Page 9 - Black Velvet Issue 88
P. 9

BV88 pg6,7,8,9_BV88 pg09  01/04/2016  23:05  Page 4

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              commissioning the same anti-poor TV series like  I’m a director in the record label Boogooyama  ians are very into their music to a high level.”
              Benefits Street. I mean… really? How did you  that puts out Skunk Anansie’s records. I’ve got  Being  on  the  show  helped  widen  Skin’s
              find those people? You found those people to be  a lot of experience and I think that in that situa-  knowledge of music. She says, “It was interest-
              sensational and then suddenly everybody thinks  tion,  the  X  Factor  situation,  it’s  a  brand  new  ing to get into the mainstream kind of Kurt Rus-
              that everyone’s like the scum that are on that TV  model. In England, when I was growing up, I  sell side of music because I didn’t really listen to
              show. Well, actually, no… People are living on  used to watch New Faces. That was still going  that kind of music. From my show, there were a
              the  breadline  and                                                                         couple  of  girls
              they’re really suffer-                                                                      where  that  was
              ing  and  it’s  really                                                                      their world. I had
              difficult. They’re not                                                                      one  really  inter-
              all there to sponge                                                                         esting indie artist,
              benefits off the tax                                                                        one  artist  that
              payers.”                                                                                    was  much  more
                                                                                                          weird,  and  then
                  n   ‘Bullets’                                                                           another artist that
                ISkin   sings,                                                                            was   a   main-
              ‘When  you  think                                                                           stream  pop  girl,
              about  your  life,                                                                          so  it  kind  of
              think about the life                                                                        widened   my
              you want to save’.                                                                          knowledge in that
              So  what  does  she                                                                         way  as  this  was
              think  when  she                                                                            music   that   I
              thinks  about  her                                                                          hadn’t really stud-
              own life?                                                                                   ied before. And I
                “Individually,                                                                            thought it was in-
              the reason I got into                                                                       teresting because
              rock music, the rea-                                                                        I’ve  always  liked
              son I chose this as                                                                         pop  music  and
              a lifetime career, is                                                                       I’ve  got  lots  of
              because  I  wanted                                                                          guilty  pleasures
              to do something dif-                                                                        whether   it’s
              ferent with my life,”                                                                       Bruno  Mars  or
              she  says.  “I  think                                                                       Katy  Perry,  so
              when  you  get  into                                                                        that was really in-
              rock music, you make that your career, it’s be-  on when I was a little, tiny kid, so we’ve had this  teresting to get into that. I do think we’ve got
              cause you want the alternative to the 9-5 job ex-  kind of thing going on in England, talent shows,  some very strong female pop stars right now
              istence. 9-5 job, marriage and 2 kids. You just  for a very long time. I had a lot of fun with it. If  who are very much in control of their stuff, who
              think to yourself, “I don’t want to do that.” So for  I’m really, plainly honest, I think that anyone who  are really making their own money, and are writ-
              me, my life has always just been about “How  goes  into  these  competitions  knows  really  ing their own stuff in a very un-puppeteered kind
              can I do what I want and aim for contentment  clearly what can or might not happen to them.  of way. So that was interesting. But for me, to be
              but still be able to have the things that I want  They know that potentially they could become  honest, I see what I did on X Factor and that
              materialistically and emotionally?” You decided  the biggest star. But what’s likely going to hap-  whole thing very separately from everything else
              to do that as a journalist, you could have done  pen is they’ll probably get a lot of marketing and  I do. In the same way I made a film – I’m an ac-
              lots of things I guess, because you need a cer-  a lot of weight put behind them while they’re on  tress in a film and that’s coming out this year.
              tain amount of intelligence to be a good writer,  the TV show but if they don’t win or if they don’t  And  I’m  a  techno  DJ  which  is  a  very  under-
              to be in a position where you can interview cer-  make a mark they’re just going to disappear af-  ground punk kind of world. I see all of that quite
              tain people, at a certain level, and it’s because  terwards. Anyone that doesn’t know that now is  separately. I see myself quite separately within
              you want to do something different with your life.  a fucking idiot. And I do think there’s a certain  those different roles. It helped Skunk Anansie in
              You  don’t  want  to  just  chop  along  with  the  type of artist that goes into these TV shows.  many ways. We were already a huge band in
              masses, you know? You want something edgy,  You’re not going to find Thom Yorke on X Factor.  Italy and now we’re a mega-huge band in Italy
              something different, something exciting, inter-  You’re not going to find that kind of character.  so that doesn’t hurt, if I’m really honest. I think
              esting, and for me, that’s what I want. And for  It’s  much  more  mainstream,  it’s  much  more  Skunk Anansie are Skunk Anansie. I’m not just
              me, being in a rock band is a way to do the stuff  commercial. For me, it’s one way to become  Skunk Anansie, I’m just part of that huge, mas-
              that I love; to play rock music, write rock music,  successful as an artist, there’s one way to get  sive thing that goes on there.”
              sing rock music, but to be successful enough  discovered. I discovered a couple of girls on the  Skin doesn’t see herself being on X Factor
              that I only have to worry about doing this, I could  show that I thought were absolutely amazing  forever. “I think it’s something that you do for a
              live off being the lead singer of Skunk Anansie if  and if it wasn’t for X Factor no-one would know  couple of years and then get out of,” she says.
              I wanted to, which fills me with contentment and  that they existed. One girl in particular was from  “For me, the root of my soul is Skunk Anansie
              that’s what I’m aiming for. I’m not aiming for hap-  a very, very poor background and there was no  and  whatever  else  I  do  I  always  go  back  to
              piness. Happiness comes in spikes and when  way someone was going to find her just naturally  Skunk Anansie and that always has priority. It’s
              I’m happy, I’m in the moment, I don’t want to sit  but she got found on X Factor so it’s kind of like,  a TV show and I don’t want to become like an
              down and write about it. But most of the time I  it’s a journey for working class people in some  Eastender doing the same role for the next 30
              have an underlying contentment that, at my age,  ways,  to  get  discovered.  I  think  now,  unless  years.”
              my  band’s  been  around  a  long  time,  it’s  still  you’ve got a bit of money, it’s really difficult to af-
              going really strong and people are still excited  ford to do anything of the arts. You don’t get  ith one of the band’s most well known
              about it and interested about it. That’s a really  grants  for  it,  you  have  to  pay  thousands  of  Wsingles being ‘All I Want’, Black Velvet
              true success, isn’t it? That’s kind of what you  money to become an artist or become a singer  ends by asking Skin what she wants now. She
              want to do with your life, just be able to do what  or whatever. You have to go to some school. It’s  replies, “I’m really into branching out and doing
              you want to do, feel free about it, relax about it,  very  difficult  to  get  discovered  the  way  that  different things really. I’m really into developing
              set your own timetable, set your own calendar  Skunk Anansie got discovered. So I think it’s an  other parts of my character. The last two years I
              and make some money.”              interesting sideshow to the music industry. And  was in a very restrictive relationship that in some
                                                 I had fun with it, I think it was good for me to do  ways held me back and now I just feel very free
                    ver  the  last  few  years  Skin  has  something completely different with my life. And  and I feel very selfish in many ways that I just
                Obranched out. She has many strings to  you’ve got to remember that the Italian X Factor  want to try different things. I’m really into saying
              her bow, one of the more recent included joining  is nothing like the English one. They have rock  ‘yes’ to stuff right now and I think it’s really ex-
              the judging panel on X Factor Italy in 2015. Skin  bands on the Italian X Factor, the first in the  panding my horizons.”
              explains, “I’ve got 26 years experience in the  world to have rock bands. And all of the judges  Visit for more info
              music business. I’ve been in a band, I’m a solo  play guitar so they’re all musicians or artists.
              artist, I’m a techno DJ, I play rock music, I play  There are no TV presenters or radio presenters.  Words By Shari Black Velvet
              techno music, I’ve got a production company,  So that evokes a very different kind of show. Ital-
                                                                                                SKUNK ANANSIE
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