               why we are still a band, is the fact that we  then when you don’t fit in, it’s trying to find  Visit for more
               don’t  forget  those  things  that  sort  of  other ways to be okay with that.”  info.
               brought us where we are today.”       There is also a song which is about re-
                                                  sisting  temptation  -  ‘The  Sound  Of  Two       Words by Penny Gower
                      here  they  are  today  is  being  a  Voices’. “There’s always going to be temp-  Photos By Visone Paris
                  Wband that has nine studio albums  tation and there’s always going to be other

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