Page 43 - Black Velvet Issue 91
P. 43
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the songs on this album, by brothers Dirge and self loving some tracks tious yet still possesses a
like all Sixx:A.M. albums, Draggle on guitar and more than others, but over- memorable punk rock beat
actually are, since they are drums. It’s bare bones all it’s a very impressive and handclaps, while
so current today. In ‘That’s stuff, which serves to high- album from the quartet. ‘Everything Will Be Alright’
Gonna Leave A Scar’ light the quality of the YYYY is a sweet, heartfelt tune,
James sings ‘cuts like a whole offering. ‘Afraid Of SBV with Matti Fantasi singing ‘I
dagger’ – and it does. Me’ opens proceedings in want to be the one to tell
Sixx:A.M. manage to do bouncing pop punk style ROCK WOLVES you everything will be al-
what they always do, which and it all flows from there. ROCK WOLVES right’. We have high hopes
is create incredible musical ‘Transylvania Twist’ will get (STEAMHAMMER/SPV) for this band and look for-
art with hearts wide open any party dancing, while Comprising of Herman ward to hearing more.
SIXX:A.M. and which is instantly taken ‘The Dead Ringers’ and rol- Rarebell (ex-Scorpions), YYY
PRAYERS FOR THE to our hearts. There is licking lead single ‘South- Michael Voss (Temple Of Becky Simpson
BLESSED, VOL. 2 nothing not to love about ern Cemetery’ bring a hint Rock/Mad Max) and
(ELEVEN SEVEN) this release (and band). of folk rock into the pop Stephan ‘Gudze’ Hinz (H- STEVEN BATTELLE
Sixx:A.M. can do no YYYYY punk mix. ‘Follow Me To Blockx), Rock Wolves is a EXIT BRAIN LEFT
wrong. ‘Prayers For The SBV Hell’ is quite 60s and is a new project drenched in (SUFFER FOR MY ART)
Blessed’ is the second brilliant twisted love story, pure unadulterated soft One listen to ‘Exit Brain
album of a two-volume EXPERIENCED?!? while ‘The Coppercomb rock. Michael Voss, with his Left’ and you can feel that
double album, following on THE DEVIL IN ME Witch’ is an out and out unique vocals, puts every Steven Battelle has been
from its predecessor, (INDIEPLANT) rocker. ‘Murder Of Crows’ ounce of his passion into on an incredible journey.
‘Prayers For The Damned’, Blasting out of Bel- is a stunningly good the ten tracks on the He went travelling around
released earlier in 2016. gium, Experienced?!? de- Celtic/folk rock song and album, while Herman and the world, and while on his
The album begins with the liver an updated version of one of the album high- Stephan help turn the band travels wrote when he was
chant that ended ‘Prayers old school hard rock. In lights. Cadaver Club is no into a real power trio. Kick- inspired. The end result is
For The Damned’, showing their modernised version, mere novelty act. Their ing off with ‘Rock For The a fascinating jaunt for us,
that the two albums could they succeed in breathing music is high calibre with Nations’, you’re immedi- the listener. Released just
seamlessly fit together. fresh life and an aggres- superb storytelling; an ab- ately catapulted into a feel- prior to Christmas was the
Opening track, ‘Barbarians sive swagger into the solute must listen. good sing-along anthem. perfect timing as many of
(Prayers For The Blessed)’ genre. From the rumbling There’s a nostalgic 80s in- the songs have a glittering
is a powerful fighting song. bass and drums and rol- fluence to songs such as festive feel, none more so
Dustin Steinke’s drums are licking guitar intro of ‘Surrounded By Fools’, al- than ‘Absent Magic, Pt. 2’.
almost like bullets being opener ‘The End Of The though lyrically the track is Steven’s vocals sound soft
fired. ‘Barbarians’ gets you World’ onwards there are about unsavoury politi- and pure like melting snow,
off your feet, whether it’s to some terrific rhythms which cians, while ‘Out Of Time’ is while the musical back-
dance, protest or kick plug directly into the head- a song on a mission. You ground is a twinkling
some ass. And then Dj banging area of the brain. may be surprised to hear a Christmas scene with jingle
Ashba’s solo kicks in and The drums are relentless, cover of ‘What About Love’ bells attached. ‘Silent
weaves a magical spell the guitars are frenetic, and (Jim Vallance), which Movie Scream’ also has a
over its audience. ‘We Will the rough-edged vocals are sounds as good as Heart’s real Christmas movie air.
Not Go Quietly’ continues exactly right. Title track YYYY chart-topping cover. The Interestingly, ‘A Christmas
the adamant, in-your-face ‘The Devil In Me’ is a dark Clare Huckett pace slows a little for ‘The Cartel’, the song that
strength. This song and and sinister exploration of Blame Game’, although it’s Steven dressed up in a
band will not back down. self-destructive tendencies JOANOVARC the funky ‘Riding Shotgun’ Santa Claus outfit in the
‘Maybe It’s Time’ is a more and is a standout track. RIDE OF YOUR LIFE that follows that we prefer. video for, has more of a
vulnerable and fragile song Slow-paced and heartfelt, (RED VIXEN) The whole album is a com- funky Indian flavour, quirky
which sees vocalist James ‘Better’ pushes into power JOANovARC initially fortable rock album that will in its deliverance, in places
Michael opening up and ballad territory, while album formed over a decade ago appeal to all tastes; there’s like an awkward C90 cas-
looking to a dark time in his closer ‘Heartbreak In although their line-up only something for everyone. A sette tape that has been
past but then reaching an Stereo’ is a bombastic epic solidified in 2009, when new generation of music wound on too tightly.
awakening moment, which in three parts: symphonic Laura Ozholl became the lovers will be born with this Steven’s distinctive glam
shows hope and light at the elements, piano, light-fin- final piece of the puzzle. It’s album. pop vocal tones wrap over
end of the tunnel. It’s a gered guitars, and a martial been a few years but the YYYYY buzzing lo-fi guitars in ‘Last
stunning song that really beat from the drums which band have now released Clare Boyle Night On Earth’. ‘The last
pulls at the heart strings. kicks up a notch for a their debut album, ‘Ride Of night of earth is tonight,’ he
‘The Devil’s Coming’ is faster-paced part two, be- Your Life’. The album kicks DEAD FREQUENCY repeats rather frantically.
equally as open and pow- fore abruptly pulling back off with the title track, which TOUGH TRACKS AND There’s a peaceful tone to
erful, with heavy subject into a short and subdued sees the four girls firing on SETBACKS the start of ‘The Ocean
matter. It begins with an ur- third section. There’s vari- all cylinders. Sam Walker (DEAD FREQUENCY) Chorus’ where you can
gent pummeling pace be- ety, skill, confidence, and a has a fantastic voice that Daventry trio Dead hear flapping ocean waves.
fore mellowing. The whole lot of quality rock in can reach any note and at- Frequency recently re- ‘How can the cracks in the
‘woah-oh-oh’ is to die for. this album. titude seeps from the track. leased a four-track EP, ceiling of this cave match
The band cover ‘Without YYYY The London quartet could ‘Tough Tracks And Set- the stars reflecting off the
You’ (Badfinger), a real Clare Huckett almost be the distant backs’. Opener ‘Nobody’s waves’, Steven sings re-
heart-wrenching, lighters- cousins of The Amorettes Listening’ begins with vocal flectively. ‘Nine Miles Of
in-the-air track, while ‘Riot CADAVER CLUB and daughters of The Run- ‘woah’s and ‘na na’s and Light’ has a dapper beat for
In My Head’ is full of emo- IT’S ALWAYS THE QUIET aways. ‘Dragon In The Sky’ once the full band kicks in the first half of the song be-
tion and pain with heavy ONES features some fist-punch- this is easily one of the best fore it mellows and then a
lyrics, yet almost turns into (PIRATE HEART) ing ‘hey’s in its chorus, tracks on the EP. With a Brian May-esque rock gui-
a theatrical rock opera a la Horror punk can be a while ‘Work’ has more of a catchy tune and great gui- tar surprises you. The di-
Queen/My Chemical Ro- hard genre to pull off. For- raw, garage rock sound. tar solo partway through, it verse album ends with ‘I’m
mance towards the end. tunately, Cadaver Club JOANovARC are quite di- kicks the EP off perfectly. Still Finding Out Who I’m
James has said that ‘Suffo- manage to combine the hu- verse when it comes to ‘The Devil’s Dream’ contin- Going To Be’ - and while
cate’ and ‘Helicopters’ (the mour with great writing and styles. ‘Five Years’ has a ues this theme of instantly you sense that he’s done
latter, a stunning song of delivery, producing a sec- sultry, soulful, smokey back captivating the audience that somewhat with this re-
epic proportions in which ond album that’s lively and alley vibe, while the album and this definitely shows lease, there is no doubt still
the frontman reaches im- entertaining. Husband and ends with ‘Peace Of Mind’, potential, as the huge cho- a lot more to come.
peccable high notes) were wife team Mr Crowe (lead a mellow, tender touch. ruses could easily fill larger YYY
written about 15 years ago, vocals) and Boom Chic With such a variety of venues. ‘Time For Saying SBV
which shows how timeless Chic (bass) are backed up styles you may find your- Sorry’ is not quite as infec-