Page 42 - Black Velvet Issue 91
P. 42

BV91 albums pg2_BV91 pg42  15/12/2016  00:49  Page 1

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                                   cheek  and  radio  friendly  electronic elements add to  tance’, which will illuminate  and  joyful,  full  of  upbeat
                                   rocker which has an addic-  the  epic  sound  of  opener  festivals next summer. Alto-  tracks with strong, bluesy
                                   tive rhythm, while title track  ‘Insanity’, setting up a con-  gether a refreshing album.    rhythms. The recent addi-
                                   ‘Welcome  To  The  World’  trast with the classic rock-  YYYYY  tion of Ivano Andreozzi on
                                   reverts  to  the  heavier,  sounding  guitar  riffs  and  Clare Boyle  lead  vocals  brings  the
                                   chugging rock style yet re-  the sense of angst in the          power  trio  up  to  a  four-
                                   tains an upbeat feel in an-  vocals. ‘The Last Goodbye’         piece  and  his  harmonica
                                   other  infectious  chorus.  is more of a pop rock style         skills help round out some
                                   ‘The  Day  We  Fell’  has  a  with  a  deep  sense  of          of the tracks. Opening with
                                   deceptively haunting intro  melancholy, which is again          the  fast-paced  title  track
              APOCALYPTIC LOVERS   blasted away by the drums  particularly  highlighted  in        ‘Wishing Well’, the dynamic
              REDEMPTION VOLUME 1  and  guitars,  becoming  a  the   heartfelt   vocals.           bass  rhythm  and  drums
              (APOCALYPTIC         tale of pirates on the high  There’s  also  an  excellent       power along like a freight
              LOVERS)              seas. Yes, really. It’s sheer  acoustic piano-led version       train, while the guitar, har-
                 ‘Better Days’ is one hell  genius, and alongside the  to  close  the  album  which  monica and vocals give it a
              of an opening track. Letting  Southern rock of the swag-  heightens the emotional in-  swing. Those rhythms con-
              loose with frenetic riffs right  gering ‘Fighting Jack’ is an  tensity.  Lyrically,  this  is  a  VOODOO VEGAS  tinue  to  barrel  along  into
              from the first chord, the en-  album  highlight,  which,  strong   and   intelligent  FREAK  SHOW  CANDY  ‘The Firing Line’, which has
              ergy of Sean Magee’s gui-  given the overall quality, is  album, and there are mo-  FLOSS  a  storming  guitar  solo,
              tar  is  matched  by  the  saying something.   ments of great depth and  (PHD)       while ‘Heart On Fire’ goes
              drums,  bass,  and  the          YYYYY    beauty, such as the soulful  Voodoo Vegas’s ‘Freak  for a more laid-back classic
              power  of  Robert  Kane’s     Clare Huckett  and uplifting ‘Beautiful Day’  Show Candy Floss’ album  rock style. ‘Twisted Mind’ is
              voice. Apocalyptic  Lovers                and the truly stunning ‘La  opener  'Backstabber'  is  a  one of the most interesting
              started life in the early 90s  LAST  GREAT  DREAM-  Luna’. Then there are the  head-tilting,  foot-tapping,  tracks  on  the  album.
              as  Love And  War,  and  in  ERS          thundering rock tracks like  face-melting hellraiser with  Switching  back  and  forth
              their  regeneration  they  TRANSMISSIONS FROM  ‘Alter Ego’ and ‘Judgement  extra sprinkles. Great vo-  between a slow tempo and
              have also rejuvenated the  OBLIVION       Day’. Redeem like to mix  cals  by  Lawrence  Case  a faster pace, there’s a sin-
              classic  heavy  rock  sound  (RAY)        things up and the variety of  backed by a rhythm section  uous and seductive guitar
              of the time. Having Michael  An album of new music  styles and emotions keep  of  thunder  and  riffs  hot  rhythm  which  is  almost
              Wagener (Skid Row, Mot-  from the resurrected  Last  the  interest  throughout.  enough  to  melt  you  face  Latin  in  places.  Once
              ley Crue, Ozzy Osbourne)  Great Dreamers is a thing  They  have  strength  in  off. The pace slows down  again,  E.Z.  Riders  have
              on mixing duties helps with  of  joy.  It’s  both  energetic  depth and have produced a  for 'Resolution' and 'Killing  created a terrific album. If
              that. The portentous open-  and  reflective;  14  well-  complex album that’s well  Joke'.  While  not  ballads,  you  haven’t  encountered
              ing  of  ‘Change  Of  Fre-  crafted songs that capture  worth a listen.  they are slow rockers with  them yet, then give them a
              quency’ is pure theatre and  their wit and charm, occa-  YYYYY  balls, great guitar solos and  try.
              the dramatic switches from  sionally  tinged  with  sad-  Clare Huckett  riffs added to a thundering  YYYY
              full-on heavy grind and dis-  ness  or  quiet  anger.           bass line from Ash Moulton    Clare Huckett
              tortion  to  slow-paced  re-  ‘Oblivion Kids’ opens pro-        and  drums  from  Jonno
              flection are very well done.  ceedings   in   anthemic          Smyth that sound like Thor  CORNERSTONE
              ‘Left In The Cold’ continues  power-pop  style,  which          himself swinging his ham-  REFLECTIONS
              with the heavier feel, while  bounces into ‘Love To Hate        mer  and  raising  thunder.  (ATOM)
              ‘Who  The  Hell  Are  You?’  Me’, a surprisingly upbeat         It’s bluesy, it’s sleazy, it’s a  The  comment  on  the
              delivers another blistering  take on a dysfunctional re-        track  called  ‘Poison’.  As  press pack urging listeners
              guitar intro to a power rock  lationship.   The   poppy         with the entire album, 'Poi-  to  “Enjoy  this  unhip,  un-
              anthem.  Bluesy  Southern  ‘Elegy For Us’ and heartfelt         son' reaches out and grabs  cool,  un-sexy  music”  is
              rocker  ‘The  Groove’  is  ‘Alone’  are  great  ballad-         you  by  the  scruff  of  your  firmly   tongue-in-cheek.
              wildly  infectious,  and  the  type tracks, both of which       neck with a sleazy rhythm  Melodic AOR  may  not be
              fierce energy of ‘Dying Day’  have strong and engaging          section  added  to  some  hugely  exciting  but  Aus-
              brings the album to a close  rhythms. ‘Dope School’ is a  ANIMAN  dirty   harmonica.   An  tria’s Cornerstone are well-
              on  a  high.  ‘Redemption  cracking,  raucous,  fast-  THE UNHOLY  acoustic-driven  slice  of  practised in the flair for the
              Volume 1’ is eight tracks of  paced rocker with powering  (MUSICARCHY MEDIA)  apple pie is the best way to  dramatic that the genre re-
              hard-rocking magnificence.  drum  beats  and  clashing  Formed  by  two  long-  describe 'Sleeping In The  quires. So it’s quite 80s in
              Absolutely brilliant.   cymbals  from  the  start.  time   friends,   Thomas  Rain'. It’s as close to a bal-  feel with elements of differ-
                          YYYYY    There’s  a  real  old  school  Kihlberg  and  Bjorn  Wen-  lad as you could probably  ent  styles  brought  in  for
                       Clare Huckett  glam feel in the swaggering  nerborg, this album brings  expect, while album closer  good  effect.  There’s  the
                                   rhythms and classic riffing,  together the result of unfin-  'Walk  Away'  goes  right  power-rock   of   opener
              MASSIVE WAGONS       underscored with a throb-  ished  songs  written  over  back to the sleazy rocking  ‘Nothing To Lose’ and ‘Last
              WELCOME    TO   THE  bing  bass.  ‘White  Light  the  years.  Collaborating  with  pounding  drums  and  Night’,  which  adds  sax,
              WORLD                (Black  Heart)’  sticks  with  with  friend  and  mix  artist  heavy   riffs.   Overall,  synths and piano into the
              (OFF YER ROCKA)      the rockier sound which is  Thomas ”Plec” Johansson,  Voodoo Vegas have nailed  mix, and the soulful ballad
                 As well as the mixture  kicked up another notch for  they  have  produced  a  the prom queen with their  ‘Whatever’. ‘True Confes-
              of styles – hard rock, metal,  ‘You  Don’t  Work’,  with  a  sound  not  unlike  classic  sophomore release 'Freak  sions’  has  a  bass  rhythm
              punk,   the   occasional  more aggressive pop punk  era Iron Maiden. The open-  Show Candy Floss’. It’s 10  that’s pure funk. ‘Sooner Or
              Southern  rock  or  bluesy  feel. ‘Transmissions From  ing track, ‘Black Star’, res-  tracks of rockin’ tunes that  Later’ has a relaxed swing
              twang  –  there’s  a  real  Oblivion’ has a lot to rec-  onates this melodic sound  any headbanging, air guitar  but while Alina Peter has a
              sense of fun about Massive  ommend  it  and  marks  a  which  draws  you  in  and  swinging,  voodoo  rocker  good voice it’s not powerful
              Wagons. While they have  welcome return of a band  leaves you wanting more.  needs to add to their col-  enough for the demands of
              superb musical and song-  that deserves to be much  The  rest  don’t  leave  you  lection - and anyone else  the  song.  She’s  certainly
              writing abilities, they clearly  better known.  disappointed  either,  with  for that matter.   giving it all she’s got on this
              don’t take themselves too         YYYY    the gothic overtones in the       YYYYY    and on ‘Believe In Me’ but
              seriously. The punky fairy-   Clare Huckett  title track ‘Unholy’ and ‘Un-  Shane Bradley  it’s not quite enough. The
              tale  giant-inspired  closer,             known’ bewitching you, to                  music is good; it just feels
              ‘Fee  Fi  Fo  Fum’,  is  proof  REDEEM    the  darker  bassline  of  E.Z. RIDERS     like the vocals are letting it
              enough of that. Kicking off  AWAKE        ‘Chains’ and ‘Scars’. There  WISHING WELL  down.  Alina  Peter  has  a
              proceedings, the ferocious  (FASTBALL MUSIC)  are many influences in this  (E.Z. RIDERS)  nice voice and is pleasant
              ‘Nails’  is  an  onslaught  of  ‘Awake’ is hard-edged  album,   notwithstanding  Italians  E.Z.  Riders’  to listen to, but a bit more
              thundering  drums,  heavy  alt-rock, featuring an exam-  their Danish counterparts,  sound is firmly rooted in US  strength  would  make  the
              riffs  and  snarling  vocals.  ination  of  life  with  all  its  Volbeat, and credit to them  Southern and classic rock,  difference.
              ‘Tokyo’,  by  contrast,  is  a  highs  and  lows,  love  and  for  bringing  back  original  and  ‘Wishing  Well’  is  a  YYY
              lightweight,   tongue-in-  hate, joy and sadness. The  metal rock, especially ‘Dis-  great listen. It’s exuberant  Clare Huckett
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