Page 9 - Black Velvet Issue 84
P. 9

BV84 pg8,9,10,11:BV84 pg09  19/03/2015  12:10  Page 2

                                                                                            BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 9

                 “You  make  us  sound  like  doddering  old  in Dallas, “We went to go and see Slipknot.  better quality audio,’ or whatever. You don’t
              men!”  exclaims  Shaun.  The  room  fills  with  The same thing was happening there. We’re  even live in the moment, you live based purely
              laughter.                          there  watching,  Slipknot  come  onstage  and  on  snap  shots  or  videos  through  a  phone.
                 Shaun continues with the conversation. “I  everything looks great, everyone’s getting ex-  You’re watching the camera on the phone; you
              think ultimately if 15-20 years ago you took a  cited. All of a sudden 5,000 phones pop up in  are not watching what’s happening behind it so
              photo of yourself, people looked at you funny,  the  air,  now  they  are  looking  at  the  show  you are condensing the experience to this little
              like, ‘what kind of arrogant piece of crap are  through their phone; they are not experiencing  4-inch  screen.  There  is  so  much  going  on
              you?’ Now it’s what everyone does and I think  it live.”              around  you,  the  people  around  you,  every-
              it’s ridiculous when you see some people’s pro-  Shaun nods, adding: “It’s not important that  thing’s interesting, you know. But people don’t
              files and they’ve got thousands of pictures of  they’re at the show, it’s important that they can  even care about people watching anymore be-
              themselves.  They’ve  got  these  like  pensive  say they are at the show.”  cause  it’s  not  about  anyone  else,  it’s  about
              moods  and,  ‘oh  my  god,  I’m  so  mysterious  “They can share it and be like ‘ahhh look!’  themselves; people are so self-absorbed and I
              now’. All of them ultimately are liars anyway  says Bryan mimicking the excitement.  find it quite disgusting. I find it quite sad that
              because they pose in such a fashion that they  “They completely miss the moment,” con-  everyone is so arrogant that whatever they do
              look as good as they possibly can in that mo-  tinues Shaun. “They completely lose the expe-  with their day is more important or is important.
              ment. I think it’s ridiculous.”    rience,  the  connection  that’s  supposed  to  Like, I don’t care that you just took a crap; I
                 With  people  so  busy  taking  photos  or  happen, Even then, watching that same Slip-  don’t care that you got new shoes. It’s very
              recording their experiences to post on social  knot show, there are guys getting their arse  much a ‘look at me’ kind of thing because it’s
              media, they don’t actual live in that moment.  kicked but they are still holding their cameras  always about attention. Like you said it’s …I
              When the band is performing onstage, can it  up [holding his arm aloft, Shaun impersonates  mean, can you imagine being so pathetic that
              be off putting to look out into the audience and  someone being pushed around] trying to get  you take a photo of yourself and then sit there
              see lots of people with their mobile phones in  some sort of shot.” The impersonation makes  and watch the phone waiting for people to like
              the air documenting the show or texting? “Yes  everyone in the room laugh. “There’s the arro-  what you just did?”
              to all of the above!” is Shaun’s lightning re-  gance again of ‘well my video is going to be on
              sponse.                            YouTube and it’s going to be better than every-  veryone  has  heard  the  superstition
                 Bryan recollects a show the band attended  body else’s, because my crappy phone took  Ethat breaking a mirror will bring seven

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