Page 16 - Black Velvet Issue 88
P. 16

BV88 pg14,15,16,17 Tremonti_BV88 pg16  01/04/2016  22:40  Page 3

              BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 16

                     hile  on  the  subject  of  substance  rock band out there, record sales have pretty  would do clinics and I’d always say ‘No, I don’t
                Wabuse, we touch on the candid letter  much gone, touring numbers aren’t as big as  want to do clinics, it’s just not my thing. I don’t
              Scott Weiland’s ex-wife Mary Forsberg Weiland  they used to be, you know, ten, fifteen years ago  want to talk, I just want to play.’” After a while
              wrote following Scott’s untimely death in Decem-  and every week there’s some new streaming  Mark finally gave into the idea with the proviso
              ber last year. One of the paragraphs that struck  services like Apple Music or Spotify that comes  that there were only 10 people maximum per
              us read, ‘At some point, someone needs to step  and it just takes away even more sales. You see  session.  “When I went to go and see guitar clin-
              up and point out that yes, this will happen again  bands just struggling to survive out there. I ad-  ics it was at a guitar store and there’s like forty
              – because as a society we almost encourage it.  mire all these other bands that are continuing to  people there. I like to be more personal where I
              We read awful show reviews, watch videos of  do it right now because it’s so much harder than  can talk to somebody and ask them specifically
              artists falling down, unable                                                           what they want to learn.
              to recall their lyrics stream-                                                         I love to see how happy
              ing on a teleprompter just a                                                           it makes some of these
              few feet away. And then we                                                             people  who  get  to  sit
              click "add to cart" because                                                            down, play guitar and go
              what actually belongs in a                                                             from  being  nervous  to
              hospital is now considered                                                             being happy and having
              art.’ We ask Mark whether                                                              a good time. I see a lot
              he thinks she makes a fair                                                             of  guitar  clinics  where
              point. “Yeah, she makes a                                                              people just get up there
              very  fair  point,”  Mark  an-                                                         and  show  off  and  just
              swers.  “The  problem  with                                                            kind of rip over stuff and
              that situation is there are so                                                         say, ‘See you next time.’
              many people that show all                                                              I  try  to  really  teach
              these  warning  signs,  but                                                            everybody  and  go  at  a
              these people aren’t willing                                                            pace  where  everybody
              to change themselves; you                                                              can understand and get
              either  lock  them  up  in  a                                                          something  out  of  it.  I
              mental  institution  for  the                                                          have  starters  to  great
              rest of their lives or you just                                                        players  but  if  there’s  a
              let  them  do  what  they’re                                                           beginner I’ll put my fin-
              going to do. You can throw                                                             gers  on  their  fret  and
              all the love in the world at                                                           help  them  through  it.
              them  and  all  the  different                                                         You can feel the excite-
              rehabilitation  centres,  but                                                          ment with some people
              some  people  just  can’t                                                              and I really try my best
              bounce  back.  I’ve  seen  it                                                          to make them better, you
              happen to close friends of                                                             know,  to  teach  them
              mine. We’re all wired differ-                                                          something. I think some
              ent, some people are just                                                              of  the  beginners  just
              not strong enough to stay                                                              want to be part of it and
              straight and Scott Weiland                                                             have  a  good  time  any-
              was definitely one of those                                                            way  by  just  kind  of
              people. I don’t know if there                                                          watching   everybody.”
              was  anything  anybody                                                                 The sessions are bene-
              could’ve  done  to  change                                                             fitting Mark too. “Now I
              what happened with Scott                                                               love it,” Mark smiles, “it
              Weiland.  Watching  the                                                                keeps  me  practising
              signs and seeing it happen,                                                            every day and I think it
              it’s not like fans and every-                                                          makes  me  a  better
              body else can step up and                                                              player.”
              be like ‘let’s help him’, be-                                                             This  year  will  see
              cause  he  has  probably                                                               the  return  of  Alter
              been  helped  so  many                                                                 Bridge. Work has begun
              times, he just refuses it and                                                          on the band’s fifth studio
              he’s just… Like I said, I’ve                                                           album and with plans to
              seen it with lots of people,                                                           head out on tour to sup-
              there  are  hundreds  of                                                               port  the  release,  Mark
              friends trying to steer them                                                           has  another  busy  year
              in a direction but they have                                                           ahead of him. What will
              to make the decision them-                                                             this  mean  for  Tremonti
              selves; it falls on them.”                                                             though? Well, the good
                When  we  look  at  our                                                              news  is  that  Tremonti
              favourite  musicians  we                                                               will  not  be  brushed  to
              don’t  always  consider  the                                                           one   side.   Thinking
              darker  side  of  their  seemingly  glamorous  it was when we first started out.”  ahead of the game, during the two and a half
              lifestyles. “From the outside looking in I think a  Making  a  living  as  a  musician  may  be  month stint in the recording studio working on
              lot of people would see somebody like myself or  tougher now, but there are still plenty of people  ‘Cauterize’, the band recorded 20 songs. Not
              somebody  in  a  position  like  mine  and  say,  who have a passion for music. Throughout the  keen on the idea of releasing a double album,
              ‘They’ve had their success and they do what  tour members of Tremonti inspired and nurtured  they split the songs up to form two albums. The
              they love,  life is just ducky.’  They don’t see all  future musicians through a series of artist ses-  second instalment is titled ‘Dust’ and is due for
              the things that happen, the fights and the strug-  sions. Mark has received numerous accolades  release in April. Whether there will be a window
              gle it is to keep out there.”  Although chasing his  for his guitar playing and fans eager to learn the  of opportunity to do a full scale tour to support
              dream hasn’t been easy and he’s taken many  craft of playing guitar had the opportunity to be  this album is not yet clear, but if ‘Cauterize’ is
              knocks during his career, Mark has never given  taught by Mark himself at pre-show guitar ses-  anything to go by then ‘Dust’ is something our
              up.  “This was always my passion and I’ve just  sions, while drummer Garrett Whitlock hosted  ears will look forward to hearing.
              worked as hard as I possibly can to keep chas-  hour-long drum sessions.  It is something that  Visit for more info.
              ing it. I’ve had great moments and I’ve had bad  Mark has been enjoying, despite his initial reser-
              moments but I always try and chase down what  vations. “My brother Dan convinced me to do an  Words By Sam & Penny Gower
              I felt as a kid would be my utopia. Right now  instructional  DVD  in  the  first  place,  then  he
              though,  it’s just the toughest it’s ever been for a  wanted me to start doing artist sessions where I  Photos on Page 16 & 17 By Sam Gower

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