Page 5 - Black Velvet Issue 85
P. 5

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                      A (Musical) Note From...

                        brian kroll - my son the bum

                 ‘My Son The Bum – that’s a strange name  quality and type of people I wanted.  to putting out animated song videos? I always
              for a band, I hear you say! You’re correct. It’s  Originally, I booked a recording studio to  have felt that, for me, the world didn’t need an-
              a name that spontaneously combusted.  do four songs. The owner asked me if I’d ever  other guitar band standing on stage wielding
                 My Son The Bum was part of an album  wanted to record an album. I told him, yeah  their guitars. I was always about the song. If I
              title name that became the project name. The  sure… but I only have these four songs ready.  was going to have videos done, they had to be
              album title was ‘My Son The Bum - Beyond  He suggested that I go home and look through  special. I wanted the videos to be an art form
              Therapy’. The CD artwork was arranged in a  my notebooks and that I probably wrote lyrics  of their own. All of the songs were inspired by
              way that, to me, made ‘My Son The Bum’ look  that I didn’t even remember. Although I thought  real  life  experiences.  Doing  videos  has  al-
              like my project name. And, the rest is history.  he was a great salesman or con man, I de-  lowed me to focus on music while remaining
              Being from New York, it didn’t cross my mind  cided to look through my notebooks anyway.  somewhat anonymous. I am more interested
              that the word ‘bum’ had different meanings in  There, I found a full set of song lyrics that I had  in showing the creation than the creator.
              the UK and Australia. It wasn’t until I got a  written by flow after watching the movie ‘One  ‘Death By Texting’ is a song inspired by a
              ‘best  band  name  ever’                               Flew  Over  The  real experience. While walking out of a hospi-
              message  from  a  DJ  at                               Cuckoo’s Nest’. I  tal, I witnessed a woman in a business suit
              Surrey University that it                              worked   with  walking out of the emergency room exit. She
              dawned on me of ‘bum’                                  someone    to  was texting at the same time. The hospital was
              meaning buttocks, one’s                                arrange and pro-  on a one way street and only the locals knew
              rear end, ass…                                         duce  four  more  that. It was easy for someone to drive down
                 I’m a songwriter (yet                               songs  and  an  the street going the wrong way. After seeing
              I don’t sing), guitarist and                           album was born.  this, I heard the lyrics in my head ‘see her
              I think too much. Always                                  After   each  walking down the street, the new brand of road
              have, most likely always                               album,  I’d  do  a  kill meat….she shoulda seen it coming, death
              will.  At  the  university,  I                         send  out  and  by texting.’ The ‘Death By Texting’ video is re-
              was  the  one  student  in                             then  start  think-  ceiving recurring major and regional network
              the whole psychology lab                               ing  of  the  next  cable airplay across the USA.
              class  that  got  the  trick                           songs to record.  Then  there’s  ‘Follow  Me,  Like  Me’. The
              question right. How did I                              Some   people  exact chorus lyrics that you hear on ‘Follow
              get from wanting to form                               have called me a  Me, Like Me’ were taken from a cell phone
              a band to recording five                               ‘studio  head’.  I  recording.  Social media, at times, feels to me
              albums  with  a  core  of                              seemed to live to  like  a  stadium  of  people  standing  up  and
              studio  musicians?  It                                 write and record  screaming  ‘look  at  me’.  Seeing  'Follow  Us,
              seemed to work out that                                songs and CDs.  Like Us' all over the place felt to me like the
              way. To find musicians that would share my  No two songs sound exactly alike on any of the  matchbook  ads  to  become  a  millionaire
              musical goals and visions seemed to work out  CDs. I loved to take risks and experiment with  overnight. Highly impersonal and personal at
              better in a recording studio situation. I had al-  new ideas. This made it very challenging to  the same time. It's aimed at everybody and yet
              ways wanted to be in a band. Originally, I had  find  the  right                       nobody at the same
              no real longing or need to write lyrics or songs.  people  to  play                    time.   'Everybody
              That’s how I saw it. Somehow, that was not to  live  and  con-                         wants  to  be  heard
              be the case. Several random events changed  tinue to record                            above the noise', but
              that.                              new songs. My                                       it can be numbing.
                 Although  I  am  from  New  York,  I  spent  pattern  was  to                          I did not deliber-
              three months during High School in Southern  record   an                               ately  pick  songs  to
              California. It was cool to be sitting on a beach  album,   then                        represent   any
              in March playing my Gibson Les Paul with new  continue  writ-                          causes.  The  ‘Death
              friends. This connects to songwriting. It seems  ing  and  after-                      By Texting’ and ‘Fol-
              that after I had several drinks, I’d sing along  wards  record                         low  Me,  Like  Me’
              with songs on the radio in my friends car and  yet   another                           songs/videos are my
              blaspheme the lyrics. My friends found this en-  CD.                                   personal experiences
              tertaining. Somehow, this turned into my song-  One of my                              with  living  in  a  cell
              writing  experimenting  phase  without  my  main   obses-                              phone, cyber and so-
              knowing it.                        sions is what I                                     cial  media  driven
                 Another life changing event happened to  will  leave  be-                           world.  I  try  to  be  a
              me two years after that when I got a phone  hind  on  this                             person  and  not  a
              number to take guitar lessons from one of my  planet musically and as a person when I’m  marketing machine. When writing, I believe
              local heroes. I plucked up the courage to ask  dead and gone. I have some sense of urgency  that if I stay with my subjective experiences, I
              the band’s guitarist for lessons. He gave me  with  these  things.  Early  on,  I  realized  that  have a better chance of connecting universally
              life changing advice. This great guitarist and  some  musicians/artists  that  helped  save  or  with others on whatever level I am writing. I am
              humble man told me that I needed to write  change my life were dead before I discovered  currently working on recording a soundtrack to
              songs, not learn more guitar solos. I was quite  them. At  some  point,  I  was  driven  to  think  an independent film. My Son The Bum has
              surprised that he was more concerned about  about what I would leave behind to possibly  come full circle. I am working with all new peo-
              helping me than taking my money. My mission  help or positively influence someone else’s life.  ple. A new animated song video is being fin-
              became writing songs.              Several years ago, after some college radio  ished.  Hint,  the  topic  was  not  meant  to  be
                  I  started  writing  down  my  ideas  and  promotions, I’d give the music out for free to  controversial.
              thoughts in notebooks. For music ideas, I’d  fans around the world. This way, if I didn’t tour,  Brian
              record them on anything available, digital voice  the music would go around the world. I put
              recorders,  my cell phone, even analog tape if  what  would  have  been  tour/gig  money  into  For more info on My Son The Bum visit
              necessary. I have hundreds of recordings and  recording more music and giving them out. It
              pages in my notebooks and hard drives for  was more important for me to leave music be-
              possible song ideas. After jamming and band  hind to share with others and  show that I had  In a band? Want to write a one-off col-
              forming  attempts,  the  answer  was  to  start  lived and walked the planet at some point.   umn for Black Velvet? Get in touch. Email
              recording things in a studio. Then I’d get the  How did I go from being a ‘studio project’

                                                                                              MY SON THE BUM
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