Page 8 - Black Velvet Issue 88
P. 8

BV88 pg6,7,8,9_BV88 pg08  01/04/2016  23:06  Page 3

              BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 8
              and that’s the way forward I think.”  It’s like “We’re gonna kick some ass!” “Yeah,  voting Labour Party shows that underneath all
                                                 well, I don’t think you’re kicking anyone’s ass. I  that crap that’s in the press, people are saying
                   kunk Anansie are well known for speak-  think we’re getting our ass kicked to be quite  “Actually, I don’t believe the press, I don’t believe
                Sing out in their lyrics on important social  honest.” We’re at war with an ideology. We’re  any of this, I think this guy’s actually quite cool”.
              and political subjects. On ‘Anarchytecture’ is a  not at war with a country, because the ideology  Black Velvet thinks Jeremy is very cool. For
              song called ‘Bullets’, which is the band’s reac-  is in every country on the planet. You can’t go  starters he’s vegetarian. He’s compassionate.
              tion to various terrorist activities that have hap-  and bomb Paris, you can’t go and bomb London  He rides a bike, goes out on the streets and
              pened in the world. ‘See the man with the guns  where these people are building and kicking off.  helps  charities  and  when  a  fan  began  a  go-
              and the bullets for his son,’ Skin sings. It nar-  We’re playing into their hands by that kind of  fundme campaign to get him his ideal bike, he
              rates  those  out  to  get  others.  Skin  posted  a  talk. And to be quite honest we’re not kicking  wrote that instead he’d donate all the money to
              quote from Jeremy Corbyn on Instagram after  anyone’s  arse,  absolutely  no-one.  We’re  not  charity including the bike money. He would not
              the Paris attacks which killed rock fans at the  winning, we’re losing horribly. And you’d think  accept any of it. Now that’s someone we’d like
              Bataclan, amongst others. Along with the quote,  that people would think, “OK, what’s happened  to see running the country.
              Skin herself wrote ‘With the UK decision to go  since 9/11? What’s happened in 15 years?” Ac-  “He’s a real left-winger,” says Skin. “He’s the
              to war yesterday it was a very sad day.’ So how  tually, we’ve just got our arse kicked all over the  real deal. He didn’t go to Eton. That’s the prob-
              refreshing does Skin find Jeremy Corbyn, know-  world and now everyone’s running scared and  lem with our politics in England. They all come
              ing that he is against war and violence?  are running in fear. So that’s what’s really hap-  from  the  same  elite. They  all  come  from  the
                “I  think  it’s  refreshing  to  have  a  different  pened. The cleverest minds are on this, you’d  fucking same school. They all went to Eton or
              point of view,” Skin replies. “I think that New  think – but the reaction has been the same for  somewhere like that. Then they all went to Ox-
              Labour is really just a Tory government sidekick.  centuries. If someone does something violent to  ford  or  Cambridge.  They’re  all  mates.  They
              I think there hasn’t been a real opposition in a  you… an eye for an eye, you do something vio-  might pretend to be Labour or Conservative but
              very, very long time. I mean, like a real opposi-  lent to them back. But that clearly hasn’t worked.  they’re upper class. Not even real class. Upper
              tion to right-wing Labour politics. We’ve not re-  You’d think there’d be a desire for a more intel-  class. They all come from the elite. Finally we’ve
              ally had that opposition for a long time and I  ligent solution. And at least Jeremy Corbyn is  got someone who’s come up from the streets
              think it’s really refreshing to actually have a com-  like “Well, the war’s not working, let’s see if we  whose been a very powerful fighter. He’s anti-
              pletely different left-wing view on it. The Ameri-  can do something else,” and he just gets called  nuclear and that was a good thing. I think what’s
              can form of policy and the British form of policy  left-wing and a communist and a pro-extremist,  wrong with our country – all our politicians are
              after 9/11 has been atrocious. It’s just been the  but I don’t think he is. What’s really interesting  from the same class of people. Tony Blair and
              dumbest  kind  of  reaction.  “We’re  gonna  kick  is that our press in England is so right-wing. Ru-  David Cameron, they have no idea what it’s like
              some  ass,”  like  fucking  Sarah  Palin.  That  pert Murdoch owns it all. And for him (Jeremy  to live in an area where people have grown up
              woman couldn’t be more stupid if… oh my God!  Corbyn) to get voted in, and have more people  in complete and abject poverty. They just keep

                SKUNK ANANSIE
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