Page 13 - Black Velvet Issue 88
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BV88 pg10,11,12,13, Black Stone Cherry_BV88 pg13 01/04/2016 21:49 Page 4
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meet people who are that awesome, and going thinking, “Man, I hope things get better.” Maybe spite the fact that being a Southerner he has
back to being positive, they’re the most upbeat they will.” hunted animals. He is of the belief that if you
person, and you think, “Man, why did I complain John Fred’s daughter has awakened the hunt animals you have to respect the animals
this morning?” And any time we get to do that… drummer’s thinking in other areas too. He tells and get every piece of meat off it that you can,
We did the Borderline in London, a really small us that over the last year or two he’s been trying and not waste it. He’s against sports hunters
club, 200 seats. We did a show for Teenage to change his diet and look after his body more. who just hunt for fun. He tells us, “I have a lot of
Cancer Trust… It was a warm up show for our “In 2013, I stopped eating fast food and I respect for people who don’t eat meat because
first show in Cardiff and that was really cool. We stopped drinking Diet Cokes and Coke because of the reasons of factory farms and the topic of
got a lot of people in there. It helped out the they’re horrible. The aspartame in Diet Coke is animal cruelty. I do still eat fish and dairy. The
charity, made them some revenue for that, so evil. I noticed I went from 245/50lbs down to 187 factory farm for me, if we’re going to get into it,
that was cool. We like to do stuff like that.” and I was super-skinny. I’ve gained some weight if you open your mind to anything about the
He adds, “We’re in a position where we… I now and I just call that ‘dad weight’. No, I’ve just meat production in the world, not just in America
wouldn’t call it famous, but we’re getting known tried to improve my lifestyle. I was working out. but everywhere, it’s really, really bad. 1lb of beef
as a band, and we can do that. It’s cool to give Now I’ve kind of let it go, I need to get back into takes six gallons of water and 25 lbs of grain to
back. Any chance we can, we try to do that. It’s it, but yeah, especially being a musician, or feed that cow to produce that 1lb of beef. And
nice.” being an athlete – and I consider myself an ath- there are people in countries that are starving to
lete being a drummer because I’m not playing death because they don’t have food or water,
n ‘The Way Of The Future’ Chris sings, Jazz Odyssey, I’m bashing. It takes a lot out of and they’re destroying, I think it’s an acre per ten
I‘Wake up, hope you don’t get shot, step you. You have to be able to stay healthy on the seconds in the rain forest. Deforestation is hap-
out, hope you don’t get robbed’. Black Velvet road. I’m like anybody, I fall quicker than the next pening because we need more land for cattle.
asks John Fred if he’s worried about things like guy when there’s a plate of cookies or some- And the native people that are down there are
that and if he thinks things will get worse. thing laid around the corner that’s a sweet treat. losing their houses and losing their land be-
“I hope it doesn’t,” he replies, “but the state You have to think, “I’m going out there every cause corporations are coming in and bulldozing
of the world is very shaky and with the things night…” I see everybody doing Crossfit. I would rainforests. So yeah, tree hugger I am…. I don’t
that go on, with kids losing their lives, with the never do that because you’d get injured. I’m like know, ever since I’ve had my little girl I’ve be-
political nonsense that goes on, I think that “Dude, I injure myself on stage constantly.” But come softhearted.”
there’s going to have to be a conscious awak- no, my change was my total overall health. And
ening from a lot of people in higher platforms. I’ve got to get back into it. I’m trying, slowly. Soft-hearted but definitely strong-armed.
The base of everything is all about money, so Gradually getting back to eating… I’m a This drummer will bash until he bleeds while
it’s hard to say. You have to really realize that all pescatarian now, again. Just fish, and yada showering you with love, positivity and peace.
those people that are making the decisions, yada. I have a lot of respect for the vegan com- We like that. Pick up ‘Kentucky’, out on Mascot
they’re not affected by their decisions. I think the munity and the vegetarian community. It’s hard. Records, and let Black Stone Cherry rescue
best thing that anyone can do is just realize Especially when you travel too. You’ve got fast you. Visit for more
we’re all on earth together and we’ve got to take food everywhere you go. It’s evil.” He references info.
care of each other and take care of this planet the song ‘Darkest Secret’ on the album. “That’s
and not kill each other. I’ve got a little girl now my darkest secret… a plate of cookies!” Words & John Fred Young Photo
and am thinking about when she grows up. I’m He goes deeper into the meat industry, de- By Shari Black Velvet
Black Stone Cherry Band Photos By Rob Fenn