Page 9 - Black Velvet Issue 85
P. 9

BV85 pg8,9,10,11:BV85 pg09  13/06/2015  01:40  Page 2                                 BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 9

         your life

              that brought us to making the record right.”   to be digging it so I’m glad we’ve put it in there.”   came out, it’s definitely an interesting way to
                 “We’ve grown, we’ve made other mistakes                            write for sure.”
              and we’ve learnt from those etc,” says Tom. “I  rowing up is a key theme throughout  “It was the first concept type of song we’ve
              think as a band we’ve just become a bit more  G'All We've Ever Known' but it's not all  written,” Drew tells us. “I mean, Tom brought a
              of a unit, in terms of how we are, our entire  that Light You Up write about. ‘You Are Waiting  big chunk of the vocals, lyrics and the chord
              band ethos and everything. We’re all definitely  For A Train’ is inspired by the movie Inception.  structure to us and said ‘Hey, what do you think
              a  lot  more  of  a  solid  team.  Not  to  say  we  Napes  tells  us,  “I  love  movies  that  kind  of  of this? It’s about this’ type of thing and it’s
              weren’t a solid team when we did the ‘Broken  evoke a real emotional response in you, and I  quite relatable even though it’s about some-
              Jaw’ record but...”                think I’m just a bit of a hopeless romantic at  thing so specific.”
                 'Broken Jaw' is Light You Up's first EP, re-  heart. You know, I love a good kind of tragic  “Yeah,” Tom says. “ I don’t think it’s neces-
              leased in 2012. Drew tells us about 'Foxfire', a  love story and stuff like that. I was really in-  sarily a song that you’d listen to and be like...”
              song from the EP that reappeared on the debut  spired by the conviction in Leonardo DiCaprio’s  “Oh, that's about Inception,” Drew laughs.
              album,  “Rob,  the  guitarist,  and  I  wrote  that  character, in not letting go of the memory of his  “So yeah, it's cool.”
              song before Napes was even in the band, so  wife and stuff like that, I thought it was really  The song is called 'You Are Waiting For A
              we put that on the EP and everyone seemed  romantic, and there’s something really visceral  Train' but what are Light You Up waiting for?
              to really like it, but we never really released it  about his acting, he played that part so well. I  Tom tells us about the band’s patience when it
              as a single or anything, mainly because at the  kind of remember watching that movie for the  comes to success. “I think in terms of real life
              time we didn’t really have the push or the back-  first  time  and  being  like...”  Tom  places  his  I’m  incredibly  impatient,”  Tom  laughs.  “But
              ing to put any money or any push behind it. So  hands  on  his  heart  mimicking  heartbreak,  that’s something I’m trying to curb by and large,
              when we came to doing the record we were  “Ugh!”                      I’ve spent 24 years living inside my head and
              sending  demos  around,  and  the  producers  “At the time I wanted to start writing a song  waiting for things to get better or whatever, and
              said ‘You should redo it for the record,' we were  about something external from me or an expe-  yeah, I really am at a point now where I’m like,
              sceptical at first but then Matty from A Loss For  rience I’ve had,” Tom continues. “I wanted to  ‘nah,  you  know  what?  That  all  comes  from
              Words said ‘Hey, I’d like to do like a guest vocal  write about something completely conceptual,  within here’,” Tom gestures at his heart, and
              part’. Then we said ‘Okay, well why don’t we  so that’s kind of how that song started and we  then towards the 900 capacity venue behind
              do ‘Foxfire’ and add a guest vocal part so it’s  threw in a bunch of other ideas for stuff and  us.  “This  is  probably  the  biggest  show  that
              something a bit fresher?’ and everyone seems  yeah,  I’m  really  happy  with  how  that  song  we’ve played to date and we’re just enjoying it

                                                                                                  LIGHT YOU UP
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