Page 31 - Black Velvet Issue 93
P. 31

BV93 pg28-33_BV93 pg31  09/06/2017  00:39  Page 4

                                                                                         BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 31
           have no clue where I’ll be in six months or a  One of our particular highlights of the new  all, especially in the States with hip hop music.
           year. I have no idea. It’s so uncertain. That’s  album is a song called ‘Hollywood’, where Tuk  The  factory  farming  industry  is  one  of  the
           scary. When you live like this, you are uncertain  sings,  ‘everyone  wants  a  star  on  Hollywood  biggest atrocities in the history of mankind.  So
           and to kind of deal with that anxiety or fear, it’s  Blvd’. Tuk says the song is not meant literally,  yeah, I would like to see a paradigm shift in the
           what drives a lot of musicians to drinking and  but  more  about  how  everyone  craves  fame.  human race. I don’t know if it’s going to happen
           partying too, ‘cause you don’t know what the  “Nowadays,  everybody  wants  to  be  famous.  because I feel like we’re moving deeper and
           fuck’s going to happen next.”       Everyone’s online, trying to be special. Every-  deeper into an idiocracy. With all the technology
                                               one has a voice on social media and girls are  in the world and all the modern conveniences,
                 aking the new album was one of the  showing their asses on there to try and get fol-  with most technology, the most readily available
              Mmost difficult things Tuk has ever done.  lowers, people are taking selfies. We’re so con-  food, there’s air conditioning, hot water, clean
           He tells Black Velvet, “I think the pressure that  nected through technology, but everyone feels  water, nobody’s sick anymore, people are living
           is  put  on  a  writer;  from  your  fans,  from  your  so disconnected spiritually. They feel insignifi-  a long time, I feel like people are more unhappy
           label, from management, and then I put a lot of  cant. Everyone wants to feel like they have a life  than they’ve ever been. None of these modern
           pressure  on  myself,  I  don’t  know  how  many  purpose. Everyone wants to feel like they were  advances have made these people happy be-
           more albums, how much longer, this band can  meant for something or destined. You see a lot  cause I think we’re so disconnected from the
           sustain itself, unless we get a big break. So for  of lost souls nowadays, even with all the con-  source, whatever the source is. And me being a
           me, it was an important album; to try to put some  veniences of modern society; air conditioning,  part of humanity, I feel very disconnected to the
           of the really big songs on there. It’s not like you  running water, fresh food. People are really un-  source.”
           can go to the store and buy a hit song. You have  happy, so there’s always a deeper level. I did  There’s a quote that goes, ‘When you are
           to figure out how to do it. It’s a lot of pressure for  write  it  in  Hollywood.  That’s  where  it  was  born in a world you don’t fit in; it’s because you
           one, and then I wanted to be very thorough, so  spawned from. I was out there writing and I was  were born to create a new one’.
           I demoed out 30 songs at my house. I did the  walking down Hollywood Blvd, and I was looking  “That’s  a  really  good  quote,”  replies Tuk.
           whole production. I sang full harmonies, I did  at  all  the  stars,  the  actual  stars  on  there,  so  “Like I said, I go through ups and downs. Some-
           everything on the demos before we even went  yeah, the inspiration did come from being there,  times I’m very positive and I want to change the
           into the studio, and then in the studio it was re-  but it’s multi-faceted lyrically.”  world and I want to stand for something and
           ally difficult this time around, trying to get it to  With so many people wanting to be famous,  other times I feel very defeated and like it’s a
           sound how I wanted, production-wise, and to try  and so many people having millions of followers  hopeless task. You really can’t control anything;
           to  make  a  record  that  competes  fidelity-wise  for  doing  nothing  other  than,  as  Tuk  says,  you can only control yourself. I do try to control
           with some of the big records today. A lot of them  “showing their asses”, we wonder who inspires  myself and be the best person I can be. But like
           rely on a lot of programming. So, to try to get it  him…  who  is  actually  WORTH  following  out  I said, you have up days and down, some days
           really tight-sounding and big to compete with  there?                  you’re good, some days you’re bad. But also, I
           modern records, while doing the style of music,  “I  think  people  who  are  really  creatively  did a lot of fucked up shit in the past. I’m just try-
           that was a challenge. I probably put the pressure  driven, they are the most inspiring. Seeing peo-  ing to, from now on, make sure I’m the most
           on myself that made it that hard, but I do like the  ple who have just worked really hard and devel-  honorable, stand-up person I can be. And when
           way it turned out, I’m very happy with it.”  oped  a  craft,  whether  it’s  owning  their  own  you kinda do that, when you say what you feel,
              He also took some risks this time around. “I  business or being an artist, being a producer,  you put your neck out there to be cut. Some-
           put two ballads on there. Sometimes because,  being a songwriter, an actor; someone who’s  times I take a lot of abuse online from people for
           Biters, people want to pigeonhole us a lot and I  honed their craft and didn’t really conform to reg-  being who I am. People are assholes.”
           just get bored so I just wrote the record as if I  ular societal standards. People like that; I’d like  A comment got to him the other month on
           was writing a solo record for me. There’s a coun-  to attract more of those, but I keep my circle re-  the internet, and he wrote an Instagram post
           try-ish,  Americana  kind  of  ballad  on  there.  ally,   really                       about how when you’re
           There’s a bunch of glammy stuff, which I really  small,  people  “For  some  reason  people  think  in a band in 2017, you
           like, a lot more power pop stuff, which is my per-  that I hang out  they  have  the right  to criticize you  are forced to take con-
           sonal favourite, so I kinda just didn’t listen to  with  on  pur-                       stant  criticism  “from
           anybody and did what I wanted to do. Hopefully  pose.  But,  for openly on the internet. I would never  every shapeless mon-
           it turns out.”                      some  reason,  go to your face and say, “You suck as  goloid  on  the  internet
              Tuk wanted to create a mood and a vibe  for the last cou-                            and  expected  not  to
           with the new album. “I wanted to make people  ple of years I’ve an interviewer, you need to do this,  say  anything  back”.
           feel good when they listen to the record. Not  been really, re-  you need to do this.” Who would do  “Yeah,  it  gets  to  me
           necessarily a feeling, but feelings. I wanted to  ally attracted to  that? It’s so rude.” - Tuk Smith   sometimes,”  he  says.
           make people feel good because I found that I  nature, which is                          “I’m a human being. I’m
           kept  going  back  and  listening  to  music  that  not  “rock  ‘n’                     not  untouchable.  I’m
           made  me  feel  good.  Listening  to  a  bunch  of  roll”. But you can’t help what you like.”   just a regular person. Shit bothers you but for
           screaming and music that’s upsetting, there’s  With the Blackberry Smoke tour having just  some reason people think they have the right to
           enough of that that I have to deal with on a day-  been completed, Tuk adds, “Blackberry Smoke  criticize  you  openly  on  the  internet.  I  would
           to-day basis, so I wanted to create the escape.”  have been amazing. Not only amazing people,  never go to your face and say, “You suck as an
                                               they’re great musicians. They’re inspiring to me.  interviewer, you need to do this, you need to do
                ast  year, Tuk  got  to  sing  and  perform  Charlie is very inspiring to me, the singer. He’s  this.” Who would do that? It’s so rude. But for
              L‘Surrender’ on stage with Cheap Trick.  like a one-in-a-million musician, and he’s a great  some reason people get the fucking courage to
           He posted about it online and wrote that if he  guy. Now he’s sober. I’m not sober, but you can  feel like they’re qualified to make criticisms or
           could write a song as good as ‘I Want You To  tell he got focused and it’s paid off.”  qualified to be reviewers, and it does get to me
           Want Me’ he could die happy. So, has he written                        sometimes. The idiots get to me.”
           a song as good as ‘I Want You To Want Me’ on  uk sings ‘I want to light up the dark’ in
           ‘The Future Ain’t What It Used To Be’?  T‘Callin’ You Home’. He thinks the world  hings have definitely changed a lot since
              “I have no idea, because as the person who  as a whole feels dark at the moment.  Tthe 70s – and we imagine Marc Bolan
           does the writing, your perspective is skewed,”  “I go through phases, but at this point I see  and Phil Lynott would probably have been the
           Tuk replies. “I never think anything I do is good  the world as a whole and from more of a nega-  victims  of  online  trolling  if  they  were  around
           enough. Hopefully somebody else will.”  tive aspect. I just feel like what we’re doing to  today. But how would T.Rex and Thin Lizzy be
              He says he’s critical of himself as a writer. “I  the planet, to the environment, other species,  coping if they were still a band in 2017? Obvi-
           really want to be humble so I try and keep my  the monetary system that the world is run by  ously members of Thin Lizzy are now in Black
           ego in check and not think that anything I do is  doesn’t make sense to me. A lot of the systems  Star Riders, and they, themselves, are playing
           too good. But music is all a matter of personal  that are in place, the structural systems of soci-  club venues. Glamorous rock ‘n’ roll is not half
           opinion and perspective. A lot of music that is  ety, they make no sense to me. So I feel like an  as popular as it once was, though.
           popular and that people think is good, I think is  alien from another planet. I don’t feel like I was  “Of course, nothing stays the same forever,”
           fucking horrible, and I think a lot of people prob-  supposed to be… I know it sounds cheesy, but  says Tuk. “There’s going to be different styles in
           ably hate what I do. It’s all a matter of opinion.  I feel so out of place on earth that at times it’s  music. If you placed the type of hip hop or rap
           Somebody could think I’ve already written songs  hard for me to relate to people, so I feel really…  that is dominating the music industry right now,
           that are as good as that or better. And I was just  I don’t know. I just feel very separated, like I’m  if you placed that in the 80s, it would not work; it
           using that song as a blanket example. But I’m  not part of a group. To me, a lot of mainstream  would fail. If you placed some of the 80s rock ‘n’
           going to keep chipping away.”       music and mainstream culture I can’t relate to at  roll into today’s world, it would not work either.
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