Page 10 - Black Velvet Issue 95
P. 10
BV95 pg08-11 NFG_BV95 pg10 19/12/2017 20:15 Page 3
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you through New Found Glory’s journey space and he had so much stuff that it was are you guys playing tonight?’ You know,
using flyers, poster artwork and short sto- getting moved out on a forklift, on pallets! so it’s really funny. I definitely think, on the
ries compiled by the band. Due to all four Ian had it shipped all the way back to where other side of the coin, with social media
band members living in different areas, he lives in Florida,” he smiles, “It was and all that stuff, being able to post some-
they were not able to work on the book to- crazy!” thing super easy, it can be done really quick
gether, as a group. Working on it in their so it allows you to be able to move onto
own time, they each wrote down different or someone that has experienced other things that are important.”
memories, from different times. Speaking Fboth ends of the spectrum, where
about the memories they shared, Jordan promoting the band is concerned - i.e. hav- side from the book, as another way
laughs as he tells us that he didn’t remem- ing to physically hand out flyers, put up Ato mark their career milestone, the
ber some of the incidents that were submit- posters, to now using online sources; quartet have spent the year touring around
ted. Black Velvet asks Jordan, in comparing the the world with their ‘20 Years Of Pop Punk
“There are some stories in that book two methods, what for him has been the Tour’. Each show has seen them choosing
where Ian told some funny things. I was pros and cons of each one? “I definitely two different albums to perform in full - not
like, ‘Oh my god, I don’t remember that, think back when it was doing flyers and front-to-back though, the songs are mixed
that’s so funny.’ I mean, it’s been a long things like that, it was way more fun. It felt up to keep fans guessing what they will be
time, so you know, lots of days and lots of like there was a purpose. Where now we hearing next. The band had to re-learn how
years of touring have gone by!” pay somebody to make a poster and we to play the older material; there were songs
While Jordan has some of the memora- just post it online and that’s done. they hadn’t played in a long time and some
bilia sourced for the book, it is bass gui- Before, we were the ones doing the they hadn’t played live in front of an audi-
tarist Ian who hoarded the most throughout work, drawing stuff and going to places to ence at all.
the years. “No matter where we were, Ian photocopy it. You know, sitting there all It’s proved to be an interesting and re-
was obsessed with, he was like OCD about, night just printing stuff and physically warding experience for the band and fans
trying to find posters or anything that had handing them out to people; it was like this alike. Jordan admits that there is one song
our name on it. In our storage in California, sort of real human interaction,” he says in particular that took him by surprise when
one side of the room was dedicated to piles with a sense of genuine enthusiasm. they performed it live. “It’s a song from the
of archives, piles of posters, flyers and “Whereas now it’s just, put it online and it album ‘Catalyst’, called ‘Your Biggest Mis-
crazy old shirts that we have one printing gets 2,000 views and then people are like, take’. We played it for the first time when we
of,” Jordan tells us. “There was one time ‘Okay’; and even so, people still ask…[Jor- did our 20 year tour in the States; the very
where we were cleaning out the storage dan changes the tone in his voice], ‘Where first one at the beginning of the year. We