Page 11 - Black Velvet Issue 84
P. 11
BV84 pg8,9,10,11:BV84 pg11 20/03/2015 18:19 Page 4
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 11
That’s the other thing, because they care so point. Yeah, I think we did kind of throw in some ilk. I don’t know that we as a rock band need to
much about themselves they don’t care about reality there, especially the two of us slightly be answering every question because part of
the parents that raised them and gave them hunched over,” he nods to John, “but it’s good what we do is, we do this for ourselves. We’re
everything and put them through school and all times.” not some pop puppet up here singing songs that
that kind of stuff...” he pauses. “The main goal somebody else wrote for us, then pretending
was to have a good time and to celebrate the hen writing songs Shaun gets his in- that we’re awesome and even pretending to
fact that old people are not dead people. When Wspiration from the negative things he sing. If I can’t sing it sounds like shit, if he can’t
they were dancing down the line they had the experiences. For that reason many of Seether’s play, it’s all of us; if any of us can’t play you’re
best time and we had to do it four, five or six songs are a result of the tough periods in his life. going to hear it. People can be unforgiving about
times and every single time they had more en- The songs on ‘Isolate And Medicate’ were in- that stuff too, but again, I don’t think there needs
thusiasm. These people had been there for 12 spired by entries made in the frontman’s diary. to be that direct line of communication so I stay
hours already! I think that was invigorating for Black Velvet asks Shaun whether he feels a completely away. I must say, since I’ve gotten
us because it was cool to see that even at such sense of vulnerability or empowerment when rid of all of those things my life is way more
an advanced age these people were still in high putting the songs he’s written out to the world. “I peaceful because I don’t have some random
spirits. I think you almost assume ‘oh well, here’s think I’m always feeling vulnerable, especially person coming in and talking a bunch of crap
an old person, they must’ve given up on life.’ when you’re in a situation like that. You have all about me and then I have to go ‘Argh man, do I
You don’t know their stories but we got to hear those people get pissed off about
all these stories the whole day, it was really in front of this or do I become
cool.” Shaun looks over towards Dale and starts you and ““It used to really“ really“ upset the bigger person?’
laughing as he reveals, “Dale got hit on by some there are me to the point where“ I used to Sometimes you
girl who didn’t realise that he wasn’t old, he was these lyrics have a Twitter account and I“’d don’t want to be the
like ‘no, I’ve got make up on’ and she said ‘well, that are usually have a couple of drinks bigger person, es-
what do you look like without it?!’ I mean, this quite per- pecially when
was this horny old granny that was like coming sonal; you then get on Twitter and read all you’ve had two or
onto him. Ultimately everybody had a good time try to make this crap“ I“’d freak out“ I’“d lash three cocktails and
and I think that they walked away from it with them vague out at people,” -“ Shaun Morgan“ your self-control
smiles on their faces. So yeah, that was the enough so starts dwindling. I
whole point of it.” it’s not just think it’s best for me
Black Velvet wonders what kind of relation- directly to the point but it’s still…” he pauses to stay off all of that stuff. If somebody pulls up
ship they have had with their grandparents. briefly. “That’s why we have a drink or two be- a review about something I just don’t even ask
Shaun answers, “Mine are good. My grandfa- fore we play so you can sort of get the Dutch what it said because inevitably something about
ther’s passed away but my grandmother is still courage you need to get up there and play. It it is going to make me feel bad, especially if it’s
alive, she’s a great-grandmother now. She’s 91 can be quite an introverted feeling. It’s not em- negative reviews, but even positive reviews, I
and still hardcore. She lives by herself but she’s powering at all, even though it should be! I think don’t need the adulation and the admiration. Ul-
got her little circle of friends and they all get to- it’s empowering when you finally get it into a timately it’s great if people like what we do and
gether and bake stuff, take walks and she used song but then you realise you have to play it in obviously that’s why we have a career and we
to swim in the ocean every morning up until front of people and it becomes a little like the op- get to do this for a living, but by the same token
about a couple of years ago because she was posite. So, yeah I’m terrified.” I’m not writing these songs for some kid in their
just getting too old for it. But yeah, she’s tough. Like most bands Seether have had their fair living room. I’m writing these songs to keep me
She doesn’t like me very much but, you know, share of critics. After all this time, do they still out of some sort of shitty situation, and I’ve been
we do get on enough to the point where it’s not take it personally or can they brush it off when in many, that I’ve put myself through. Basically
like completely…I’ve been gone for 15 years reading negative reviews or comments about these are lifesaving in a sense to me and it’s
and it’s very difficult to maintain a relationship Seether? “I can brush it off now,” Shaun replies. cathartic and it’s an expulsion of a whole bunch
with somebody that you only see once every “It was very difficult earlier on in the career and of stuff that I’m holding inside and sometimes
four or five years.” Shaun gestures towards the sometimes there’s still some scathing comments that’s the only way I can do it. I don’t want to go
rest of the band as he states, “Dale has a better now, where it’s like, ‘Man, what is that guy even and pay some shrink 150 bucks an hour be-
relationship with his grandparents and Bryan thinking?’ It’s so wrong. His or her opinion is so cause I think that’s a load of crap. That’s just
and John. They all nod in agreement. Family is far from where we’re at as people and as a band how I deal with stuff. Coming back to your pre-
family, it doesn’t matter how old they are, or how that it can be quite annoying. But then again, it vious question, what have I changed about my-
young they are, it’s important to all of us. Some comes back to how everyone thinks that they’re self? Maybe it is time to speak to somebody
grandparents I never met died before I left high important; everyone thinks that what they have because I don’t know how well I’m keeping a lid
school - on my dad’s side I didn’t know either of to say needs to be heard, and that what they on this thing man!” he laughs. “But yeah, nega-
them. My family is a little odd about remember- have to say is the most important thing that is tive reviews can be quite devastating, especially
ing their parents because my dad didn’t have a going to be said today. It used to really, really, if you take them seriously. We had a guy who
very good upbringing so…” he trails off before upset me to the point where… I used to have a said that Amy Lee was our meal ticket, blah de
adding cheerfully, “I hope to be the grandfather Twitter account and I’d usually have a couple of blah de blah. This guy was just an asshole - he
that everyone likes to see. I’m going to be the drinks then get on Twitter and read all this crap. just didn’t like our band. We were reviewed by
grandfather that hands out the candy and pisses I’d freak out, I’d lash out at people. I guess every somebody that thinks that say, Arcade Fire, is
off my kids because they’re going to have a time I went on Twitter I’d cause a shit storm, it God’s gift to music, we don’t fit in the category
bunch of hyperactive babies back in their car – was amazing! You know, calling out other bands so why would you give us... I’m not saying we
and good luck sleeping! That’s me,” the singer and also regular people. I don’t like to censor need to be handed to somebody that loves our
chuckles. myself; we do generally because it’s polite, but band, but they just do that because it creates
in all honesty not everyone out here likes each drama and tension. I can’t read that stuff be-
s the ‘Same Damn Life’ video comes to other and so there were times when I would lash cause I don’t want to go through any ore laptops
Aits end, the elderly Shaun, John and out. The storm that was created was really not flinging them across the room,” Shaun says with
Dale look worn out and appear to be struggling worth it. That’s why I also don’t like Twitter and a laugh.
to walk as they head off stage. We enquire how Facebook because I don’t think there needs to
they normally feel when they walk off stage. “Ex- be a direct line to me with your bullshit attitude, omething better is what every band tries
actly like that!” they laugh. Shaun reveals, you know what I mean? Nikki Sixx was saying Sto accomplish with each album they re-
“There are some mornings when we get up and ‘What? You don’t like Twitter? You don’t want to lease and with the engaging ‘Isolate And Med-
look like that, especially him [points at John] and wake up every morning and hear how much icate’ Seether have definitely achieved that. This
I, because we’ve got some serious back issues. everyone hates you? Dude, it’s awesome!’” band has loads more life left in it and there’s still
John and I have suffered with back issues for John laughs and adds, “Yeah, he says: ‘Ban plenty to say, so hopefully it’ll be some time yet
many, many years and there are times when I and delete, because I’m to a point where I don’t before these guys pack up and head to Seether
get up in the morning it takes me a good ten have to like you. If you want to talk negative I’m Hills!
minutes of hobbling around until all the aches going to ban and delete.” Visit: for more info.
work themselves out, things are cracking and Shaun continues, “Exactly. I think that
clicking. It’s not quite as bad as that video yet, there’s been this sort of direct line to bands and Words By Penny & Sam Gower
but that’s also because most of us are in an al- fans and that’s cool. I understand that it’s good, Band Photo By Marina Chavez
cohol fog so pain is of little consequence at that but I think that it’s better for Taylor Swift and that