Page 18 - Black Velvet Issue 84
P. 18
BV84 pg16,17,18:BV84 pg18 19/03/2015 19:12 Page 3
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sings your song back to you, that’s just amaz- full on curve ball, the ‘Teen Spirit’ riff starts, says, “It's always best to keep the subject of the
ing.” which everyone knows, and people start cring- story a mystery, that way any girl can relate to it
ing because nobody is allowed to cover that and put themselves in the story, I dare say some
uke, Dan, Reece, Tom and Nicky are all song, it's like an unwritten rule, but then Tom of the girls I've written about probably have an
Ldevoted to the band. They are focused starts singing ‘Billie Jean’ and the crowd don't idea that the songs are about them but I will al-
on continually improving. “When it comes to pri- know what's going on but sing along anyway. ways deny it! All the band know who the sub-
orities in the band I think we all agree to keep a We definitely want to do another mash up in the jects are, and occasionally if we see them we
healthy work flow by trying every idea that future, but it's finding the compatible tunes.” might give the certain band member a nudge or
comes to the table,” Luke explains. “We want The band are also open to touring with a va- nod, to say ‘look there goes ‘Piece Of You’’.”
every single, every show to be better than the riety of different artists. Their latest jaunt across Dan adds that ‘Piece Of You’ was written
last, to keep our fans happy and impressed. We the UK saw them support hard rockers Glamour about a secret love. “It was written about a girl
are always learning, always working and devel- Of The Kill. Luke says, “Our music style and writ- who was one of my best friends. We were very
oping. Keeping an open mind and working ing is heading in the rockier direction because close in school and we could have had some-
hard.” of the nature of the band and what we enjoy to thing but I never took a chance, then after school
Despite being young musicians the band play.” we had another chance and now we don't talk
members have a wide range of tastes that span anymore, so it's about me reminiscing and think-
decades. Dan has listened to The Beatles, Slip- he band have yet to release an album – ing about that time, wishing it could have been
knot, INXS and country music all in the same Tbut if you’re like us, you will be eagerly different. She doesn't know it's about her. I
evening – and all found on his iPod. He finds in- awaiting one, as their singles so far have been wanted to tell her when I wrote it but we don't
fluence in new and old artists alike. “The Beatles very impressive. The band are working on a talk anymore so it doesn't matter now. One day
have always been a massive influence on me debut album at the moment. Luke says, “This is I hoped she'd hear it and know it was about her.”
and with good reason as they are one of, if not going to be our debut album so we are going to
the greatest band ever and Elvis has been an make sure it's the best we can possibly deliver. oing back to McBusted, we end by ask-
influence for a while but more recently has had We have gone more rock as those are our main Ging the band who they’d most like to
an impact on me,” Dan says. “If I could take any- influences and reflect us as musicians a lot join forces with if they ever got the chance to
thing from them it would be the Beatles’ har- more. We want all our fans to be immersed with form a supergroup. Reece is the first to reply. He
monies; I'd like to get more unusual harmonies the album and we want it to be timeless and jokes, “I would form a super group with Mc-
in our music like the Beatles. I also like to create hopefully become a classic and not just 'another Busted to form a super-duper group.” Tom
a sound for us that is instantly recognizable, like album'. We try and portray personal experi- meanwhile would like to merge with 30 Seconds
Elvis had. You know when you're listening to an ences, whether it be in the lyrics or through our To Mars. “We'd be called 30 Seconds Of E so it
Elvis song before he even starts singing.” instrumental performances. We have specific wouldn't have to be a long set,” he jokes. While
“Our diverse tastes in music help us create meanings to our songs but try to relate them with Nicky would love to collaborate with Karnivool,
what is EofE,” Luke tells Black Velvet. “There's the audience by having 'open' lyrics, giving the Luke picks Motley Crue, stating the band name
influences from every genre in there, we write listener a relatable topic. We enjoy every minute would then be 'MotlEy of E', while finally Dan
what we like, then use what's best. An EofE of making music, and want to make music that picks the Foo Fighters. “Foo of E,” he says, be-
track might surprise you sometimes, we have a means as much to the fans as it does to us.” fore adding, “although that does sound a little
few tunes that no-one’s heard yet, they are a lit- Luke tells us they’re working on a concept more like martial arts than a band.”
tle different. We do sometimes rip each other for the album and that the artwork for singles It's safe to say that EofE won't be needing
about tastes, but the whole varying ideas and ‘Bridges and ‘Stars In Hollywood’ are linked. to take up martial arts anytime soon, as they are
tunes generally works really well.” “They are taken from a HUGE image, which is a incredibly talented and about to go far. In fact
The band have also covered a few songs by scrap board, which will form part of another vi- we're sure it won't be too long before they're up
other artists including Adele and Nirvana. “We've sion. I’ve said too much, watch this space!” there with the likes of Motley Crue, Foo Fighters
definitely done a diverse range of covers,” Luke EofE write about relationships and girls in a and 30 Seconds To Mars.
says. “The favourite cover that we've done is a few of their songs, like 'Piece Of You' and 'Kiss Visit for more info.
mash up between Nirvana's ‘Smells Like Teen Me Like You Mean It' – although keep quiet
Spirit’ and Michael Jackson's ‘Billie Jean’. It is a about who actually inspires each song. Tom Words By Carissa Thorne
Photos By Tom Leishman