Page 26 - Black Velvet Issue 84
P. 26

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             drummer that has been with him for a long time,  he album, like all Bumblefoot albums,  he couple are naturally made for each
             but besides that played all other musical instru-  Thas  a  range  of  styles  and  subjects.  Tother.  He  says  that  his  wife  has  an
             ments on his new solo album himself.   Those were a couple of the more serious ones  amazing mind, but he himself also has an amaz-
                “I like what everybody would like for most  – and ‘Women Rule The World’ is one of the  ing mind. Bumblefoot always comes up with in-
             things  in  life  –  people  that  you  enjoy  being  more light-hearted songs. Ron says it’s “about  genious ideas, both in and outside of music. On
             around, that do what they do well, that don't  how men can battle and conquer and try to be  ‘Little Brother Is Watching’ he used all sorts of
             plant destructive seeds, that you can depend on.  the best, feel almighty, to control, but our interest  sounds for the album – including a creaky door.
             On a tour things won't always go as planned,  in women is the foundation, if not the motiva-  He also had the idea for a listening party in New
             sleep and health and conditions will be challeng-  tion.“              York where 100 fans got to listen to the songs
             ing, you need people that can roll with it.  I've  We think some men would be adamant that  and  then  joined  in  stomping,  chanting  and
             seen it many times, the difference in bringing out  women don’t rule the world. A lot of women may  singing backing vocals – which were then incor-
             someone's  best  or  worst  comes  down  to  re-  not agree with Ron either. Ron himself is happily  porated on to the album. He says, “They kicked
             spect, valuing people.  You can't expect some-  in love with Mrs Bumblefoot, who he’s been with  ass, sang their hearts out and it added some-
             one  to  act  like  a  team  player  if  they  feel  for  25  years  –  so  it’s  no  wonder  he  thinks  thing special and real to the music. One guy
             disrespected. My drummer Dennis Leeflang and  women rule the world… he obviously has found  suggested we try singing a chorus in the song
             I have played together for 13 years, I have peo-  the one who rules HIS world, but some females,  “Little Brother Is Watching” and I included it in
             ple I've worked with for 20 years and we look for-  or males, can’t find ‘the one’. So what advice  the song,” he smiles. He says he’s open to feed-
             ward to it.  And with all these people, it's not just  would he give to any single girls who are still  back. “I don't know everything, and everybody's
             'work', we hang out as well, lots of good relation-  looking for their knight in shining armour? “You  ideas are worth consideration.”
             ships based on more than the musical side of  don't  want  someone  who's  desperate  and
             things.  Decades of fond memories while going  needy...  there needs to be a balance in how  ittle Brother Is Watching’ may have only
             through not-so-easy times together.”  people feel about each other.  My advice?  Be  ‘Ljust been released, but Bumblefoot has
                                                independent.  Don't feel like you need someone  another album due out this year too. We’re not
                   peaking of not-so-easy times, Bumble-  to complete you, or to get the things you want,  quite sure how or when he found the time to
                Sfoot has had his share. He sings about  you need to be self-reliant.  Hopefully it'll put you  work  on  an  album  with  Scott  Weiland,  John
             a couple of not-so-easy times on the new album.  in a position to make better choices, better com-  Moyer, Jon and Vince Votta – under the guise
             ‘Don’t Know Who To Pray To Anymore’ is                                      Art Of Anarchy – but he did, and we’re
             actually a song that a lot of people can re-                                looking forward to hearing that release
             late to. Bumblefoot sings about fighting                                    later in the year. Bumblefoot tells us, “I'm
             every battle ‘but still I lost the war’. He                                 very proud of it sonically, I like the sound
             also sings ‘I once thought God was good                                     of the album after all the recording, mix-
             and  kind,  then  Mother  Nature  blew  my                                  ing and mastering.  I like the combination
             mind and left my broken body on the floor,                                  of  personalities,  and  hearing  the  song
             I don’t know who to pray to anymore’. The                                   grow new limbs with every person that
             song was about a car accident that Ron                                      added themselves to it, doing things only
             was  involved  in,  although  it  includes  a                               they could come up with.  And I like a lot
             sense  of  questioning,  wondering  what                                    of the songs' riffs, vocal melodies, drum
             puts us in the place of bad events and                                      grooves...  after years of being part of
             why obstacles appear in front of us. Why                                    every step, there's a great sense of sat-
             do some things turn out bad when there                                      isfaction, gratification.  Hopefully people
             is  a  God  above?  Since  the  mention  of                                 will enjoy the album.”
             God and not knowing who to pray to any-                                        Since the project is called ‘Art Of An-
             more, we ask if Ron is religious – or was                                   archy’, we ask how much anarchy is in
             he?                                                                         his own art. He replies, “It all depends on
                “I've always been more about the spir-                                   how we define 'anarchy'.  Is it strictly im-
             ituality  than  the  religion  itself,”  he  an-                            plying a punk rooted style, or is it a free-
             swers. “The song is speaking for anyone                                     dom  or  unwillingness  to  contain
             who's had their faith shaken, not just in                                   ourselves to an imposed set of rules?  My
             God but in all things, and about not com-                                   previous albums had a punky edge, as I
             ing to terms with it yet.  This feeling does-                               did grow up embracing late 70s early 80s
             n't necessarily hit people from one event,                                  punk as it was coming out, the newest
             that'd  be  like  judging  a  house  by  one                                album  doesn't  show  as  much  of  that
             brick.  We build from a lifetime of experi-                                 side...    ultimately  in  every  album  I  do
             ences, good and bad, expected and un-                                       whatever I want how I want, saying what
             expected, actions and reactions, mistakes and  promises, and in charge of your own happiness.  I want to say how I want to say it, I don't tell my-
             lessons learned, and too often people simplify  Be worthy of love and respect, and settle for  self there's a rule book I need to adhere to, I also
             other's  situations  to  justify  harsh  judgments.  nothing less.” We definitely agree with him there  don't feel like I have to prove I'm doing that.  I
             This song is for anyone going through a difficult  – although think there’s also a fine line between  don't know if any of that qualifies in any way as
             time, to hopefully know they're understood and  being independent and coming across like you  anarchistic, I just call it ‘be yourself and don't
             others have been there.”           don’t need anyone at all, ever.     think about it’.“
                Another  hard  time  that  Bumblefoot  sings  Ron shows his love for Mrs Bumblefoot in
             about is his cancer diagnosis. The first song on  the song ‘Eternity’. He sings ‘Counting hours ‘til  umblefoot has mentioned that he still
             the album, ‘Clots’ is about this. Ron has men-  I see your face, counting minutes ‘til you’re with  Bhas  a  lot  of  dreams.  Since  he  has
             tioned that he was lucky, it was caught fast and  me, each second feels like eternity’.  “I'm just a  achieved  so  much,  we  end  up  asking  what
             cut out. In ‘Clots’ he sings ‘we all self-destruct’.  big ol' mushball,” he laughs. It’s not the first song  dreams he still wants to fulfill. He replies, “I want
             But it seems that he didn’t have any particularly  he’s  written  for  his  wife  either.  On  the  2008  to make a music festival that will shed light on
             strong destructive habits that enticed the dis-  album ‘Abnormal’ he wrote a song called ‘Jenny  all the deserving bands and artists around the
             ease.  ”Things happen - in a different way for  B’ which was also for his heart’s desire. In that  world.  I've travelled and performed in a lot of
             everyone, there are no definitive answers or ab-  song he sings ‘Jenny B - you got all of my heart,  places where I've had the pleasure of playing
             solutes,” he explains. “A child may get it, some-  can’t ya see, you’re the only one who gets that  alongside amazing local musicians and bands,
             one who smoked for 90 years may not.  I never  part of me’.            in Albania, Belarus, the Middle East, East Asia...
             did the things that were considered catalysts for  Speaking of the only one who gets part of  I'd love to see the world take notice.  It'll take a
             it, was in better health than I had ever been and  Bumblefoot, we ask what his wife has to put up  lot of support, it will be a big machine to build,
             was taking better care of myself than I ever had.  with.  What  does  she  get  to  see  that  others  I'm going to try my best to make this happen.”
             Found the tumor a few days before leaving on a  don’t?                    Wow. That sounds like it will be an amazing
             two-month European solo tour, wrote a song  “She  has  to  put  up  with  enormous  food  thing. We can’t wait to see it come to fruition.
             and had the surgery, just another life experi-  bills,” he laughs. “I'm very silly and make her  Visit for more info.
             ence, we all have all kinds of stories to share.”  laugh a lot.  She makes me laugh too, she has
                                                an amazing mind.”                                    Words By Shari Black Velvet
                                                                                                        Main Photo By Savanas.
                                                                                                 Small Photo By Catherine Assanov
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