Page 10 - Black Velvet Issue 84
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BV84 pg8,9,10,11:BV84 pg10 19/03/2015 12:13 Page 3
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years of bad luck. This superstition dates back that hurts. If we could still be around and all be had a problem with that…’ He was awesome!”
to the Romans, who believed that life renewed healthy, still have our families and not have any Even one of the older women got up and
itself every seven years. It’s been seven years other tragedies involved, it would be good.” started taking her clothes off and dancing with
since Seether released the album ‘Finding everyone. Shaun reveals, “It wasn’t scripted at
Beauty In Negative Spaces’. Black Velvet asks lack Velvet turns the attention onto the all; she just decided ‘well, stuff it, I’m doing this
how they have changed since the release of that Bvideo for ‘Same Damn Life’. Maybe it re- as well!’ And then it started getting… I was hop-
album. “How have we changed?” John ponders. veals a glimpse into Shaun, Dale and John’s fu- ing there would be booze served to all these old
“This goes back to self-improvement. Hopefully ture as the trio were transformed into OAPs for people – I mean, this was a bunch of elderly
as a band we’ve become better; better songwrit- the shoot. Set in the fictional Seether Hills Re- people having fun sober - imagine them all
ers and better experiences over the years. I tirement Home, it showcases a different side to drunk on top of that!”
don’t know.” John looks around at the rest of the the band, their sense of humour shining through. “We ended up friends with all of them,” John
band. “Have we learnt shit?” You see them whizzing around on mobility reveals.
Everyone laughs. Shaun quips, “No, appar- scooters causing chaos, dancing in the aisles “Yeah,” agrees Shaun. “Afterwards we took
ently not!” with their fellow residents and strippers. It looks a big group photo with everybody, which is the
John continues, “I can’t believe it’s been that as if everyone involved were having the time of first time that’s ever happened in a video. Every-
long. It’s been a lot of touring and line-up change their lives. Shaun tells us more about the filming body was just really like ‘this is a cool idea; this
I guess, but it’s much better now with Bryan of the video. is really fun, thank you so much for having us.’ I
here. Hopefully we’re better performers and mu- “We wanted to do something that was funny. thought that was great, because you always run
sicians. Musician-wise, I try to improve all the We didn’t like the first video very much; it didn’t that risk of, ‘does somebody not get it?’ you
time.” turn out the way it was supposed to. We wanted know, ‘does somebody take themselves too se-
Sticking with the mirror theme, we point out to, I guess, redeem ourselves with the second riously?’ But it was cool because they all got
that before mirrors were invented any reflective one and we wanted to do something funny be- that we were celebrating it. One guy arrived and
surface was considered to be magical and cred- cause that’s the way we would rather be doing he had purple, blue and pink hair and his mous-
ited in having the ability to look into the future. videos,” he admits. “We decided we’ll celebrate tache was different colours. I was like, ‘this guy
What would they hope to see if they could look getting old and being an elderly person. All the is awesome!’ And when some other guy arrived
into their future? “Lots of money,” Shaun laughs. people that were extras were super cool. We and started hitting on all the young girls, I
“A beach, piña coladas, maybe mojitos!” he thought at first that they would think we were thought, ‘This is going to be a fun day!’” Shaun
smiles, pausing slightly before continuing, “I taking the piss, but they really didn’t, they were smiles as he recalls the memory. “We got into
think just to be able to still be doing this. The one awesome. There were a couple of guys that makeup and that was a long process, but at the
thing we have learnt is how to do this more were very happy that we had some strippers in end of it, it was so eerie to be so well aged and
under our direction and what works best for us that video let me tell you! Those guys had grins it looked real. It was unnerving to see the other
as a touring band, what keeps us going and on their faces and I think their teeth would’ve guys 50 years from now - I’m hoping it will be
doesn’t burn us out and keeps us alive. I think fallen out if they weren’t glued in,” Shaun laughs. 50… jeez, maybe you never know, maybe that
in ten years from now, if we could be doing it in “One guy had some girl shaking her arse in his could be ten years from now for us!” he laughs.
a way that isn’t completely… I mean we’ve ham- face for a good hour and a half and he was like Shaun gets reflective, “A lot of kids put their
mered ourselves for 12-14 years now; our bod- ‘Man…’ parents away in homes and just forget about
ies are hurting in many different places. I think “We better retake that, I don’t know if we got them. My sister’s a nurse and she deals with a
that we’ve now learnt what hurts and what does- it,” John chuckles at the thought. lot of those people that end up with their kids just
n’t so we are going to try and stop doing the stuff Shaun laughs, “Yeah, ‘Hey, guys… guys, we ignoring them, it’s kind of a sad world we live in.