Page 37 - Black Velvet Issue 91
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choose? BV: What scares you the most and have you whole way.’ What do you think of that quote?
BW: I think it would be cool if I could live ever died of fright? BW: I don’t think I agree with the quote at all.
through, not necessarily be born there, but I BW: There’s been lots of different things, ob- If I looked at it in my perspective, I have some
like the 1940’s/1950’s. I love everything about viously being on tour when family is sick or really good people in my life, I would hate to
it, I think that was a great time for music. I hurt, really serious things. It puts your mini- think I had a lonely life if I looked at it that
also love the cars, the fashion, the simplicity mal thoughts and priorities in perspective, way. I’ve got great parents, family, friends,
of it. I mean, I’m happy with the era I grew up like you might think ‘Oh, I’ve had a bad day’ had a great life so far so who am I to say that
in too y’know, there’s some cool stuff about, and you get told somebody’s in hospital or I’m lonely?
but I think the world is continuously chang- there’s been a car crash and you’re hundreds
ing and now I can go ‘this world is a crazy of miles from home. All of a sudden, those lit- BV: Do you think any of your songs can help
place’. I’m sure people were saying that 40- tle problems you had before get put into per- fans who feel alone in life?
50 years ago too! It’s all relative, I would love spective, all your small things you worry BW: I hope so. I think that’s the ultimate pay-
to visit different decades but I’m content about get put out the window, you put your- off, when people say ‘Hey, your music helped
where I am too. self in a different mindset. I would normally me through this,’ or ‘It literally saved my life.’
tell myself I need to reconnect with that per- That’s why we do it, if we can help somebody
BV: Do you believe in karma / consequences son or get in touch, visit, whatever, because in some way, then we’ve done our job. It feels
/ life coming back to bite you if you do some- it scares you. really good to do that too, that we can be a
thing that affects others? part of that and you become a part of that
BW: Yeah I do, I think about it all the time BV: Is there anything you’d like to do before person’s life forever now. It’s like the ultimate
when I make decisions and I think everybody you die? reward for playing music.
should. It’s a little bit selfish if you make de- BW: I’d love to have a child. My wife and I are
cisions just based on yourself, if it benefits happy but we want kids. I’ve got to do some BV: ‘A person's last moments are an impor-
you and how you feel about it. It’s about look- pretty amazing things already with the band; tant thing. You can't choose how you're born,
ing out for other’s well-being and how it’s travel, see different countries and cultures, but you can choose how to die,’ by Haruki
going to affect them. there’s plenty more out there. I don’t know, Murakami. If you had the choice, would you
people could say I could die a happy man, choose how you die, or would you leave it to
BV: Have you ever nearly died of laughter? but there’s always more out there! At the end just happen?
BW: Oh sure. I do it all the time! Usually the of the day, I just want to leave on a good note, BW: How I would die? I think that’s a bit like
band picks on each other pretty hard, so I don’t want to leave with any bridges burned! the question ‘Do you want to know when
when everybody gets rolling together, when you’re going to die?’ and my answer is defi-
everybody is calling each other out, that’s nitely, no I don’t! On one hand you go ‘well
when it gets really funny. We tend to get BV: What about after death? Do you think yeah, I do’ but then you go ‘I want to get all
pretty personal, but not too personal, to- there is something afterwards? this done!’ I want to let it happen when it’s
wards where it’s just hysterical laughter but BW: Obviously believing in somebody up- supposed to happen, when it calls, hopefully
we all know each other’s limits, so it’s good stairs means I believe in heaven. It’s a good it’s nothing bad. But it will be what it is and
fun. I mean laughter is infectious, I can watch hope to hold on to for sure. that’s fine by me. I try not to think too much
a movie on my own, laugh at it and then into it, I just try to live the best I can knowing
laugh at myself for laughing afterwards, but BV: Hunter S. Thompson once said ‘We are that day will come eventually.
when everybody is in a room and having a all alone, born alone, die alone, and—in spite
good time it’s hard not to laugh, it’s just one of True Romance magazines—we shall all Visit for more
of those infectious things! someday look back on our lives and see that, info.
in spite of our company, we were alone the
Words By Annina Cremona