Page 5 - Black Velvet Issue 94
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                    A A   B BR RE EA AT TH H   O OF F   F FR RE ES SH H   A AI IR R

                    ove ballsy, energetic rock ‘n’ roll? Then check out AT THE SUN, an impressive, London-based, heavy

                 Lrock band. They’ve just released their debut EP entitled ‘Breathe’ - and rather aptly, it will take
              your breath away. We got in touch to quiz the band on all things relating to breathing and breath!

              Black Velvet: You released the ‘Breathe’ EP  being one with the audience and making that  We look to play songs that we ourselves would
              in June. How proud are you of it? How long  moment be the only one that matters. Best way  like to listen to, not mold them around what we
              have you had the songs, how were they to  to sum it up is in the chorus of our song ‘Devil In  think we need to create, you know. I think the
              write and how do you feel with the EP com-  Your Eyes’ – “Leave your inhibitions at the door,  best way to sum up our strength as a band and
              pleted and now on sale?            the real world doesn’t need you anymore”.   our music is the opening line from a recent re-
              Kieron Heavens: The instrumentals for these                            view of our EP which goes: “Sometimes, you
              tracks had been around for a while. We spent a  BV: You’ve talked about the energy and drive  hear a band play and you just think to yourself
              long time searching for the right singer for the  that ‘Breathe’ has. Which of your own shows  “Wow, that fucking rocks”. That’s what we offer.
              band so we were blessed to have material al-  has made you the most breathless?
              ready there for Harry (Vox) to write over. We’re  KH: Our EP launch show for sure. The venue  BV: When you first picked up an instrument,
              just so happy they are out in the world! We told  was packed, we had worked hard on making the  did you find it came as naturally to you as
              ourselves that we wanted to produce something  show our biggest yet in terms of staging - intro  breathing?
              that we were 100% happy with and we feel we  videos, drum solos etc. - and it just went off. The  KH: I think it was like that for all of us. I person-
              have done that. We’re now working on how we  crowd were with us, the energy was so high  ally remember being at school and having to
              can write an album of 10 or so tracks that have  throughout the room. We give every gig our all;  choose saxophone or guitar. I loved the sax but
              a bigger and more developed sound – we listen  if we aren’t covered in sweat by the end of the  the guitar was way cooler! Hard to say about
              to so much music, new and old, that we are al-  show we haven’t done our job! We expect peo-  playing  music  coming  naturally,  I  think  it’s  a
              ways finding new sides to what we create to-  ple to bang their heads, stomp their feet and just  combination of hard practice and a love for your
              gether.                            get their bodies moving! It’s only fair we do the  instrument that get you to that stage where it
                                                 same!                               seems as natural as breathing. Craig, Harry and
              BV: Tell us about that moment where you                                Alex all come from musical families, so when
              breathed the same air as each other!   BV: Is there any one moment that has taken  you’re brought up into music it seems to be the
              KH: The band as it is now first breathed the  your breath away so far being in the band?  normal air that you breathe. To have that back-
              same air together when Chet (lead guitar) came  KH: The moment we listened back to the final  ground is a real blessing and only right we try
              down to rehearse with us and we immediately  mixes of the EP. To break out of our super-cool,  and do our predecessors justice, even if it blows
              asked him to join. This band has formed through  nothing can faze us musician personas for a  their ears off!
              evolution, it’s a long story of how it came to be.  moment, we were just hit by what we had cre-
              To keep it simple I hooked up with Alex (Bass)  ated. To hear the tracks you have rehearsed and  BV: If you were told to breathe in, breathe
              through a mutual friend and we then went hunt-  tweaked and sometimes played till you just don’t  out and then make a wish, what would you
              ing for musicians who shared our passion and  want to hear them anymore, to then come out  wish for? What dreams do you have for AT
              musical love. It took us a good six months or so  sounding so sweet, was a special moment for  THE SUN?
              to put the right pieces together – we had both  all of us. We’re a humble bunch but we are also  We’d wish for 3 more wishes! We know that any-
              been  in  bands  before  and  knew  what  we  a proud lot and this EP filled us with pride.    thing we are going to get in this music business
              needed for this one. Chet was the final piece of                       is going to be through hard work, simple as. We
              the puzzle!                        BV: Can AT THE SUN breathe new life into  would wish for being able to do this for a very
                                                 the rock scene and music world? What are  long time. We have a load of music in us and we
              BV: Title track, ‘Breathe’, is about escape. Do  your strong points and unique attributes?  want to keep sharing that with people. With fans
              you think it’s easy to find an escape? What  KH: Our strength is in our songs. In our bio we  coming  to  our  shows,  buying  our  music  and
              has helped you escape?             say ‘no gimmicks’ and that’s how it is with us.  showing us their love, we can hopefully do that!
              KH: It may sound corny but we escape in our  We focus on writing strong songs that hopefully  Right now our goals are to write the best album
              music, especially on stage. Any musician will tell  stay with people. We love riffs, we love solos  we can and hit as many festivals as possible
              you that there is nothing quite like that moment  and we love big melodies, so that’s what we do.  next year. Then, who knows…
              on stage when nothing else in the world but that  This is early days for us so we will evolve over
              moment matters. Whatever has been going on  time but I think those fundamentals will always  Visit for more info.
              in our lives, when we hit the stage it’s about  be there – everyone loves riffs and solos, right?  Words By Shari Black Velvet

                                                                                                     AT THE SUN
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