Page 6 - Black Velvet Issue 84
P. 6

BV84 pg4,5,6,7:BV84 pg06  20/03/2015  11:10  Page 3

             BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 6
             feeling than realizing… excuse my French… ‘we  music for a living as renegades,” he says. “In  In ‘I Am What I Am’ Cormac sings ‘I don’t care
             fucked this up’. It’s a live or die situation and it  general, I see really anybody who decides to  what you think of me, I don’t care what you see’.
             can come down to whether a member has a  take a double take on the tried and tested path  The singer says, “That song was actually in-
             hangover, whether the producer’s in bad form,  that your life is meant to take... people who don’t  spired by a particular article that was written
             whether we just somehow can’t find the right  necessarily conform to ‘go to school, get a job’  about the band. Kinda cut us to pieces a little bit,
             tempo for a song. There are a lot of pitfalls along  or ‘go to school, go to college, get a job and  y’know. And kind of undermined a lot of what we
             the way that you have to avoid in the studio, so  that’s you for the rest of your days’. I like talking  work hard to achieve. That was kind of the feed
             avoiding  those  pitfalls  is  the  most  consistent  to people who have taken a few chances and  for that song but then it grew into more of a gen-
             challenge that you have during the course of a  kind of follow their dreams a little bit.”  eral statement of identity and being proud to do
             record. There were four or five on there that  Renegades that have inspired him include  what we do. Because you know, again, in the
             weren’t even entirely finished going into the stu-  AC/DC. “I suppose a lot of big bands that we’ve  business that we’re in, we’re constantly being
             dio so we had to do a certain amount of writing  played  with  in  the  past  like AC/DC  spring  to  judged.  Our  albums  are  being  judged  every
             while on the spot in there. And that’s when you  mind,” he says. “But then there’s a lot of friends  night we get on stage, we’re being judged by
             really do just have to trust your instincts and just  I  have  around  Belfast  and  Northern  Ireland  whoever comes down to the show and that’s fine
             get a good vibe and go on it and those particular  artists and musicians; people who have just kind  but you do have to kind of take a step back and
             songs came together really well. It’s particularly  of  trusted  in  their  own  talents  and  their  own  make sure you’re making music and we’re doing
             rewarding hearing a song back                                                      this  for  ourselves,  first  and
             that  hadn’t  even  been  com-                                                     foremost, and that we don’t get
             pleted before… Getting the mix                                                     bogged  down  by  the  thou-
             back  and  going,  “Oh  yeah,                                                      sands  of  opinions  that  get
             Jesus, I nearly forgot about that                                                  thrown around.”
             section because it’s so brand
             new”. So yeah, the whole vibe                                                            side from all the regu-
             and the atmosphere in the stu-                                                        Alar tours, headline and
             dio was maintained.”                                                               support,  and  festival  shows,
                ‘Aristocrat’ was one of the                                                     the  band  also  played  Rock
             songs that the band had to fin-                                                    Against  Racism  last  June.
             ish in the studio. “We hadn’t re-                                                  Black  Velvet  asks  if  Cormac
             ally  got  the  chorus  for                                                        has  witnessed  much  racism.
             ‘Aristocrat’.  All  we  really  had                                                “Not  really,  thankfully,”  he
             was a good feeling about it. So                                                    replies.  “Obviously  coming
             myself  and  Will  the  producer                                                   from Northern Ireland you wit-
             had to really spend an evening                                                     ness your fair share of bigotry
             making sure we had a chorus                                                        and prejudice, that’s just unfor-
             to really do the rest of the song                                                  tunately part of the fabric of our
             justice. ‘Whiplash’ was another                                                    society over here. I mean, it is
             one.  ‘Strange  Kinda’  Nothing’                                                   thankfully a very small minority
             was  about  2  ½  minutes  long                                                    who  do  still  live  in  the  dark
             when  we  went  to  Spain  and                                                     ages but it’s there for all to see.
             then  when  we  came  home  it                                                     On any given day, there’s flags
             was  5  minutes  long…  which                                                      on  the  lampposts  and  curb
             sometimes is a bad thing but in                                                    stones  painted,  but  I’m  defi-
             this  case  it  works!”  Cormac                                                    nitely no stranger to that. And
             laughs. “‘Raise A Little Hell’ we                                                  the  reason  we  did  the  Rock
             didn’t even record in Spain. We                                                    Against Racism gig was prob-
             came home, decided we were                                                         ably  in  the  absence  of  wide
             going to call the record ‘Raise                                                    spread  sectarianism…  there
             A Little Hell’ and then thought,                                                   were a couple of instances on
             ‘Well, if we’re going to call the                                                  the  news  of  families  getting
             album ‘Raise A Little Hell’ we                                                     abuse on account of their na-
             should  probably  do  a  bit  of                                                   tionality or the colour of their
             work on the song ‘Raise A Little                                                   skin and that’s just not on. This
             Hell’ so we brought Will to Ire-                                                   country’s  fucked  up  enough
             land to do that one.”                                                              without  adding  to  the  list  of
                Cormac  says  you  need  a                                                      flaws, y’know. It’s a very small
             little bit of madness thrown in to                                                 number of assholes who make
             really bring out the passion and                                                   trouble  for  the  masses  but
             to delivery quality rock ‘n’ roll                                                  Rock  Against  Racism  was  a
             music.  “We  do  very  much  try                                                   great  event  organized  in  the
             and fight against the whole writ-                                                  greatest spirit of Northern Ire-
             ing  process  getting  too  regimented  and  too  dreams and gone for it. Some are doing well and  land and it really showed off what’s great about
             much like a dayjob… turn up to the studio 11 in  some are doing ok but everybody in my mind  Northern Ireland. It’s a fantastic country with fan-
             the morning, write until 7 and then go home.  has good, happy, full lives as they’re doing what  tastic people who’ve gone through a lot of shit
             There are days like that when you’re just feeling  they were put on this planet to do.”  and  come  out  the  other  side  and  are  very
             it and you get in there and do it but you need to  Despite being a band for 15 years, the guys  strong-minded and strong-willed and forward-
             shake things up, you have to crack out the beer  do still have the odd day where they doubt them-  thinking because of that. You don’t want that
             and the wine at a certain time, you need to con-  selves or wonder if they’re on the right path. Cor-  sentiment to be devalued by the assholes.”
             stantly  keep  your  eyes  and  ears  open  when  mac says, “You do doubt yourself from time to  With Cormac singing about finding a future
             you’re on tour for any crazy characters that you  time and you do ask yourself these deep ques-  in ‘Gone Too Long’, we end by asking what he
             meet or any mad experiences and situations  tions about why you do what you do and if it’s  wants in his future. “I want lots of hit records and
             that you find yourself in and you need to clock  worth it. Especially again, five records in, we’ve  lots of money!” he laughs. “No, I just want to be
             all that down and use that as your muse when-  spent a decent chunk of our lives doing this, y’-  able to continue to make music for the rest of my
             ever you get back in the studio and start writing  know – so from time to time you do need to in-  life. If I can do that and keep my wife and child
             songs.”                            ject that vigour and that self-confidence that got  provided for and give them a happy life then I’ll
                                                you to this point in the first place. It’s down to  regard that as a right old result.”
                  here’s a song on the album called ‘Long  self-confidence issues I suppose and your self-  We wish Cormac and his family, and the
                TLive The Renegades’ – which was in-  confidence ebbs and flows like everybody else’s  band, the best. Visit for more
             spired by numerous characters that the band  when you’re a touring musician I think.”  info and buy ‘Raise A Little Hell’, out now.
             have run into on tour. Cormac sees musicians  As musicians they have to put up with being
             as renegades. “I see people who choose to play  criticized by magazines and fans – or non-fans.  Words By Shari Black Velvet
               THE ANSWER
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