Page 6 - Black Velvet Issue 85
P. 6

BV85 pg06&07:BV85 pg6  13/06/2015  00:14  Page 1

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                   our-piece Scunthorpe rockers Skarlett Riot released their EP, ‘We Are The Brave’, in February to
                Fa rousing reception.  Frontwoman Skarlett (real name Chloe) tells Black Velvet, “We wrote the
             EP writing whatever came out at rehearsals, writing from the heart and not thinking ‘what will people
             want to hear?’. I think the EP has a heavier sound than our debut album and people will either love or
             hate it. It’s a statement, stand up for what you believe in and don’t care what other people think.’ Well,
             we definitely love it - so much so that we got in touch with the band and asked them (well, Skarlett
             and guitarist Danny) a question or ten about being brave.

             BV:  What’s  the  bravest  thing  you’ve  ever                         able to play a show concentrating on playing an
             done as a band?                    BV: Do you think you need to be brave to be  instrument but take that away and what have
             Skarlett:  I’d  say  writing  this  EP!  Not  thinking  successful?    you got, a front person with a mic and a few hun-
             ‘What do people want to hear next?’, or ‘What  Skarlett: Yes definitely! I believe not following the  dred/thousand fans you have to win over every
             will people think if we did this?’ I think writing  crowd, having your own sound, not caring too  night. That ain’t easy!
             music that you believe in as a band and can re-  much what people think, and writing from the
             late to is so important. It’s one of the bravest  heart are key things to being continuously suc-  BV: Who do you admire outside of the band
             things to do, not follow the crowd, and if you  cessful. It’s also so much more rewarding to get  for being brave?
             don’t love what you do and only do it to try and  success from doing what you truly believe in.   Danny:  I  think  you’ve  got  to  admire  anyone
             get fame, it’s not rewarding. It’s not enough for                      that’s willing to accept themselves for who they
             me. I want to do well off music, I enjoy writing. I  BV: Who’s the bravest member of the band  are and stand out from the crowd. We meet and
             think that’s bravery on its own.   and why?                            talk to loads of people on the road both in bands
                                                Danny: I don’t just think it’s solely for Skarlett  and friends/fans and everyone has these awe-
             BV:  Is  rock  music  in  general  about  being  Riot but I think in general a band’s front person  some stories of what they do in everyday life or
             brave?                             is the bravest member of a band. Not saying it’s  stuff that’s happened to them and it’s great lis-
             Danny: I think so. Rock music in general has al-  easy for bands to even get onstage in the first  tening to how everyone deals with day to day is-
             ways been about standing out from the crowd  place but majority of the focus falls to the front  sues  in  their  lives  and  finds  ways  of  getting
             and it takes guts to do that. I guess it goes for  person in a band. They have the hardest job  through.
             any touring band; you have to give up so much  easily. Give me a guitar on stage any day over
             to do it and it takes a lot to make that move.  being a front person. It’s ok getting up and being  BV: Do you think in general, in life now, you
               SKARLETT RIOT
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