Page 12 - Black Velvet Issue 90
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BV90 pg10-13 altered sky_BV90 pg12 25/09/2016 22:44 Page 3
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it came about. I think one of our fans asked, ally have. There was this epic moment where stand for whatever it is that you stand for”.
because the person who owns the shop will everyone just decided, I think it was actually In ‘Imagine Adventures’, another song
make them on request, so some of our fans my idea, “everyone make a paper aero- from the album, Ana sings ‘Living in a world
asked, “Can you do some Altered Sky plane,” everyone threw it down to us and the where I don’t have a voice’. Black Velvet
ones?” That was a couple of years now.” whole auditorium, all these aeroplanes came asks if she and the band want to speak out
He’s happy to see that they’re still on sale. “I down. Everyone seems to enjoy that we’re about more things than they currently do?
walked past it and did a double take. Awe- there and we really want to give the kids Ana replies, “I think there are loads of differ-
some! To be in that kind of company is fan- something that they can pursue as well.” ent topics that we would like to explore
tastic.” The band members’ own musical educa- through the music. I like to think that the
tion at school varied. Ana says her school songs are relatable to everyone and they can
t’s no surprise that the band are win- was supportive while Ryan says his school take what the lyrics mean, turn that into their
Ining over new fans with their music – wasn’t. “They were either “Do classical or do personal mantra, almost. We do like to ex-
some even from right around the other side nothing, that’s it,” and it was just horrible. So plore what we’re experiencing when we’re
of the globe. Ana says, “It’s so humbling to I just stuck at it and got through it, with writing music but there are no plans to pick
know that people will come out to see us and friends at school as well who helped me a topic and go for it. But we are writing our
that they believe in what we’re doing as well. through, getting into bands. That’s pretty second album at the moment and it’s going
Because that was always the thing from the much how I made my friends through that as to be awesome so we’ll see what happens.”
start. We’re starting something – is it going well. But when I went to college it was com- The second album is sure to bring lots of
to work? People are slowly coming out of the pletely different. They want to help you new adventures for the band. They tell us
woodwork.” through what you want in the music industry. they’d love to visit lots of different countries.
Rich tells us, “We had a couple of fans There are so many wide varieties of jobs you “We would love to get across to Malaysia, to
yesterday and they came all the way from can do in the music industry, you can’t just Asia, to Japan, over to the United States,”
Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia to come and see be in a band or go to X Factor, and that’s it. Ana says. “We do have plans for that. In fu-
us. That is the other side of the world. We There are so many things.” ture that’s something we’d love to pursue.
would love to go there and return the Even Europe; Germany we were talking
favour.” he members themselves grew up lis- about. We would love to be able to play these
Ana adds, “Stefan is a fan that’s here Ttening to different genres of music sold out arena tours, we’re pushing for the
tonight. He’s from France. He’s come all this before discovering pop punk. Ryan tells us, limit. We’re really pushing for the top. And I
way. People come out of the woodwork, be- “I got into Nirvana first to be honest, do believe we’ll get there and the second
lieving in us and finding something that they strangely enough. Before that I was into rave album is going to get us there.”
relate to. It’s insane. It’s awesome.” and stuff, which is horrible to say; the proper “I think we’re through and through a live
As an innovative way to pick up new 90s stuff. My friend introduced me to Nirvana band so wherever a show will take us I think
fans, but also inspire and educate, the band and I was just like, “Woah, this is something we’re going to try and pursue that as much
have been doing ‘Edu-tours’ where they’ve different,” and just kept listening to it and as we can,” says Ross, “in terms of us play-
gone to schools and given a presentation on was like, “I really like this”. But my first pop ing in as many venues as possible, always
being a musician in a band. Rich says, “The punk band… I’d say Story Of The Year were playing live in as many different countries as
teachers, some of my first possible. I think, as Ana said, we want to
them are ab- “It really shows them that there’s a whole p r o p e r pretty much tour globally if possible. I imag-
solutely brilliant, p o p ine that’s in a lot of live bands’ ambitions,
they’re having industry out there, somewhere between the p u n k certainly in ours, we want to play in as many
people come into people you see on X Factor or something b a n d , different countries as possible.”
schools like our- and what they’re doing, so they can see “I perform-
selves, who are a n c e - n ‘White Witch’ Ana sings ‘Through the
actually living it can do that, I could achieve that for myself”, wise and Idoor is another you, but it’s the devil’.
and actually out and I like to think we inspire people to to listen So we end by asking who the most devilish
doing it day to day. to. The member of the band is.
It really shows think about a career in music and hopefully s o n g s “I think he isn’t here, is he? Our man-
them that there’s a see us as an example of what they could w e r e ager!” answers Ana.
whole industry out achieve as well.” - Rich Passe a m a z - Amy thinks it’s Ryan. “How?” asks Ryan.
there, somewhere ing.” Ana says, “Because he tried to set fire to
between the peo- Amy that bin once. And then you got lost in Wales
ple you see on X Factor or something and says, “I used to really, really love indie music and you tried to trick us into finding you… I
what they’re doing, so they can see “I can do which is really embarrassing as I really hate don’t know! Who is? Actually you know
that, I could achieve that for myself”, and I it now. Big bold statement! Yeah, I used to what, it’s probably me. I play the most
like to think we inspire people to think about love bands like Feeder and the Chilis until I pranks on people.
a career in music and hopefully see us as an was about 15 and then I heard Yellowcard “You keep hiding from me and jumping
example of what they could achieve as well.” and was like “Woah!” So it was basically Yel- out,” says Rich to Ana.
They’ve done about 30 shows at schools lowcard. When I first started playing I just “It’s funny!” laughs Ana.
so far. Ana says they do as many as they wanted to be like Chad Smith but then I Then Ryan remembers a prank Ana
can, “We’ve done it for two years and we’ve heard LP playing and was like “Oh my God”. played on him at work.
done Glasgow twice and we started a couple And ever since then I’ve just been a pop “Yes. Tell tell tell!” says Ana.
of schools in Edinburgh in 2013.” punk fiend.” “I’d just starting working in Sports Direct
Ana explains that their manager gets in We ask what she thinks of them splitting and I was trying to get my holidays through
touch with schools to arrange it. “He’s amaz- up. and make sure I wouldn’t get called in for a
ing. Jean-Marc forever. He gets in touch with “I’m so sad. I think I nearly cried,” she job and because I still didn’t have Ana’s
the school, Head of Music normally, but we replies. “But I’m going to see them in Glas- phone number, she texted saying, “You’re
do like to put it out to the kids as well. We gow when they play in December, so it’ll be never getting any holidays anymore” and I
say on social media, “If you want us to come amazing. Sad but amazing.” was raging. I was about to phone my super-
to your school just mention your name to the visor about it.”
teachers and then we’ll hit them up and then ltered Sky’s latest single is ‘Stupid In So there you have it. Ana is the most
they’ll already kind of know the name so it’s AThe Dark’. It’s the third single from devilish member of the band. She sings and
really the students wanting us to come their ‘Without Wonderland’ album. Ana ex- looks like an angel but she’s a devil in dis-
rather than us just saying, “Right, we’re plains the meaning. “The main thing is, guise!
going to come to your school,” kinda thing. we’ve been put on this planet together, no Check out Altered Sky’s ‘Without Won-
You do find that some schools think that fighting, no wars, stand together, almost derland’ album and go and see them live.
music almost isn’t an academic subject and united. ‘Stupid In The Dark’ is feeling like if You will have a devilishly good time.
it is difficult to channel the rock scene and you don’t have that goal at the end of the Visit for more info.
the pop scene into the curriculum, they don’t road, then you do find yourself a little bit
seem to like it, but every school that we’ve lost. I would say that the goal is for everyone Words & Photos By Shari Black Velvet
been and played has been so nice, they re- to just be in harmony and just unite and