Page 16 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 111
P. 16

BV111 pg 14-19 The Rattlebacks Interview.qxp_BV111 pg 16  22/11/2024  18:31  Page 3

              BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 16
                 And what does he hope his audience will get   jammed on a little bit," Coxy recalls. "He would-  be celebrated for our individuality and it's OK to
              from the album, especially considering some of   n't call himself a guitarist, by any means, but he   be different. And, for me, that's what I get out of
              the emotive subjects it contains, which we will   had a guitar, which I always found very interest-  music.
              cover in detail in due course?      ing. He was always tapping and things like that.   "I am different and so are most musicians,
                 "I haven't actually been asked that question   So I've always had an interest in rhythm and   which is why we find each other. All kind of
              yet. I don't really know," he responds. Giving   drums. I probably think I'm a drummer in dis-  weirdly the same. I'm fascinated by it, person-
              himself a few seconds to consider his answer,   guise, really.         ally. I'm fascinated by how we're all so similar
              he tells us, "I think it's important for us to write   "And then, finding ‘Appetite For Destruction’   and that's why you make such strong friendships
              about things which are important. We're not talk-  when I was like 9 or 10 and that kind of ‘Fucking   in this game."
              ing about dragons and fire and bollocks like that.   hell’ which changed my life. So then, Max getting
              We deal with real events that have happened to   a guitar, it was kind of like just a natural progres-  ne of the standout tracks of
              us and have shaped our lives and the things that   sion of learning. You know when you're that old,   O'Sidewinder' is 'Dementia Lounge', a
              are around us and, ultimately, I hope that's what   you're still learning about the world and about   title which likely needs little explanation. Coxy
              connects us with audiences.         what you like and what you don't like, and I was   tells us, "It's a personal subject to me with my
                 "You know that some of the things that we   fortunate enough to find ‘Appetite For Destruc-  grandfather who had  Alzheimer’s and my
              talked about on the record they might have been   tion’, that band you really connect with and, you   grandma had dementia. So, when Jack II (his
              through themselves or that they can at least un-  know, Max did the same.    way of referring to bassist Jack Hollamby) came
              derstand it. It's a part of the human condition. So   "We grew up watching Queen music videos.   up with the first riff that you hear, it's really dark.
              yeah, it's real stuff. Real people talking about   That was a thing, originally, which took us there.   It's a little bit, I suppose, darker and more Sab-
              real stuff. Hopefully in a framed and an interest-  But, I think the real catalyst for ‘Let's pick up a   bathy than what's on the rest of the album, let's
              ing and articulate way. But yeah, that's, again,   guitar and do this,’ was Guns 'N' Roses. So,   say. I had the chorus, and I was listening to a lot
              not for me to decide, but I think we've done that."   without them, there wouldn't be us, and you'll   of Sabbath, so that inspired it, at least in my
                                                  probably hear a lot of that in our music. It's prob-  head. The thought process of trying to come up
                    peaking about 'The Taste’, Coxy tells us,   ably a lot less than it used to be because, I think,   with some lyrical content that was darker.
                 S“That song was written in this room. I'm   that you tend to be your heroes when you first   "I was sitting at work and a colleague left to
              actually at my mum's this evening. I came home   start, then you find your own sound once you get   go and see her father in a nursing home and she
              from work on a lunch break, in this very room,   through it. But yeah, that's my journey with it, at   said, ‘I'm gonna go see him in the dementia
              to write that riff. I did it in half an hour. That song   least."      lounge.’ I was like, ‘Fucking hell. That's a very
              kind of took 20 minutes, it kind of came to me.                        powerful couple of words stuck together.’ All of
              Sat right where I am now. It's just funny how   ood stuff, we're sure you'll agree, but   a sudden, I was transported back to a time, I
              these things come up when people ask these   Gnow, time for some of that deeper stuff   guess, a similar sort of time, when I picked up a
              questions.”                         which we promised earlier. 'The Taste' includes   guitar and I was going into nursing homes and
                 He tells us how he came to know Max at   the lyric, ‘Burn my tongue of the taste. You can't   watching my grandad and then, ultimately, my
              such a young age.                   close your mind. So just try and silence mine.’    grandma, go through those similar things.
                 "Our parents met each other in the pub back   We ask Coxy his thoughts on people who   "So, it was just talking about that, and I was
              in the 80s, as they used to be professional stunt-  do close their minds or silence others, and   gonna talk about it. I didn't want to sugarcoat it.
              men. Through that, they got to know each other   whether he has an example of someone who   I didn't want to make it less horrible than it is.
              better. His parents are my godparents. We're   encourages others to open their minds or speak   That didn't seem fair to the people that have to
              both only children, so we're brothers, as far as   them that has particularly impressed him.   go through it. And, not just the people that have
              we're concerned. So, when he got a guitar at 11   "I guess you could look at Axl Rose. He was   to go through it, the families that have to go
              or 10 years old, I then got a guitar. I was at 11, I   that guy to me. I used to really enjoy his antics   through it as well. It's not just the demise of the
              think.                              and his onstage rants. He opened my mind to   individual, it's the demise of your parents and
                 "But yeah, he got one, so I got                                              the loved ones going through it.
              one. And, you know, we've been      think it's important for us to write about     "So, I wanted to write some-
              writing riffs ever since then. A lot of                                         thing raw, and that didn't shy away
              the time, in this very room. It's just   “Ithings which are important. We're not talk-  from that. I think I maybe lent into
              come about very organically.    ing about dragons and fire and bollocks like that.   it a little bit, artistically, with some
                 "There was a time when we  We deal with real events that have happened to us   of the cackling that you might hear
              were trading licks and things like   and have shaped our lives and the things that are   on it, maybe painting it like an asy-
              that, trying to be, you know, the                                               lum.
              next best lead guitarist. But, ulti-  around us and, ultimately, I hope that's what con-  "I got locked in the reverb
              mately, I found more pleasure and  nects us with audiences.” - Jack Cox         chamber in the bottom of a ship for
              interest in coming up with the riff                                             half an hour to do that. Kind of just
              and laying that down and then I'll                                              lost my mind in there, much to
              let Max do his stuff, because it became a point   lots of things. I liked his way of constructing   everyone's amusement! But I felt like that's what
              where he was pushing the limits of what I could   lyrics and the things he talks about, and the sub-  the song needed. Not because these places are
              comprehend.                         ject matter. Some of it I really related to, and   asylums; they are far from it. Bu,t it did appear
                 "So, we, ultimately, became a very old   some of it I just found really interesting."   to me to be that way when I was around that
              school guitar pairing, which you might recognise   He continues, “I think music helps you to   age, visiting my grandparents. I was scared and
              from some of our guitar heroes. I don't think   open your mind to certain things. I guess every-  it was a scary thing to witness. And you do hear
              there are many of these guitar pairings that re-  one listens to different types of music, which   those laughing things and so, I think, it came out
              ally exist. I'm truly a rhythm player. I have no de-  may open you to different things. To me, I don't   as something quite interesting."
              sire to play lead, and he's truly a lead guitar   necessarily trust anyone that doesn't like music!   Given his experience of the subject, we ask
              player, although he does play great rhythm."   Doesn't matter if you like the music we create or   Coxy whether he feels losing your memories is
                 Discussing the formation of the band, he   any music in general, but people that don't like   one of the worst things a human can experience
              tells Black Velvet, "We did do other things. I   music, I find that very interesting.    and suffer, not just for the person going through
              raced motorbikes. He went to university, and   "We're in a very strange time. I think we're   it, but those going through it with them.
              then I texted him to say, ‘Why aren't we doing   in a time where you can share so much but, at   "I don't know. I think there are a lot worse
              this?’ And, I suppose, that's the route back. So   the same point of time, if you don't conform to a   ways to go, for me, personally. I don't know how
              yeah, the melody did call to us. It called us back   narrative that is, you know, the main one, the   much the person knows about what is happen-
              to doing what we've been doing since we were   one that is generally accepted by society, then   ing, you know. I was young as well. So I don't
              11 and I think it's something you can feel on the   you're shunned and you're a bit of a pariah. So,   really have a proper memory or understanding
              record. I think it feels like a pair of guitar players   I think, it's an important time for art, music, com-  of it, necessarily. Maybe for the person it's not
              that are connected."                edy, I guess, literature, or things like that. We're   as bad. It's worse for the family members, as
                                                  in a time where it's maybe more important than   you say. I don't think it is a particularly pleasant
                    aving mentioned Max picked up the gui-  ever that we can make sure we can express all   way to die but, surely, it can't be up there with
                 Htar first, we ask if it was purely his inter-  the things we feel, regardless of if that upsets or   one of the best. But yeah, I don't think there's
              est which sparked his own or if there was   offends people in some way… Because, ulti-  any winners with that disease. But yeah, it's def-
              anything already burning prior to this.   mately, we shouldn't be conforming to an ideal   initely not in my top 100 ways to die."
                 "My dad had a little acoustic guitar, which he   or one person's ideal. We're human. We should   In the song, Coxy sings, ‘how long am I sup-
                THE RATTLEBACKS
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