Page 22 - Black Velvet Issue 84
P. 22
BV84 we are harlot:BV84 pg22 19/03/2015 19:57 Page 3
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 22
but the cab totally fucked me over so I and that's it. I can't count many people bar. It's ginger, horseradish, cayenne, a bunch
couldn't make it. Then basically, the next that are like that, not even enough to fill of stuff pressed together and it really cleans
day, the three of us immediately moved my right hand. Jeff is the life of the party. you up. Me and Kato would do a wellness shot
into this house in Beverly Hills together We've had some wild and fun nights over every day before going to the studio and we
and started writing songs and partying the years. Holy shit! No one can party would say: "Smiles and Laughs! Cheers!" I be-
like wild asses. A little bit after that we harder than him. Hands down. Dude's the lieve food can really change your mood. They
started calling ourselves Harlot. It was a wildest. Brian’s always got that smile on rhyme too - think about it.”
natural process. There was a force be- his face, he's like the biggest baseball See, these crazy rock ‘n’ rollers are a little
hind the whole thing that was undeniable. geek. Can't drink to save his life though, bit healthy too! Well, Bruno anyway. He also
Then Weaver answered this industry ad haha, maybe by Harlot standards. I think goes to the gym every day and ran into Joey
we put out looking for a bass player and I come in a hot third place in the Harlot Kramer of Aerosmith in the same local gym
he had just moved out to LA the week be- drinking ranks - with Jeff and Danny tied one day. “I'm not doing crazy weights or any-
fore. It's so crazy how everything fell into for first place. It's a tough league.” thing, just keeping myself in check. It's harder
place.” In relation to understanding them, or on the road. If the hotel we're staying at has
Danny only announced his departure not as the case may be, Bruno says, “We got a treadmill, it's easier. If not, I go running
from Asking Alexandria this January. are all artists so it's weird, right off the bat when I have time. When you're playing drums
Bruno says Danny talked to his new Har- you're dealing with people that aren't nec- everyday onstage, it's also a workout, you
lot bandmates about it before he did essarily ‘normal’ - if that really exists. know. It's good to keep yourself in check, we're
though. “We never pushed him to make Danny likes to do his jam sometimes, just not getting any younger!”
any decision. It was his thing and we re- watch Dexter on his iPad and he'll be
spected his choice and privacy with the quiet for hours. Next thing he'll be pound-
Asking camp. Everyone could tell he was- ing wine and yelling at the top of his
n't 100% happy doing that though. When voice, just raging!” he laughs. “Jeff never
I met Danny he was waking up hungover sleeps. I mean NEVER. We drove to Ohio
at 2pm, heating up Chinese food leftovers to play Rock On The Range in one blast
and belting Aerosmith in the kitchen - from LA - 40 hours total. He didn't shut his
singing like freaking Steven Tyler. I al- eyes for a second. Full on. Weaver is just
ways thought to myself, and this is God's Weaver, he's wandering around having a
honest truth, ‘Why is this guy screaming smoke, talking on the phone. I share a
his ass off with that band? He's got an in- room with Brian on tour, so my only thing
credible voice’. But first and foremost a was "Dude, if you ever snore I will throw
band is a brotherhood and you gotta sup- you out of the bed!" He doesn't snore,
port and respect each other's choices. thank God!”
Happiness is the most important thing, Black Velvet asks if there is anything
you can't be selfish about that.” he’s discovered through Danny, Jeff or
Bruno, Danny and Jeff shared the Brian.
songwriting between them. “We are all “Game Of Thrones!” he replies.
brutally honest with each other and we've “Those dudes kept bugging me like crazy,
got to be because we can't compromise. "You gotta watch it dude, it's amazing!"
The songs are more important than our So one day I gave in and watched like 15
egos. It's all about the song. We all feed episodes in a row. Specially Jeff - he's a
off each other and our real focus like I hardcore Thrones fan. Yeah, amazing
said is the song. We always ask our- show! Can't wait for the next season.
selves, ‘How can we make this song bet- Thanks brothers!”
ter?’ and somehow we are the same
person when it comes to what we connect omething we were interested to
to in each song. It's a magical process Sdiscover about Bruno was that
and it's worked for every single song when he was 16 or 17 he became vegan.
we've ever written. I love writing, it's my He tells us, “I went vegan to try to be
favorite thing in the world.” healthy and not eat crap all the time. I
Bruno has now just got American cit- went on this spiritual jam too when I was
izenship. He tells Black Velvet, “I am so 16, I started reading all these weird books
stoked! I started the whole process four and felt like it'd be a good move to go
years ago and now I get to say I'm an vegan. Then I started touring and it all
American. I'll tell you one thing - I feel went downhill from there. When you are
American as fuck! I was living in the US touring in a van and your band can only
already, so technically I didn't have to get afford gas station hotdogs and a case of
citizenship, but I just went for it. I'm not beers, what are you gonna do?! It's a
planning on leaving anytime soon. That tough jam.”
has nothing to do with the band, that was When on tour now he says, “I eat
a personal quest. Now I have European whatever I want, but I try to eat as clean
Citizenship and American Citizenship. as possible. I'm not a huge candy guy, so
Pretty cool. I need a Mars citizenship that's easy to control. I'm a caffeine freak
now. That'd be awesome!” though. If I could, I would have 20 espres-
Speaking of Mars, apparently men sos a day. It's bad. It's my cocaine, heroin
are from Mars, women are from Venus, and all the other drugs put together. I get
and last year, Bruno tweeted, '“Women real moody if I don't drink coffee and get
are made to be loved, not understood.” raging headaches. Full withdrawals. I
Well, women love men and don’t always drink it all the time.”
understand them either! With that in mind, He also tells us that he avoids drink-
we ask Bruno what he most loves… and ing milk. “It makes me sick. I'm lactose in-
doesn’t understand about his bandmates. tolerant. I have a bit of a sensitive
“Danny and I, we are very different stomach for dairy, cheese and all that. So
but very similar at the same time, if that I avoid it. I like all the healthy foods avail-
makes sense - our birthdays are three able, mainly juices. I'm a big juice sort of
days apart,” says Bruno. “I love how guy. I don't own a juicer 'cause it's way
Danny really doesn't give a flying fuck too messy, but I drink juice whenever I
about what anyone says. He's just him can. I love the Wellness shots from Earth-