Page 13 - Black Velvet Issue 85
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came out awesome. After that we went over family and loved ones. But not everyone does.” things just right. Bands scrap songs or even full
my other songs and added to them. Writing In ‘My City’ Chris sings ‘this place, it keeps albums if they’re not happy with them. Chris
‘Get Fast’ definitely helped us figure out the me strong’. He says ‘My City’ is more of a tells us that he stresses too much about the
rest of the songs.” metaphor, again for those around him, as well songs, and this can cause a lack of sleep. Al-
There are some great, thought-provoking as the experiences he’s had and things he’s though he adds, “In the end it’s always worth
songs on the album. The title track in particular done so far. “My city doesn't necessarily keep it. Anything is worth the time you put in. Even
is an important song. Chris explains, “I starting me strong so much as my friends and things if you can't see a positive outcome. It may take
writing ‘It’s In The Streets’ when I was pulling I've been through… My friends who live here. you years to look back and see why it was
off the freeway one day. There was this man What we did growing up and the things we've worth it. Maybe it made you stronger without
with a sign at the side of the freeway exit ask- been through.” even realizing.”
ing for money and I started thinking of all the
times I could have given some money or done ike many other lyricists, Chris tries to n ‘Josh Lights A Fire’ Chris sings, ‘this
anything to help, which is not that often. I Lput a positive spin into his own lyrics to Imay be all he needs’ – so we end by ask-
started feeling like a pathetic excuse for a per- help others. “I like to say that when I write, I like ing what Chris and his bandmates need. He
son. There are so many different views on this to write something that I would want to hear replies, “All I need is a roof over my head and
topic. You don't know what they are really from someone.” Listeners can definitely relate a place to play music. I’ve never really needed
spending money on. You don't know if they re- to the songs on ‘It’s In The Streets’. In ‘Holiday much. As a band I'm sure we all need to be on
ally need the money. I’ve seen articles on peo- From Crazy’ Chris gives his own view on the the road a lot this year.”
ple asking for money and they don't need it at world, while feeling a need to get away. “The The band themselves, Chris, LP, Ben and
all. It’s sad. But at the end of the day it still second verse is me just saying, 'we don't have Steven have what it takes with every song con-
made me sick thinking of all the people in our to be close minded with other people’s race, taining conviction, energy and integrity and
own country that are struggling.” sex, or sexual orientation'. And, when I say with their extensive touring background we
We ask what the closest he’s been to 'show me a hero', I'm referring to good role know they’ll go far. The band have just com-
being homeless is. Chris replies, “I’ve never models. People that I looked up to when I was pleted a US tour. If you didn’t make it out to a
personally been close to being homeless my- a kid. To be honest, when I was a kid, I looked show, look out for more tour dates and catch
self. But I've spent plenty of time being broke up to comic book heroes, like I'm sure a lot of them next time. Oh, and one thing WE need is
and hanging on the legs of my family for help - us dudes did!” a UK tour. Fingers crossed they’ll get here.
which I'm eternally grateful for. At the end of Songwriting can be a strenuous process – Visit
the day I've got great support at home with my moreso when you’re a perfectionist and want Words By Shari Black Velvet