Page 19 - Black Velvet Issue 84
P. 19

BV84 pg19:BV84 pg19  19/03/2015  19:28  Page 1

                                                                                           BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 19

                             A (Musical) Note From...

                             MICHAEL Campbell - SYMMETRY

                 We’ve heard it all: ‘We don't like the image,  about the music, it isn’t – at least, not anymore.  purpose, too. Right now, the guys and I are
              the songs are too long, your music  video isn't  You have to be the manager, promoter, pro-  putting a lot of time into our songwriting, more
              that cool, you’re better live than on the album.’   ducer, arranger, songwriter, video director and  so than we ever have in the past.  Why?
                 We hear it, and we keep going.  editor. As a band on the rise, we have to be  In years prior, we would jam something out
                 When it comes to being a rock band, Sym-  and act like "the label."   at a rehearsal, connect the parts and call it a
              metry is relentless in our pursuit.  Our work  You know the story: there are plenty of  song. Now, we sit in a circle with an acoustic
              ethic started before we even met each other.  bands that aren't that solid as musicians but  guitar, pen and paper in hand to discuss what
              It's actually pretty cool to look back and say  are really good – even great – at working the  we want out of the song, the vibe, the key, lyri-
              that we all attended a music school. Our drum-  other elements.  And there are bands who are  cal flow. We’re growing way more as a team
              mer, Max, went to LACHSA based in Los An-  so  mind-blowingly  talented,  but  hate  social  this way, because all of our thoughts and ideas
              geles,  instead  of  traditional  public  school.  media and the responsibility that comes along  will be there for criticism from the beginning.
              Jared, Will and I fatefully met each other at the  with properly managing their online profile.   (Constructive criticism, of course.)
              Musicians Institute in Hollywood.     It's rare to find bands that can do both well.     The point is to be real with yourself and
                 Last year was a big year for us. We re-  There’s still an old-school belief that good  each other. If you can't take criticism from your
              leased our debut album Frozen in Time, made  songs always find a way to circulate, and being  band, how are you going to grow as a musi-
              two great music videos, and released three  happy  and  confident  about  your  music  is,  cian/band member?
              covers, from a rock take on Katy Perry’s Roar  above all, the most important factor.   There absolutely is no one way to do it,
              to an acoustic take on Five Seconds to Sum-  And those who mock modern marketing:  being a successful band. In a shrinking indus-
              mer’s Amnesia. We broke into the U.K. scene  ‘It's easy to Tweet at your followers and post  try that demands trial and error and invites
              as an American band and shared the stage  on  Facebook.  It's  not  easy  writing  the  next  crazy successes and easy failures, it's most
              with our incredibly talented friends in Room 94.   greatest hit.’  But try to find modern examples  important to believe in yourself and in your
                 This year, we are back for more. We liter-  of successful bands who go silent on social  band.
              ally just finished our brand new CD and re-  media. They don’t exist.   I found you can't just want to be the next
              leased  a  lyric  video  (which  we  shot  and  Labels are crumbling, and it’s up to you.  big  thing.  Live  with  intention  and  integrity
              produced ourselves at locations around Holly-  Symmetry wants people to be touched by  knowing that you are the next big thing. In our
              wood)  for  the  title  track  off  the  album,  The  our music, whether it’s our lyrics inspiring pos-  case, when you have a group of four extremely
              Cure. Next up: A press tour, hitting the road on  itive change in someone's life, a chorus that  dedicated guys you start to see the world spin
              another tour with Room 94 as main support,  might give you wind, or inspiration that comes  around  differently. A  bond  is  solidified.  The
              and a school tour across the U.K.   from the fact that our guitar player is a mod-  "nothing can stop us" mentality is something
                 This has all meant being relentless. As you  ern-day phenomenon, despite having lost his  we've seen other bands carry with them and
              grow, it’s important to be relentless towards  eyesight at 11 (before he’d ever picked up a  have great success. That's what it's all about!
              one another, and hold everyone accountable  guitar).                  Never giving up!
              for pitching in. It's not always the song. There  But at the end of the day, the four of us  Michael
              are so many levels of maintenance with being  need to be proud of the work we produce, from
              in a band in 2015. You’re juggling being enter-  our songs to our music videos. If we are proud  For  more  info  on  Symmetry  visit
              taining performers, your “image,” social media,  of Symmetry’s catalogue and visual expres-
              writing,  rehearsing,  getting  physically  pre-  sions of our music, it’s easier to be less sus-
              pared, keeping your instrument tuned and in  ceptible to other people's opinions.   In a band? Want to write a one-off col-
              good condition …these are all  key factors in a  You have to be able to surpass the daily  umn for Black Velvet? Get in touch. Email
              band’s ability to make a lasting impression.   pressure of "fitting in." Jared, Max, Will and I
                 Though  I  would  like  to  think  that  it's  all  are all in this together as a team - and for a
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