Page 39 - Black Velvet Issue 93
P. 39
BV93 With Confidence_BV93 pg38 06/06/2017 22:34 Page 2
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 39
lemonade, Jayden seizes the op- ever.” nd what is always just main character in the Harry Pot-
portunity to bring his friend into our Jayden continues, “We get a Aaround the corner in the ter stories and it doesn’t take
chat pointing out that he played a lot of people telling us their stories life of With Confidence is the much persuading for Jayden to
leading part in writing some of the and how we’ve helped them and next show. And their gigs are a express his passion for JK Rowl-
songs mentioned and offering him it’s really good to see because I perfect example of a way in ing’s work, as he says, “I might
the chance to speak about some of feel like we are opening up a dia- which they are bringing people say I’m the biggest Harry Potter
the inspirations. logue a little bit as a band and peo- together because you’re never fan in the band.”
Inigo tells Black Velvet, “The ple feel this trust with us and that’s truly alone when you are at a The comment is immedi-
theme for the album is, people great.” gig. ately questioned by Luke, who
don’t need to be going through the Luke adds, “I think by no Luke says, “I personally weighs in with, “You and Josh
things that they are going through means do we have the answers to have read many, many com- definitely,” but with Josh the only
by themselves. You can always any of those things. We are all on ments and tweets from people member of the band not present
ask for help from anyone and you the exact same level as anyone who’ve met people at our we have to take Luke’s word on
should always be there for each else; we go through those things shows. People have met their this.
other. Those songs come from per- as well but it’s good to open up that now best friends, met their future Jayden continues, “I wrote
sonal experiences from all of us conversation and remind people boyfriend or girlfriend and that is the lyrics to ‘Voldemort‘ and for
and people that we know who are that there is always help out there the kind of stuff that I don’t think me it stems from being a mas-
going through some hard shit and there are always people you bands necessarily think about sive Harry Potter fan of course,
themselves and they shouldn’t be. can turn to, no matter how alone or when they are forming or when but the idea of calling it ‘Volde-
So running with the theme of that, dark it might seem at the time. they are getting ready to go on mort’ is a metaphor for mental ill-
we just want to remind people that There is always something around tour but it is a happy coincidence ness. In the Harry Potter films
you should never feel like that, the corner.” that music really does bring peo- and books nobody likes to talk
ple together and if we are doing about Voldemort, it’s he who
anything to have a positive effect mustn’t be named, and every-
on our fan base’s lives then that one is scared of the name and
is the most rewarding thing for fear of the name increases the
us.” fear of the thing itself. So it’s the
idea that if people talk about
he release of ‘Better mental illness and if we start cre-
TWeather’ came a few ating a dialogue people will be
months after they announced less scared of it, so that’s where
they had signed with Hopeless the idea comes from. But it’s
Records and having self-re- mostly because I’m a massive
leased their initial EPs, they now Harry Potter geek!”
have some very solid and tal- ‘Keeper’ boasts the line, ‘I
ented support moving forward. can’t keep running round in cir-
Asking them what it’s been like cles. This also relates, theme-
working with a label and not hav- wise. Inigo tells Black Velvet,
ing to do everything on their own “The lyric is referring to when
this time, Jayden says, “It’s been you overthink things and you just
incredible. We released those keep on going, when you get in
first two EPs by ourselves and that mindset and all you think is
it’s a very different process. It’s ‘Oh shit, I’ve fucked up,’ or ‘If I
incredible to have a team of peo- keep on doing this it’s going to
ple who know the industry really get me into even more trouble’
well and really are passionate and you just keep thinking about
about With Confidence and our it and getting deeper and
music and what we want to do, deeper.”
all supporting us with their expe- Jayden adds, ‘I think that
rience. We really value their everyone can relate to that,
input and it has changed it a lot. whether or not it’s as relevant in
At the forefront, it’s always going a different person’s life, I think
to be the four of us writing music everyone at times goes through
and making it truly honest, but feelings of anxiety or stress, so
they have been a positive influ- yeah, I think everyone has felt
ence and they have helped us in that way. In terms of the band, I
ways we could have never imag- don’t think we are ‘running round
ined when we were doing those in circles’,” but before he can fin-
first two EPs. We’ve got our shit ish, a grinning Luke interrupts,
together a bit since signing.” saying, “We’re running a fucking
Luke continues, “Their ros- marathon, we’re running straight
ter, both current and previous, ahead!”
has some of our favourite bands The band prepare for the
that we grew up loving and show that night, as always, ‘with
made us want to be in a band. I confidence’ but also with enthu-
think they are pretty much the siasm and excitement because
number one for pop-punk bands while things are certainly going
right now.” more than okay at the moment,
the future looks hugely promis-
ental health and loneli- ing and we are more than confi-
Mness are not the only dent that even bigger and better
themes which can be found on things lie ahead - and it won’t be
‘Better Weather’ and this is more just the weather.
than apparent with opening song Visit www.withconfidence-
‘Voldemort’, which someone for more info.
with the smallest amount of
knowledge about wizards and Words By Michael Coventry
Hogwarts is likely to know is a
Photo By Brandon Lung