Page 21 - Black Velvet Issue 84
P. 21
BV84 we are harlot:BV84 pg21 19/03/2015 19:55 Page 2
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scape. They wanted a reaction from their fans music. We will never disappoint them.” special people that believed in us from day
and the world - good or bad. They wanted to Since they call their fans the Harlot Army, one, to go to battle with. We had a reputation
blaze a trail never walked before. I love when does the band feel like they are going into bat- in the industry: ‘...these guys are f* crazy, blah
our video comments on YouTube are like ‘I ab- tle? And who or what is their main opponent? blah blah’. There were not a lot, but some peo-
solutely love this band, best band on the “The industry itself is your biggest opponent - ple in LA that were putting all their chips on us
planet’ then the next one is ‘I fuckin hate this a proper warfield!” Bruno exclaims. “Survival of not being able to do anything or whatever bull-
band, what a load of crap!’ Love us or hate us, the fittest, Hunger Games style. Every single shit they were saying behind our backs. Hey,
that's the living proof that we are blazing our person is out to get you and you have to hold here's a message for all you clowns out there:
own trail. We definitely don't want to be that av- your fort. You have to be ‘crazy’ and just we have the best rock 'n' roll record of all time
erage band that people say, ‘Yeah, they're a wholeheartedly believe in what you are doing. coming out in March and we are going to take
cool band, songs are OK…’ We are here to Don't listen to anyone else. This album, just over the world.”
change things.” getting it to be released was a roman battle of They definitely are.
And change things they will. Especially epic proportions! It had so many episodes, like
with their devoted Harlot Army behind them. a legit novel! I'm not kidding. Ridiculous things ut let’s backtrack a bit. How did Bruno
The band already has a fanbase that is right took place. I'm not mentioning any names or B(who, incidentally is originally from
behind their band, every step of the way. specific situations, but one of the clauses for Brazil, but has also played in the Finnish power
“These kids mean everything to us,” Bruno us to be able to move on was that ‘we’ (as in: metal band, Revolution Renaissance) meet
says. “We call them the Harlot Army because who works for us) had to get this person ten Danny Worsnop of Asking Alexandria? “It's a
they go to battle for us every single day on all bottles of Don Julio and meet him at the airport crazy long story, but we met in the summer of
social media and really fight for us. They vote, in 30 minutes at rush hour. I mean, you see all 2011. Absolutely random encounter,” he tells
tweet, scream, send messages, it's insane. I these insane situations in movies and you think us. “I didn't know anything about his band, or
love them! Critics are important, industry peo- ‘well, that's a bit ridiculous, that will never hap- who he was, but we hit it off instantly. Then we
ple are big players in this super crazy and pen to me, it's impossible’. Then boom, there flew to LA and stayed in Koreatown together.
weird music business current scenario, but you are in the middle of an even more ridicu- All we did was drink, order Chinese food and
none of them can say what happens next. The lous situation in real life. But like I always say write for what was supposed to be his ‘solo’
fans DO. And we have the best ones on the - I wouldn't have chosen anyone besides record. Then Danny met Jeff at a New Year’s
planet. They are so dedicated to us and our Danny, Jeff and Brian, and a handful of very Eve party - I was supposed to go to this party