Page 32 - Black Velvet Issue 93
P. 32

BV93 pg28-33_BV93 pg32  09/06/2017  19:32  Page 5

              BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 32

               And  I’m  just  using  an  example.  Of  course,  Maybe I’m just hypercritical.”  played with them. They’re really nice guys and
               there  are  going  to  be  different  styles  and  We think Biters ought to be bigger than  they had a great crowd.”
               trends. Banjo rock’s really big now. Have you  they are. It seems that The Struts, who are an  But in today’s world of reality stars and so-
               heard  of  banjo  rock?  It’s  like  Mumford And  English rock ‘n’ roll band, are having more suc-  cial  media  where  everyone  wants  to  be  fa-
               Sons and all that. There’s always going to be  cess in the U.S. Could it be because they are  mous, would the average Joe rather idolize
               trendy stuff, but I think the youth is not getting  English? Bowie was English, T.Rex were Eng-  normal  people  and  that’s  why  less  people
               into rock ‘n’ roll anymore. It’s weird because the  lish, Thin Lizzy were Irish. Do Americans love  seem into rock ‘n’ roll? Rather than someone
               stuff that was made fun of in the 90s, like Limp  British rock ‘n’ roll more than their own home-  who looks like a rock star with glamorous rock
               Bizkit and rap rock, and the kind of stuff that  grown bands?        ‘n’ roll songs, they’d rather look up to someone
               people made fun of for a while, now that’s back  “I think The Struts are more marketable,”  ordinary, someone like them?
               in style again and it’s real hip to sound like  says Tuk. “They’re more pop rock. They can be  “I think with the rock ‘n’ roll scene, yes, be-
               Limp Bizkit and kind of nu metal. It’s weird be-  marketed to young Disney crowds. They defi-  cause pop stars are so made up and it’s so
               cause everyone talked shit on them; “We never  nitely have a huge market of modern produc-  materialist, the big pop stars right now, that
               wanna  relive  that;  that  was  fuckin’  terrible.”  tion, even though the guy sings amazing, like  they want rock ‘n’ roll to be more organic,” says
               Now, we have all the cliché kind of music com-  Freddie Mercury. They have a lot of marketing  Tuk. “Honestly, dudes don’t care about how
               ing back. I don’t know. Like I said, I can’t relate  money behind them. They broke on U.S. radio  they look these days, it doesn’t matter, it’s fine.
               to the average person. Honestly, I have no idea  and I think if you can break on U.S. radio that’s  Kurt  Cobain,  his  outfit,  his  look,  they  were
               what goes on in people’s brains. I think a lot of  a massive thing. I don’t know how to do that.  meticulously put together. The holes in his shirt
               the new music is garbage too. But I don’t know.  But yeah, they are really good. We actually  didn’t get there from him scraping his elbows,

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