Page 35 - Black Velvet Issue 93
P. 35

BV93 pg34,35,36,37 miw_BV93 pg35  01/06/2017  20:26  Page 2

                                                                                           BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 35

                    otionless In White hail from Scran-  just as close to us as the band, we’re all fam-  “OK, cool,” so I took two days off at the stu-
                Mton,  Pennsylvania.  Founded  by  ily on this bus, and it seemed like there was  dio and got on a plane. The studio was in
              Chris Cerulli in 2005, the band is, ultimately,  a disconnection, and as soon as we started  New York, and I got on a plane and was flying
              his baby, although that baby has grown into  touring in 2017 it felt… I don’t know… I don’t  to L.A. and two seats over from me, I had no
              an impressive creature of diversity, expertise  know if it’s just in comparison to the past  idea who he was… was just a normal looking
              and venerated proportions. Ryan Sitkowski  year  or  what,  but  from  that  moment  until  guy.  About  halfway  through  the  flight  he
              joined the band on lead guitar in 2008. Ricky  today, the connection is there, the friendship  looked over and he was like, “Hey, are you in
              ‘Horror’ Olson joined a year later, in 2009.  is stronger than ever, the shows have been  a  band?”  I  was  like,  “Yeah,”  and  he  goes
              Devin ‘Ghost’ Sola took over Ricky’s bass  really, really fun. I don’t know if it was just a  “What band?” I said, “Motionless In White.”
              guitar  slot  in  2011  as  Ricky  switched  to  member leaving, I don’t know what it was,  He goes, “Dave Rath, Roadrunner Records.”
              rhythm guitar, and Vinny Mauro became the  but… everything feels amazing now, and I  I was like, “Oh my God!” I had no idea. He
              band’s drummer in 2014. With keyboardist  couldn’t be happier with where everything’s  wasn’t like, “We want to sign you.” He didn’t
              Josh Balz announcing his departure at the  at.”                        say anything like that; he was just like, “Ah
              beginning of this year, and the new record  Roadrunner Records was a record label  man, I love your band. We’ve known about
              deal  with  Roadrunner  Records  signed,  that Chris had looked up to and admired for  you guys for a while. We know that you’ve
              sealed and delivered, the band is now tighter  years; it was his dream to be signed to Road-  worked with Clown before,” – Clown from
              than ever.                         runner, so it was as if fate had stepped in  Slipknot,  who’s  on  Roadrunner  Records.
                In February, Ricky Horror posted a photo  knowing that the band would be looking at  They thought that was pretty cool. He was
              of the five members and wrote ‘I’ve never felt  options when their Fearless Records con-  just really nice and I kind of just got this vibe
              closer to the family that is @miwband’. Chris  tract was nearing its completion. Chris says  right then and there, “I’m going to work with
              says he feels like that too. “We had a mem-  he had two distinct signs prior to signing to  this guy in the future, I know it, I just know
              ber depart earlier this year, and I think that  Roadrunner, as if the universe was trying to  it.” I felt it. There was just a nice coincidence
              the album being completed and where we’re  show him it was the right move.   that happened. When I look back on that, I
              all at right now, there’s a lot of factors that  “One of them, I’d say the more important  think that was actually the start of when I felt
              have gone into the past year of our band,  one… I was recording our last album, ‘Rein-  that things were going to migrate in that di-
              and last year. Not many people know this,  carnate’, and I was asked to go to an awards  rection, ‘cause at that point, ‘Reincarnate’
              but last year, I, definitely, from my perspec-  show in Los Angeles,” Chris tells Black Vel-  was our last record on Fearless. We knew
              tive, felt a disconnection between a lot of  vet. “Revolver Magazine hosts a thing called  that we were going to be looking at options
              people in the band and our crew, who are  the  Golden  Gods  Awards,  and  I  was  like,  for labels and that came right at that perfect

                                                                                         MOTIONLESS IN WHITE
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