Page 11 - Black Velvet Issue 94
P. 11
BV94 pg10-13_BV94 pg11 16/09/2017 23:44 Page 2
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he was in the green room there. We intro- she replies, “Say it, do it, go for it! Go for it, I definitely took a lot of time raising my son,
duced ourselves and both looked at the because we had to wait almost an entire he’s now 14 and is very supportive of all
floor and said two or three lines back and year after the first time we met to see each this, so that’s great, to have him under-
forth, and then I chickened out and ran out other again. If fate hadn’t been so kind that standing what we’re doing, why we’re
of the room. “I’ve got to go and get ready. we ran into each other again, we might doing it, and why it’s important to us.”
Nice meeting you!”” she laughs. have missed it. So yes, say it, go for it. You The couple found that they had great
It wasn’t until a year later that Janet and never know.” chemistry when it came to writing songs.
Justin met again, this time at a Farm Aid They started off writing for fun and found
event. “The next time, we did a little better. oth Janet and Justin have children their songwriting flowed with ease.
We were a little more brave, plus there was Bfrom previous relationships, with “We just went down into the studio and
some alcohol involved the second time that Janet having taken time out to focus on started writing and the more that we wrote,
we saw each other!” she laughs again. “So family life after the members of Vixen the easier it became, the more it flowed out
I think it gave us a little alcohol confidence parted ways in the 90s. They, of course, got of us and it’s just been very exciting,” says
to talk to each other.” back together again – although guitarist Janet. “So without really thinking much
In ‘Best Friend’, Janet sings, ‘I kissed Jan Kuehnemund sadly passed away after about it, we just kept going. We started set-
your cheek but I still couldn’t say what I a battle with cancer in 2013. Regarding her ting little goals. ‘Let’s do another song next
wanted to say’. Many of us have no doubt time away from music, Janet says, “It’s very week and have it done by Sunday,’ and be-
been in a similar situation. It can be intimi- hard to balance an active music business fore you knew it, we had a full album’s
dating when you meet someone you like life, being on the road, and keeping your worth of material, and even then, we were
and you have no idea what they think of personal life together,” Janet explains. “It’s like, ‘Well, what shall we do with it? We can
you. When we ask Janet what advice she’d hard to keep everyone from feeling neg- release it ourselves. Should we shop it?
give to someone else in a similar situation, lected; family members and things like that. What should we do with it?’ We were