Page 39 - Black Velvet Issue 91
P. 39

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                                                                                            BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 39
                     ext year marks the 20-year anniversary of SOiL. The band originally formed in 1997 in Chicago.
                NSince then, SOiL have released six studio albums - although not all with frontman Ryan Mc-
              Combs, as he departed the band in 2004, only to return in 2011. But since Ryan’s return the band are
              sounding better than ever. So, while on their recent UK headline tour, we sat down with Ryan and chat-
              ted about the band’s journey, his own healing, being brave and being here, there and everywhere.

                   ourneys for lots of bands have their mo-  blowing up on me. I did everything I was sup-  the band, I have just given them lyrics that were
                Jments of hardship and also happiness.  posed to for a while, I knocked off the drinking  essentially what was going on in my head at the
              Ryan McCombs tells us where SOiL see their  and  smoking,  and  after  about  six  months  of  time. Every song that way becomes something
              journey at the moment, as a band who have  being a good boy and creeping around, I started  personal, not like a particular subject that hap-
              been in the industry for almost two decades. “I  doing a few things I’m not supposed to do, but  pens outside my head.”
              don't know if it gets any easier, because we’re  not at a stupid rate. The medications are work-  Ryan suggests sometimes there can be too
              all older, trying to do a younger man’s game. It  ing and I’ve not had any issues.”   much realness in his lyrics, but at the same time
              gets easier in the aspect that we don’t worry  He adds, “I mean, if I get tired, by the end of  it’s good to be truthful. “I always try to write lyrics
              about a lot of the stuff we used to worry about.  the night or show, my right side goes a little lazy,  in a vague enough manner so that people will
              The stuff that used to drive us nuts, doesn't any-  I have a bit of a hitch in my step and I can hear  understand where I’m coming from. I used to
              more, most of it you can’t do anything about it,  my words slur a bit, but most people don't notice  love Alice in Chains, they were the first band that
              so don't worry about it. Some of the shit is going  that much and by the time we play our bigger  was ‘my band’. I grew up listening to stuff that
              to be shit no matter what you do, so you just  tracks, the crowd do most of the singing for me!”  my dad and brother did, but Alice In Chains was
              have to let it be,” he says seriously, and then  Ryan has never-ending gratitude towards  the first band I got into myself. Really, when I
              jokes afterwards, “In that aspect it’s easier, but  his girlfriend who got him through his hospital  look at it, I loved it because every song I felt I
              the fact that we’re a bunch of old men trying to  stay and recovery at the time. “My girlfriend at  could  relate  to.”  he  reminisces  and  says,  “I
              act like kids, that doesn't get easier at all!”  the time, she was with me every step of the way.  mean,  the  songs  could  have  been  about  an
                Every band has issues at times; he points  She was the first one at the hospital, the first one  empty Coke can laying on a shelf somewhere,
              out that there are certainly different ways that  to holler at me when it was bedtime, when it was  but  the  way  they  were  written  was  vague
              people deal with it, having experienced being in  time to take my meds, and keep me sane. She  enough at times that everybody could relate at
              different bands. “I think the best thing you can  was  definitely  a  good  nurse  throughout  that  some point in their life. Like as a kid, whether I
              do is have your moment. You know if you have  whole time.” Ryan says that he’s on the mend  was upset about a bad bus ride home, a shit day
              an issue with something, or somebody, some-  and quite happy to be where he is now, adding  at school, I think it was more about the emotion
              times the best thing to do is just hash it out and  with a laugh, “I am healing well. She can’t be on  that the songs gave off. I try to be vague in that
              move about your day. You know, I spent seven  tour with me, but I’m doing ok and to be honest,  manner, and I hope people find something in our
              years in a band called Drowning Pool, and they  I don't think I was quite right to begin with! I’m  music that does the same thing and gives a con-
              were a bunch of Texas boys. When you had a  better now than I was before!”  nection.”
              problem in that band, you literally balled up your                        Since Ryan puts emotion and feeling into
              fist and you went at it, then three seconds later,  n ‘Amalgamation’ McCombs sings the lyric  SOiL’s music, which is a brave thing to do, Black
              you’re having shots with them at the bar and it’s  I‘Reborn once in a while’. Ryan reflects on  Velvet asks him about the bravest or most dar-
              fine again. It’s a reminder that if you have an  this as we talk about healing and feeling ‘re-  ing thing he’s done outside of music. He begins
              issue, you can’t let it swell up inside you. You  born’. He starts by highlighting, “Well, ‘Amalga-  by  asking,  “I  was  married  once,  does  that
              need to hash it out before it turns into something  mation’ takes other song titles from throughout  count?” We say yes and he carries on thinking
              uglier. Sometimes, you learn to ignore it from  my career, and ‘Reborn’ was a song that I did  aloud. “I sound so lame, I’m not James Bond or
              past experience, you just move about your day,”  when I first joined Drowning Pool. I did a similar  something. I think the bravest thing, and I’m so
              he says.                           thing with ‘Reborn’ lyric-wise. But yeah, I used it  going to get made fun of for this, is relationships
                Newer bands these days have some trou-  in ‘Amalgamation’ because I’ve had unique op-  and stuff. Commitment and the big jump or fear
              bles getting started. Ryan gives us his opinion  portunities, coming into the scene with SOiL,  of opening yourself up, and there’s that big pos-
              on the music industry and why he thinks it’s so  stepping back out, getting to do it with Drowning  sibility that it could end badly, more so than the
              hard for new bands to start up and older bands  Pool, and then back to SOiL again after a break.  possibility of it ending in a good way.”
              to keep going. “I think the music industry has be-  Not everybody gets chances like that, there’s
              come quite a disgusting place these days. I was  definitely parts of being reborn throughout my  OiL’s self-titled EP turns 20 in January
              talking to a DJ friend of mine back in the States,  years. When you step away from music for a  S2017. Ryan says that he’s happy the
              she was talking about a band I’d never heard of  while, you don’t know whether you want to go  way that SOiL has turned out and there isn't
              before, and I was teasing her about what she’d  back into it until you get the first show or release  much he would change if he did it again. “I don’t
              said. Her reply was “You don’t know how hard it  and you realise what you’ve been missing.”  think there is anything I would change as such.
              is for us.” Because every few months they get  He points out that all music is still a heavy  Maybe I should have listened more to others. If
              given a list of new bands to push and talk about,  part of healing, and there is music out there to  I had carried myself in a slightly different man-
              and then three months later, she’s given another  help everybody. He tells Black Velvet about a  ner, we might have been accepted, a little bit
              list because those bands she originally talked  meme he found on the internet that hit home. “I  more mainstream, maybe have been more rock
              about hadn’t made it for some reason or an-  saw a meme one time, and I don’t remember the  star-ish would have worked. I was pushed to do
              other.”                            exact wording, but it was something along the  that early on. The people at J Records, I was not
                He goes on to say that it is important to sup-  lines of ‘The right song can make you feel every-  the rockstar they were looking for. I was just a
              port small venues because they support small  thing  and  at  the  same  time  take  all  the  pain  little too normal for them. Everything about me,
              bands starting out, such as the Craufurd Arms  away.’ I think that’s probably the best thing about  maybe if I had changed my look a bit more, it
              in Milton Keynes, SOiL’s last venue to play on  music,  depending  on  what  mood  I’m  in,  with  would have changed. I don't think I would have
              the UK/European tour. “It’s definitely important  music there is something for it. There is a style,  though, at the end of the day because I’m too
              to keep coming back to smaller shows. There’s  a genre, a band or artist for any mood out there.”   simple minded,” he jests.
              something you just get from intimate shows like  That healing develops from a mix of ele-  When  Black  Velvet  hints  at  new  material
              this, it’s always there and it’s heartwarming but  ments, emotion, lyrics, style, the list goes on and  from SOiL, Ryan’s face lights up as if he’s really
              also  it’s  a  childhood  dream  to  play  the  big  he pinpoints where his writing style and inspira-  excited. He tells us ‘We started tossing around
              places, festivals, and some of the arena tours  tion comes from. “I think I relate to more songs  the idea of new material for what we wanted to
              I’ve been on.”                     that I’ve written the more and more I go through  do, as well as music ideas, about a month be-
                                                 life.  I  admire  songwriters  like  those  in  Iron  fore we left for the tour, and once the holidays
                  n more recent years, Ryan has had to start  Maiden and Metallica, where they would take  are behind us, we are going to get a game plan
                Itaking care of his health due to having a  certain subjects or a book they have read, his-  together for it. We want a release for some point
              stroke. He opens up about how it’s affected the  torical moments etc., and make it relatable for  next year, for the 20th anniversary, and then
              band. Ryan smiles, evidently thankful for the  everyone. I’ve never been able to do that. I got  we’re going to do more tours for it, since the only
              way the band dealt with his recovery time. “The  tons of notes at home, books filled with lyrics  thing we’ve done for 20 years now, is be here,
              band was really awesome about it; we took our  from over the years, that I’ve never touched and  there, and everywhere, touring!’
              time and kind of baby-stepped our way back into  never saw the music to go with them. I think it’s  Visit for more info.
              making sure I could do it again without my brain  because when I’ve had a song thrown at me by  Words By Annina Cremona
                                                                                                    Photo By Stephanie Cabral
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