Page 36 - Black Velvet Issue 93
P. 36

BV93 pg34,35,36,37 miw_BV93 pg36  01/06/2017  20:31  Page 3

              BlackVelvetMagazine.Com -  36

              time.”                             around that.”                       me, I guess the most inspiring thing of all
                                                    We open the subject up and ask Chris if  was  just  kind  of  seeing  I  haven’t  been
                    nd May 2017 was the perfect time for  he thinks most people in life have self-con-  through everything, I’m not just like every-
                Athe  album  to  be  released.  The  re-  trol.                      one else that was there. No two people in
              lease day came while the band were on tour  “It’s a tough one because I feel like in  those meetings were exactly the same. So
              in the U.S. This was also prior to festival sea-  certain situations, no,” he answers. “There  seeing the differences of what certain people
              son kicking off. The band played a couple of  are  obviously  many  things  that  you  can’t  would have experienced and then knowing
              festivals in the USA before heading over to  control. I definitely tend to be a control freak  that I didn’t have the perfect answer, it was
              Europe. But this was almost a year after the  myself.  I  want  to  have  power  over  every-  really amazing to see other people in these
              first  single  from  the  album  was  released.  thing, but I’ve learned that it’s a very destruc-  groups interacting with one another. And it
              ‘570’  was  unveiled  back  in  June  2016  –  a  tive  mentality,  because  it  leads  to  anger  wasn’t  this  mentality  where  people  were
              decade after the band was originally formed.  issues  and  all  kinds  of  mental  strain  and  going to listen to ME talk, it was that we were
              It was a tribute to the life of the band, and a  stress and anxiety and whatnot. As far as  going to sit in a group and talk to each other.
              decade  of  being  a  band,  recounting  the  things that you can control, I don’t know, I  I don’t know, there’s just something about
              struggles and hard work. With ‘570’ being  think that it’s mixed, I think that if somebody  that, that it just kind of lit a fire in me and re-
              their hometown Scranton’s area code, Chris  realizes that they can take hold of their life  ally inspired me to want to speak about that
              tells  us,  “That  song  is  more  so  centered  and  make  a  change,  and  try  and  change  a lot more and do these types of meetings
              around the first five years of the band, where  something  that  they  really  want,  I’ve  defi-  every day without hesitation. I was nervous,
              we were living off of essentially five dollars  nitely been learning that in a lot of other as-  but I was ready and so excited to be a part of
              each a week and sleeping in a van with ten  pects of my life outside of music, that I can  it, because I just love seeing people come to-
              people all the time. There’s a lot of situations  take control of my own life and really forge a  gether and try and help one another, and re-
              where you’re having this internal discussion  new path for myself and break bad habits. In  ally  just  a  group  of  people  having  a
              with  yourself,  wondering  if  what  you’re  my case, I do have some self-control and I  discussion. Some people said things that I
              doing is right and should you continue doing  think I have been really enjoying using that.”  feel like, I don’t know for sure, people re-
              this because you love it, or should you give  Chris is one of a number of members in  vealed  things  about  themselves  that  they
              up because it doesn’t seem like things are  the band that is straight edge. Some may  never have before in these groups and that
              going to turn in the direction that you want it  think it takes a lot of control to be straight  was really cool too, to see that we built a
              to go.”                            edge,  although  for  those  that  are  straight  pretty comfortable place for people to feel
                The song mentions ‘losing grip’. Chris  edge, it is normal and generally requires no  like they could say whatever they wanted to
              explains, “You kind of lose grip of what really  control at all. Chris has never drank, smoked  say.”
              is most important to you and you’re always  or take drugs – he has never been tempted  In  ‘Voices’,  Chris  sings,  ‘voices  in  my
              questioning yourself, and much like every-  to, and therefore has never missed partaking  head again’. He tells us about the voices in
              thing else in my life, I’m really, really happy  in any of those habits. In fact, he was put off  his head. “For me, in regards to the groups,
              that  we  maintained  that  grip  and  we  kept  it when seeing others embrace that lifestyle.  I think it was always ‘should I continue to be
              going through all those early five years of  He  says,  “For  me,  there  were  certain  who  I  want  to  be  or  should  I  go  the  way
              everything that was a very DIY at its core sit-  members  of  my  family  that  I  watched  im-  everyone else expects of me?’ and I think
              uation and I think that’s helped us feel like  mersed in that world and it just really put me  that’s kind of like the universal argument that
              we’ve earned what we have now a lot more  off from it and I think those early instilled  happens  between  yourself  all  the  time.  Is
              than if it was just handed to us in a year or  memories pushed me to not have any desire  what you’re doing you’re doing the right path
              two year’s of being a band and touring and  to go that route. And being on tour, what’s  and do you stand by what you’re doing and
              blowing up and being this huge band. It’s  cool to me is that I used to be really bitter to-  who you are, or do you think that you should
              something that we look back on and are re-  wards  people  that  would  get  super  drunk  implement some changes and try to reinvent
              ally proud of, that we felt those kind of things  and super high or whatever they were doing  yourself, either for you or for other people?
              and had those types of eternal questioning.”  and I didn’t want to be around it at all, and I  That’s definitely a struggle and something
                                                 was just so bitter and hateful, but as you get  that over a long period of time I learned that
                This fourth studio album is also one that  older you kind of chill out on that stuff and  you’ve got to come to a point where then
              Chris thinks he’ll still be really proud of in  you  realize  that  people  are  people  and  comes the next aisle where you say “Fuck
              ten years’ time. “I think the thing I’m most  they’re going to do what they’re going to do  it,” and make that choice and make the ab-
              proud of is that we really didn’t rush through  and you have a choice to be around it or not  solute best of it.”
              it. We really took time to make sure that it  and at this point, I’m not a negative person  The connections between a bandmem-
              was exactly what we wanted it to be, so in  to  be  around  all  the  time,  I  definitely  just  ber and fans like this can be very inspiring
              ten years I think I’ll be able to look back and  enjoy hanging out with my friends. I don’t  for the fan as well as bands, and we can’t
              I’ll just be happy and think, ‘Wow, this album  give a shit if they drink or if they’re going to  help but think that if there were more con-
              was not rushed in any way. We did exactly  smoke  weed  or  whatever,  it’s  not  even  a  nections like this, the world could become a
              what we wanted to do, no excuses, and I’m  thing, I don’t think about it. I’m just there to  better place. Does Chris think we need more
              just really happy about that’.”    hang out and be friends and have a good  connections like this?
                                                 time. If that shit’s involved, it’s involved. It’s  “Yeah, I think the world would be a much
                    hris’s  self-control  came  into  play  not part of my life, it’s just there and I have  better place if a lot of things like that were
                Cwhen  ‘Graveyard  Shift’  was  being  the choice to leave and walk away from it at  changed. I’m very fortunate and happy to be
              made. “With us, one of the hardest things is  any  moment.  I  think  that  when  you  stop  in a lifestyle that I feel does help communi-
              that we really like to venture far and wide  being so negative about it towards people,  cation between people. I think music is the
              with our music and particular influences,” he  I’ve definitely opened up friendships that can  universal language, and certainly, you can
              explains.  “A  lot  of  us  are  always  coming  thrive regardless of who does what in that  say a lot of things to people, not even di-
              from places that we are trying to show, just  friendship.”             rectly  to  them  or  face-to-face  that  can
              different styles of music that we love in our                          change  their  perception  on  something.  I
              songs and trying to create a unique sound.  n the summer of 2016, Motionless In  think I’m very fortunate that I get to write
              Sometimes in the past we’ve gone a little bit  IWhite  took  part  in  the  Vans  Warped  lyrics that I may have talked about in those
              too far with that. We like to consider that we  Tour, which treks across the USA from June  types of meetings and really inspired some-
              are  pretty  good  at  learning  from  our  mis-  to August. While on the tour, Chris got in-  body to look at life or a situation differently,
              takes and implementing those lessons into  volved in some TEI Workshops. These were  and that’s really cool. I do think that if I had
              future albums. The sense of control comes  group  educational  workshops,  which  in-  the opportunity to speak to people face-to-
              in  that  we  really  want to make  sure we’re  volved conversing as a group with fans for  face  more  often,  if  other  people  felt  more
              sticking to our goal and not just expanding  40 minutes a day. These workshops were so  comfortable to go to friends or family and
              too far outside of what we feel the band’s  inspiring to Chris that he wrote the songs  discuss issues without being pushed off or
              identity is, while at the same time still mak-  ‘Voices’ and ‘LOUD (Fuck It)’ as a result of  blown off because people don’t really want
              ing  sure  that  we’re  not  becoming  this,  I  them. Chris says, “I really loved the things  to  help  other  people,  of  course  the  world
              guess, homogenous mixture of sound that  that when people would say something I was  would be a better place. I guess I’m really
              from track to track there’s not anything that  able to relate directly, “Oh my God, I’ve been  just doing all that I can to do my part to make
              you can distinguish is different. That takes a  exactly there too and this is how I dealt with  it better and I just hope that other people
              lot  of  goal-setting  and  control  to  work  it,” and trying to offer my thoughts. But for  also  continue  to  do  their  part  and  maybe
                MOTIONLESS IN WHITE
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