Page 10 - Black Velvet Issue 85
P. 10

BV85 pg8,9,10,11:BV85 pg10  13/06/2015  01:43  Page 3

             BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 10
             for what it is and you know I feel like we’re really  and stopped by the venue security. It made Tom  playing or tour managing so it meant that we all
             lucky and honoured to be here.”    upset as he likes to break down the border be-  spent quite a lot of periods of time away, so
                “Definitely,” Drew agrees. “This is such a  tween band and fan. “They’re the people that  while the band was forming we would all really
             fickle kind of thing to do, it’s so different and it’s  make a band the band; the patrons who come  have to come together and make an effort to fig-
             cavalier and fun and great, but it’s full of pitfalls  to shows, fans, whatever you want to call them,  ure out what we were going to do. One time I’d
             and so we’re just enjoying it for what it is, you  they’re the people that buy into your music and  been on tour for a few months, I came home and
             know, playing music and travelling - it’s great.”  no band would be anywhere if it wasn’t for peo-  Joe,  our  drummer,  he’s  a  tattooist,  I  went  to
                “Yeah, we're not taking anything for granted  ple like that so, for me personally and for the rest  hangout  with  him  and  he  was  trying  to  peer
             for sure,” Tom says. “If bigger things come, I  of us in Light You Up, we want to make that  pressure me into getting a tattoo. I said no, and
             mean who knows in maybe two or three years  known to the people coming to these shows,”  then he asked what out of all of the tattoos on
             we may be able to do a show at the Koko as our  Tom says.              his recent flash sheet would I want, and I said
             own show or maybe even do a headline show  Tom always spends part of the band’s set in  ‘Probably that fly because it’s the smallest.’ Then
             here which would be awesome, but if that never  the crowd, singing and dancing with the audi-  before I knew it everybody in the band had that
             comes I’m going to enjoy this for what it is.”  ence. “Personally I don’t like the whole artist-  fly so that peer pressured me into getting it, so
                                                barrier  thing.  I  think  an  audience  is  just  as  now we all have the fly and it just started spread-
                  ight You Up have already come a long  important as performers on stage are. I can’t re-  ing from there and we put it on a shirt and stuff.
                Lway from when they released 'Broken  member what show we were at, but I was saying  It’s just a bit of fun, but at the same time it rep-
             Jaw' in 2012, and over the past couple of years  that we’re kind of like a team, you know, without  resents something that’s important.”
             they've bonded more and become closer as a  the guys on stage it’s just a bunch of people in  “Yeah,” Tom agrees. “Something that came
             band. Tom tells us that recording the album was  a room, but without the audience we’re just five  from a very silly place has turned into something
             probably the biggest bonding experience they've  guys playing music - which isn’t a bad thing, but  really nice.”
             had  yet.  “We  flew  to  the  States,  we  were  in  to make a rock show work we need both parties
             Austin, Texas for a couple of weeks staying with  so  I  think  both  are  equally  important,”  Tom  om posts a lot of quotes about optimism
             some friends and that's when myself and Drew  laughs.  “I  probably  reacted  not  as  well  as  I  Tand  happiness  on  Instagram  but  he
             finished off writing the lyrics for the record. That  should have done, but yeah, I’m very passionate  wouldn't say he's the most optimistic in the Light
             was really good because whilst we had kind of  about  uniting  the  audience  and  the  artist,  so  You Up team. “It's Paul Squires, the guy who
             collaborated on musical ideas in the past, it was  being prevented from doing so is quite frustrat-  does our sound,” Tom laughs. “He is the biggest
             only kind of briefly touched on in the ‘Broken  ing.”                  bundle of joy, he’s a very, very happy chappy
             Jaw’ EP, so this was the first time that we really,  “Forcefully prevented,” Drew adds. “But it  and is always striving to lift moods and lift spirits.
             officially kind of collaborated on a lot of things.  was all good after. I mean, we understood that  This tour has been very up and down emotion-
             That definitely brought us closer in terms of a  they were just trying to keep us safe and the au-  ally, I think for all of us in individual ways, there’s
             writing sense.”                    dience safe, and it was just one of those things  a lot of home stuff that’s been going on, but he's
                “Definitely,” Drew agrees.      that just got blown a bit out of proportion.”   such a great guy, he’s always walking into a
                “Then we flew out to San Francisco to do                            room trying to lift those spirits and make us all
             the album,” Tom continues. “We spent about a  ight You Up call themselves and anyone  feel good,” Tom continues. “I think being happy
             week  doing  pre-production  and  a  lot  of  the  Lwho supports the band the Flycrew. Tom  is a lot harder than it is to be sad, I think if you’re
             songs changed from the                                                                       sad it’s very easy
             demos that we brought to                                                                     to be complacent
             the studio to what actually                                                                  and   wallow,
             came out of it. So I think                                                                   where  as  if  you
             that was really good be-                                                                     want to be happy
             cause as I say it was the                                                                    you’ve  actually
             first time that we had all,                                                                  got to make the
             as  a  unit,  been  able  to                                                                 effort   to   be
             kind  of  tear  apart  songs                                                                 happy  and  it’s
             and throw in ideas.”                                                                         hard to do some-
                It was while recording                                                                    times.”
             the  album  that  the  band                                                                    “Yeah,  defi-
             also became a lot closer                                                                     nitely”   Drew
             as friends, Tom explains.                                                                    agrees.   “And
             “I  mean,  we  lived  with                                                                   from  the  band
             each  other  for  about  six                                                                 moving  forward
             weeks that summer so it                                                                      in  a  business
             was pretty full on, it’s not                                                                 sense, I do a lot
             like a kind of tour where                                                                    of  the  band’s
             you can… you know you                                                                        business, so I’m
             go to a different city and                                                                   always  the  one
             you  meet  other  people                                                                     that’s  like  ‘No
             and get away, it was liter-                                                                  guys,   we’re
             ally just the five of us for                                                                 going to be okay!
             six weeks straight.”                                                                         We’re  going  to
                “Yeah,  it  was  great                                                                    make  it  work!
             though,” Drew says. “Be-                                                                     We’ll  figure  it
             cause from touring we’ve                                                                     out!’  That’s  my
             learnt when to ask certain                                                                   phrase,   that’s
             questions with each other                                                                    what  everyone
             and when not to, and just how to make every-  explains, “The idea behind the Flycrew is really  says. I’ve coined the phrase.”
             thing as productive as possible. With the record  nice. It’s all about being a team, it's everyone in  “Yeah,”  Tom  laughs.  “We’ll  figure  it  out.
             we definitely learnt how to push each other’s  Light You Up, not just the five guys in the band  None of us are really mopey or down guys, I
             buttons in a positive way, like ripping apart the  but our entire team who work with us. You know,  mean we’re on the road with a bunch of mates
             songs without making someone feel like they’re  all the audience members and people who care  playing music so...”
             put out there under pressure to change their part  about our band, that’s all the Flycrew and that’s  “There’s not much to be sad about!” says
             or something, so that’s really cool, that was def-  really nice. However, it’s a bit stupid!”  Drew.
             initely a big learning curve.”        Drew laughs, “What it stemmed from is stu-  Although the band are all optimistic and en-
                “Yeah, for sure,” Tom agrees. “It was wicked  pid, yeah.”           joying life, they do have their struggles being in
             fun though.”                          “So actually...” Tom holds up his wrist to re-  a smaller, unsigned band. Tom says they strug-
                                                veal a tattoo of a fly, “There’s one of the flies.”  gle financially, more than anything else. He ex-
                   peaking of touring, there was an inci-  “Yeah,” Drew laughs. “So, two of the guys,  plains, “We fund everything that we do, so to
                Sdent the other month where Tom tried to  well, three of us actually in the band have all at  work at a ‘professional level’ it takes a lot of
             get into the crowd, but was forcefully grabbed  different times toured with other bands, either  money.”
               LIGHT YOU UP
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