Page 21 - Black Velvet Issue 90
P. 21
BV90 pg young guns_BV90 pg21 14/09/2016 20:30 Page 4
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 21
ers both on tour and while on breaks at food it’s always vegetarian or vegan. We’re ment and things like that. I just don’t under-
home. Fraser has even taken photos of dogs all in it together.” stand why people don’t take care of the
at an All Dogs Matter charity event. He tells planet we live on. Our kids are going to have
us how he came into contact with All Dogs here’s a song on ‘Echoes’ called ‘Mad to grow up on it. Just little things. You tweet
Matter. TWorld’ in which Gus sings, ‘There’s a something about Earth Day and someone
“I grew up with a replies to you laughing and being
dog so I love dogs. We ‘yeah, you dick’. Why? What possible
were living in North reason have you got to be against a
London and All Dogs day that’s celebrating Earth? It’s
Matter charity was right strange to me.”
next to us. I must’ve In ‘Mad World’, Gus also sings
just followed them on ‘trust your enemies’. Fraser says,
Twitter, and there’s a “That song, John and Gus wrote out
vet that does a lot of in LA when I wasn’t there, coming up
work with them. He with the ideas for it. We didn’t really
does some stuff on realize at the time but so much has
This Morning. A guy happened since we wrote that song.
called Marc Abraham. That relevance has become more ap-
He saw that I’d followed parent. There are so many bizarre
them and saw that I was things happening in the world. Donald
in a band. He messaged Trump and Nigel Farage being best
me asking if there was friends is insane. And Brexit and all
anything we could do that. We had no real intentions of re-
to help promote it. We leasing it because it was current and
were going to try and there are so many issues in the world
do an acoustic set at but it suited the time. It worked out for
this event that they do us.”
but unfortunately we
were away at the time. raser recently posted a photo
But yeah, I struck up a Ffrom a Laundromat which
relationship with him showed the quote ‘Love Laugh Live’.
and started chatting We’ve covered the loving and laugh-
about it and try and ing, so end by asking what Fraser
help when I can. So I most lives for now. It’s a tough ques-
went down to one of the tion to answer. “Obviously I live for
events they did and the band,” he says. “I love doing pho-
took a load of photos of tography so I kind of do that whenever
all the dogs and hung we’re not doing band stuff. I love liv-
out. It was cool.” ing in London and just living my life
really. I don’t really think about it too
raser’s a big an- much. As long as I put my all into
Fimal lover and everything I do, that’s kind of what I
his Twitter page says look for.”
‘animals are friends’. Fraser, John, Gus and Simon are
We ask if he’s vegan. “I definitely putting their all into every-
was vegetarian for a thing they do. Take a listen to ‘Echoes’
number of years. It’s only been about six flash of lightning and despair, but no-one and catch them on tour.
months that I’ve been vegan. I’m enjoying it.” cares’. Black Velvet asks Fraser what he Visit for more
He tells us that the one thing he found wishes more people cared about. “Oh God, info.
hard to give up was cheese pizza. “I’m kind there are loads of things!” he replies. “My-
of obsessed with pizza a little bit. I never self, personally, I wish people paid more at- Words By Shari Black Velvet
drink milk or eat butter or anything but I tention to the things that they buy, the things
couldn’t get over eating pizza. But now I’ve that they eat, the things that they discard on Band Photo By Marcus Maschwitz
Live Photos By Shari Black Velvet
finally made the step, having cheeseless piz- the street. I’m quite heavily into the environ-
zas. But I think so many bands are vegan
these days. Warped Tour really caters to veg-
etarians and vegans, which is a refreshing
thing because in America a lot of the time
you play a festival and the only thing on the
rider would be a whole gross hog or some-
thing. “Well, I just can’t eat this!”
We tell him that we use Follow Your Heart
Vegan Gourmet shreds when we have a
pizza. Follow Your Heart is an American com-
pany that make the best range of dairy free
cheese and other items, such as vegan may-
onnaise and now even vegan egg.
“There’s a health food shop near me and
I managed to find stuff like seitan and vegan
cheese,” Fraser tells us. “Whenever I’m at
home it’s really easy. Sometimes when
you’re travelling it’s a little bit difficult. Some-
times you can’t eat which is quite stressful!”
Also in the band, Gus is vegetarian while
John has just become vegan. “He used to
eat meat until a month ago,” Fraser says
about John. “He went straight from eating
meat to vegan. And Si, I’m not sure if he’ll
ever be veggie but he really enjoys vegan
food. Whenever we’re together if we make