Page 17 - Black Velvet Issue 90
P. 17

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                                                                                            BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 17

              sure’ and feel motivated by it. Writing has al-
              ready begun and they have been liaising with ac-            M ME EM MO OR RI IE ES S   C CA AP PT TU UR RE ED D
              claimed  producer  Romesh  Dodangoda,  who
              also  produced  ‘All  In  Time’.  “We’re  going  to  A still photograph remains the most powerful way to capture a moment and pre-
              spend longer in the studio this time around to  serve it in time. Inspired by Stone Broken’s ‘Wait For You’ video concept, Black Vel-
              hone in on the songs. We are going to really  vet ask Rich and Robyn to tell us the story behind the following photos and the
                                                      moments they captured.
              push ourselves musically,” informs Rich. “We’re
              having pre-production with Romesh and he has
              big plans for the album.”
                Stone Broken’s music has reached a larger                                        Rich:  “This  was  at  the
              audience since ‘All In Time’ was released at the                                   Slade Rooms wasn’t it?”
                                                                                                 Robyn: “Yeah. It was our
              start of the year. We wonder whether this has
              made Rich more mindful when it comes to writ-                                      first headline.”
              ing lyrics towards the next album, knowing that                                    Rich: “It was epic, it really
              more people are paying attention to what Stone                                     was. It was the first time
              Broken has to say. “Yes is the easy answer, I                                      that we’d headlined a big
                                                                                                 venue and it was a com-
              suppose,”  Rich  laughs.  “I  get  so  many  com-
              ments about the lyrics that I’ve written and I did-                                plete success. We sort of
              n’t think of anything while I was writing those                                    went in thinking, ‘We are
              lyrics, because we were writing them for us. To                                    going to try a headline; we
              have the feedback that I’ve had, it’s quite hum-                                   don’t  know  if  we’ve  got
                                                                                                 the following yet or any-
              bling to be fair. But now I know that people are
              really listening to the lyrics and they are really                                 thing...’  And  it  was  awe-
              getting into what they mean, I’ve got to be clever                                 some!”
              now.”                                   Robyn: “The crowd was absolutely crazy, so we just thought, ‘We’re gonna get a
                “Use some big words?” Robyn jokes.    crowd photo!’ You can kind of see the crowd in the background!”
                “Yeah!” laughs Rich, before continuing. “Do
              you know what I mean though? I’ve got to be
              clever about it. That’s the thing this time around,                                Rich: “This was just after
              I couldn’t quite put my finger on it before; I know                                we’d  finished  recording
              that people are listening now.”                                                    ‘All In Time’. We literally,
                                                                                                 we came out of the studio
                When writing songs, Rich likes to try and tell
              a story that people will relate to. “I tend not to                                 on  the  Friday  and  went
              write about myself so much, but maybe of some-                                     straight into that pub. The
              thing that I’ve seen happen to somebody. I try to                                  reason  that  I’m  holding
              put myself into their position. I think, sometimes                                 half instead of a pint isn’t
                                                                                                 because I can’t handle my
              you can see a story much better from looking
              out and looking at the story happening, unfold-                                    drink,” he laughs, “it’s be-
              ing. That’s what I found with ‘Wait For You’, the                                  cause I’m driving the van
              next single. A lot of people come up to me and                                     back.  If  I’m  honest,  and
              say, “That song resonates with me,” and it was                                     you can see in my eyes,
                                                                                                 I’m tired. It was a pretty in-
              just a song that I had to write.”
                At the time of the interview, the band had                                       tense  week  that  week,
              just finished filming the video for ‘Wait For You’                                 wasn’t it?”
              in Manchester. The heartfelt ballad includes the                                   Robyn:  “Yeah,  it  was.  I
              lyrics, ‘All the things I wanted to do, are so much  think we were all over the moon because we had just listened back to the demo ver-
                                                      sions of the songs.”
              better  when  I’m  with  you’.  Fans  of  the  band,
              known as ‘The Broken Army’, were called upon  Rich: “Yeah. We’d been in and recorded all of our parts and Romesh, our producer,
              to submit photos of loved ones that they want  said, ‘Do you want to have a listen back to what we’ve got?’ So we did, and it’s al-
              to  share,  or  have  shared,  precious  moments  ways… it’s the goose bumps. You’ve lived with the songs for so long and to hear it
              with. Rich and Robyn are happy that they have  back in such good quality; and that’s not even mixed and mastered yet. It makes all
                                                      the hard work worth it. So [looks at photo] that’s kind of a celebration right there!”
              been able to involve their fans in the video. With-
              out sounding trite, Rich says of the fans, “To us  Robyn: “Yeah. That is a celebration.”
              they’re like a family. They are the backbone of
              Stone Broken and so to include them in a video
              is pretty cool.”                                                                    Rich:  “This  is  the  latest
                                                                                                  hometown headline show
                Those fans have helped the band sell out
              their first ever headline show in London. “Lon-                                     at  the  O2  [Academy  2].
              don is always a tough one to crack for any band,                                    Just  to  have  our  name
              especially a band that’s not from London,” says                                     above  us…  It  took  us
              Rich. “It’s the perception – if a band from the                                     ages to get that photo!”
                                                                                                  he laughs.
              West Midlands can go to London and sell out a
              show it’s sort of a good sign. We’ve only played                                    Robyn:  “Yeah,  it  did!”
              London once before with Inglorious, there were                                      she laughs. “I think that’s
              a fair few in and that was on a Monday evening                                      one of 15 shots that we
              when the football was on.”                                                          took!”
                                                                                                  Rich: “It was, yeah. That
                For a band that’s only three years old it’s
              pretty inspiring, and proof that in time, if you                                    was before the show. So,
              want something and you work hard enough, it                                         we  literally  turned  up,
              will work out.                                                                      and  there’s  a  bit  of  a
                Thinking back over the past few months and                                        story  behind  it  actually.
                                                                                                  Kieron, our bass player...
              seeing what the band has achieved so far, Rich
              says, “We thought to play a headline show at the  we walk around the corner to the front of the O2 and he sees the guy on the ladders
              Academy 2 would be a dream come true, and  putting up our name at the top; so he goes over and he goes ‘Woo hoo’, [throws
              we’ve done that now,” he smiles, “I’m excited to  arms in the air] like that, and the guy turns round and he’s like, ‘What the hell are
              see where we go from here.”             you doing?’ and Kieron said, ‘It’s okay, we’re Stone Broken!’ and he goes, ‘Oh that’s
                                                      fine, then.’ So he’s not got someone whose mentally unstable just walking past him,
                                                      it’s actually someone from Stone Broken. Yeah, to have our name there, it was a
                Visit for more info.
                                                      very proud moment.”
                                                      Robyn: “It felt good.”
                             Words By Penny & Sam Gower
                                                                                                 STONE BROKEN
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