Page 9 - Black Velvet Issue 94
P. 9

BV94 pg06-09_BV94 pg09  16/09/2017  23:35  Page 4

                                                                                             BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 9
              gether during the course of the year and it  bald and bearded, but after he said we only  lested, so it isn’t autobiographical or any-
              can  be  very  easy  to  get  upset  over  small  went to the posh parts of Russia! One night  thing like that, but I have always had strong
              things; it’s just like a relationship. This band  I was talking to the promoter and asked how  contempt for any kind of movement that kind
              has been around for two years now, more or  many tickets we had sold and he said, ‘We  of labels you with sin or guilt or something
              less, with the new additions, and we’ve hon-  have 100 tickets sold’ and I was like, ‘wow,  which  you  were  born  with  by  default  by
              estly  not  had  one  fight.  It’s  fun  to  hang  100’ but he replied, ‘But we will sell more at  being human. Nowadays, if you are a white,
              around with these guys, it’s fun to go and do  night,’ so we just thought, ‘OK, cool’ and at  heterosexual male you should be guilty of
              the stuff we do and to play together and re-  soundcheck there was already 20 to 25 kids,  stuff other white, heterosexual males have
              spect each other and it makes you feel con-  15 to 18 years old, waiting and we came out  done and I hate that whole thing and the way
              tent.”                             to see them and they had made signs, one  some people use this to gain power over oth-
                                                 had a flag, they gave me a bracelet, stuff like  ers.
                   ove is often a common theme of any  that and they said they’d been there for four  “Sometimes I touch on the subject and
                Lrock  record  and  despite  its  strong  hours waiting.”            it’s not specifically against any one religion,
              horror movie influences, ‘Ruff Justice’ is no  “And some couldn’t even come to the  I’m  basically  against  organised  religion,  I
              exception, with ‘If It’s Love’ and ‘Shot With A  show because they were too young”, Danny  don’t have a problem with personal faith, I’m
              Needle Of Love’ offering various takes on the  adds.                   not a believer myself, but I don’t have any
              ‘L’ word.                             Joel continues, “It reminded me of when  problem with people who are, but I object to
                Danny tells Black Velvet, “When it comes  I was young and I was hanging around in my  organised religion which tries to exert power
              to love lyrics, it’s not like I have experienced  native town waiting for bands like Sepultura  on people in the name of a deity of sorts.
              everything that I write about, but it’s a theme  and stuff like that that I loved when I was  ‘Snakes In Paradise’, that is about watching
              which anyone can relate to. Everyone has  small. We were sitting backstage and all of a  out,  because  in  the  places  that  you  most
              been heartbroken and sometimes when you  sudden you hear people shouting ‘CRAZY  trust there are people who want to screw you
              are heartbroken you are so heartbroken that  LIXX’ and then they start chanting and we’re  over, and it’s the same with ‘Kiss of Judas’,
              you can’t even feel it, so you start to ques-  thinking, ‘We’ll be on in 15 minutes, please  really. There was a situation recently with a
              tion, was it really love? Because I’m so numb  calm down,’ so it was a great experience and  Cardinal in Australia and it came out about
              from this I can’t even tell, is this love, why  we can’t wait to go back.”  molestation charges and we see this kind of
              can’t I feel this, I should be crying, why am I                        thing all the time. I think the world would be
              not? And it’s because we are totally empty  n the opposite side to the positive  better off if we just say, keep your faith, but
              and that’s how it feels. So I wanted to do  Oand inspirational messages, which  please, keep religion out of it.”
              something along that theme, kind of a re-  stem from songs such as ‘Walk The Wire’
              verse love ballad, not the usual ‘I love you so  and ‘Live Before I Die’, ‘Ruff Justice’ also  side  from  ‘Blame  It  On  Love’,  an-
              much, please come back’ record. This has  boasts a somewhat darker message, which  Aother of Crazy Lixx’s most recognis-
              ended, what am I feeling? I’m not quite sure.”  could be interpreted as more of a warning  able and most loved tracks is ’21 ‘Til I Die’,
                Love is also something the band share  and words of advice from the band. ‘Snakes  it’s popularity being such that it often has the
              with their fans and in ‘Shot With A Needle Of  In Paradise’ warns, ‘They are gonna deceive  honour of bringing down the curtain on a
              Love’, Danny cries, ‘I love it when she calls  you, bleed you like a sacrifice,’ whilst in ‘Kiss  Crazy Lixx show, and so it’s somewhat fitting
              my name.’ But what does he and the band  of Judas’, Danny sings, ‘Those words are  to ask if Crazy Lixx will always be 21 ‘til they
              think  when  their  fans  are  calling  out  for                                 die and if so, how will that be
              them, whether it’s before they hit the stage                                     achieved.
              or  during  the  show  when  they  sing  along                                     Joel  immediately  leaps  in
              with every word?                                                                 and says, “Well, my stomach is
                Joel jumps in to answer and says, “Every                                       far from what it was when I was
              time, it doesn’t matter where we are, Sweden                                     21!”
              or abroad… Well, maybe not in Sweden as                                            Danny, as he often offers a
              we  don’t  have  the  following  we  do  else-                                   more  thoughtful  insight,  tells
              where, you notice that certain songs have hit                                    Black Velvet, “I think you want
              the audience more than others, especially                                        to be 21 at certain occasions. I
              ‘Blame  It  On  Love’,  which  is  by  far  our                                  think if you were going to live
              biggest song. When you start playing that                                        with a mindset that you are 21
              song you can hear the crowd roar, and, you                                       all the time, I’m not sure that is
              don’t get a hard-on, but it’s not far from it!”                                  a very good thing to do and a
                As Joel’s thoughts are replaced with his                                       lot of stuff, let’s be honest, was-
              own chuckles, Danny takes over and says,                                         n’t very cool when you were 21.
              “We played in Moscow last year, which was                                        You were broke, you didn’t have
              our first time in Russia and we didn’t know                                      a job, you were probably, well, I
              what to expect at all and I had an acoustic bit                                  wasn’t  living  at  home  when  I
              in  the  middle  of  the  set  and  they  were                                   was  21,  but  I  was  living  in  a
              singing along with all the verses and they                                       small  apartment,  so  many
              weren’t that good at English, but they sang                                      things are better now of course,
              what they thought they had heard, and in                                         but there are some occasions
              that  moment  I  kind  of  went  through  the                                    when you want to be, ‘Fuck it
              whole process of the song from the moment                                        all, I’m 21 today or tonight, let’s
              where I wrote the song, when I picked up my                                      do something fun and magic’.
              acoustic  guitar  at  home,  did  a  couple  of                                  And 21 is also a magic number.
              chords,  wrote  some  words  and  stuff  and                                     Sure, it makes a good lyric as
              through the whole process of the song being  only lies, you stand so proud, high above the  well, but in the US, 21 is when you can buy
              produced  and  released  there  was  some  heavens with your head up in the clouds, I  alcohol, you can drive a car and all that. In
              Russian guy who got it and told his friends  can see right through your rotten soul, I’m  Sweden, it would have had to have been 20,
              and  they  came  to  the  concert  and  sang  never under your control’.  but that wouldn’t have fit very well!”
              along. It’s a strange feeling that something  Given  these  are  such  powerful  words  And we’re willing to bet that whenever
              you started so long ago and ten years later…  and  messages  contained  in  their  songs,  you  catch  Crazy  Lixx  live  or  pump  their
              you know, we were almost kids when I wrote  Danny is very happy to open up about the  music through your speakers they will make
              the song and it fills you up with pride.”  meaning behind them and what he is trying  you feel young again as well as offering a
                Joel is eager to add to the conversation  to say. He tells Black Velvet, “We’ve touched  timely reminder of how great 80s rock truly
              about  their  trip  to  Russia,  saying,  “As  a  on the subject of religion a couple of times  was.
              whole, it was a very humbling experience;  before.  We  have  ‘Children  Of  The  Cross’  Visit for more info.
              we  weren’t  expecting  anything.  Our  bass  (from 2010’s ‘New Religion’), which handles
              player had played there before with his old  the  child  molestation  allegations  in  the  Words by Michael Coventry
              band and he painted a picture of venues with  Catholic Church. I’ve been a member of the  Band Photo By Nils Sjiholm
              Nazi flags on the walls and everyone being  Catholic Church growing up and I wasn’t mo-  Live Photos By Ian Golcher

                                                                                                      CRAZY LIXX
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